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V - number of votes (out of 38 possible)
I - number of times the video got first place
II - number of times the video got second place
III - number of times the video got third place
0 - points were reduced due to absence of vote
0 - 20 bonus points were added for winning in additional vote
1. MrNosec - Numinous 34 5 4 3 504
2. JustRukia - Red Queen 31 2 7 8 476
3. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 34 2 6 5 456
4. leolide - clozufilu 32 7 3 445
5. kuruta - Amnesia 32 5 2 3 430
6. Joskua - Martyrdom 30 1 1 2 394
7. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 30 1 3 2 369
8. buggy - Singularity 29 2 2 349
9. cecco - Fjarlaegur 29 4 298
10. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 27 2 2 289
11. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 25 2 2 1 288
12. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 29 1 1 275
13. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 24 2 1 2 258
14. Duczmen - Godsend 22 2 247
15. Nixanol - Slice of life 20 1 2 223
16. bbsnypur - Frozen Dreams 19 2 219
17. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing 19 2 217
18. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 19 1 205
19. Reyzen - Over Time 19 1 184
20. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 21 181
21. Sebacarp - XPERIENCE 22 1 1 170
22. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 19 1 160
23. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles 20 1 140
24. MetL storm - Strayed 14 1 131
25. Kyci - Twintails and Music Clubs 18 129
26. Axel d'Arc - NONSENSE 12 1 127
27. wolf kun - WORLD OF THE GAME 16 1 102
28. King Redeem - Lune 12 1 101
29. David Heli - ANGER 15 94
30. KiyoT - Fall Down 12 91
30. Tribel - Divided Souls 12 91
32. Death_Kn1ght - BURN AWAY 13 1 89
33. Esencia de Iris - Polaris 14 80
34. NanaMi - Lonely Honor 8 70
35. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 8 1 62
36. t_elos - Anemones For 12 58
37. IGNOTUM - Fishes 11 47
38. TakayanagiPRO - No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop 7 44
39. kawaimi-chan - Goodbye 5 31
40. Kolombina9 - Космос в её голове 5 26
1. MrNosec - Numinous 36 20 145
2. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles 24 2 77
3. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 20 3 61
4. wolf kun - WORLD OF THE GAME 21 1 54
4. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 19 3 54
6. Death_Kn1ght - BURN AWAY 17 5 50
7. David Heli - ANGER 17 1 43
8. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 16 2 38
8. Esencia de Iris - Polaris 15 38
10. NanaMi - Lonely Honor 10 2 25
1. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 27 10 103
2. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 24 11 86
3. buggy - Singularity 27 6 83
4. Reyzen - Over Time 21 3 58
4. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 19 4 58
6. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 16 1 42
7. kawaimi-chan - Goodbye 12 1 33
8. KiyoT - Fall Down 13 28
8. MetL storm - Strayed 10 1 28
10. Kolombina9 - Космос в её голове 8 23
11. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 9 2 22
12. David Heli - ANGER 9 21
1. leolide - clozufilu 29 21 50
2. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 30 10 40
3. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing 19 8 27
1. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 33 18 111
2. kuruta - Amnesia 29 8 77
3. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 27 7 74
4. King Redeem - Lune 22 3 43
5. Sebacarp - XPERIENCE 15 1 35
6. Tribel - Divided Souls 21 1 32
7. Kolombina9 - Космос в её голове 9 1 18
1. Joskua - Martyrdom 24 15 39
2. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 18 11 29
3. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 16 7 23
4. Kyci - Twintails and Music Clubs 14 5 19
5. TakayanagiPRO - No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop 6 1 7
1. leolide - clozufilu 25 9 90
2. Joskua - Martyrdom 24 11 85
3. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 24 4 74
4. Duczmen - Godsend 20 2 63
5. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 16 6 56
6. cecco - Fjarlaegur 19 3 55
7. bbsnypur - Frozen Dreams 14 2 41
8. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 8 2 21
9. NanaMi - Lonely Honor 6 17
10. Tribel - Divided Souls 5 15
11. KiyoT - Fall Down 6 13
12. t_elos - Anemones For 12 12
13. kawaimi-chan - Goodbye 6 11
13. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles 6 11
13. TakayanagiPRO - No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop 4 11
1. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 33 9 84
2. MrNosec - Numinous 25 11 77
3. kuruta - Amnesia 27 6 68
4. Nixanol - Slice of life 24 7 62
5. buggy - Singularity 26 5 57
6. Axel d'Arc - NONSENSE 15 1 30
7. IGNOTUM - Fishes 6 12
1. JustRukia - Red Queen 29 13 114
2. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 29 11 103
3. bbsnypur - Frozen Dreams 26 3 75
4. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 21 2 67
5. cecco - Fjarlaegur 21 3 54
6. Duczmen - Godsend 19 2 48
7. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 16 2 46
8. King Redeem - Lune 16 1 37
9. t_elos - Anemones For 10 2 16
10. MetL storm - Strayed 8 15
1. leolide - clozufilu 26 11 97
2. Joskua - Martyrdom 20 9 73
3. JustRukia - Red Queen 16 1 48
4. Nixanol - Slice of life 10 2 35
5. kuruta - Amnesia 10 3 33
6. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing 8 3 29
7. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 9 27
8. Duczmen - Godsend 8 1 24
9. buggy - Singularity 8 1 23
10. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 11 1 22
11. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 6 3 20
12. cecco - Fjarlaegur 7 16
13. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 6 15
14. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 5 12
15. King Redeem - Lune 4 1 11
16. wolf kun - WORLD OF THE GAME 4 10
16. MrNosec - Numinous 4 10
18. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 4 8
18. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 3 8
18. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 2 8
18. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 2 1 8
22. IGNOTUM - Fishes 2 1 7
23. TakayanagiPRO - No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop 3 6
24. Kyci - Twintails and Music Clubs 3 5
24. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 1 1 5
26. KiyoT - Fall Down 2 4
26. Axel d'Arc - NONSENSE 1 4
28. Esencia de Iris - Polaris 2 3
28. Sebacarp - XPERIENCE 1 3
30. Death_Kn1ght - BURN AWAY 1 2
31. MetL storm - Strayed 1 1
32. t_elos - Anemones For 5 0
1. MrNosec - Numinous 17 9 66
2. JustRukia - Red Queen 18 1 58
3. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 16 3 55
4. leolide - clozufilu 15 4 50
5. kuruta - Amnesia 12 3 40
6. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing 7 5 31
7. buggy - Singularity 11 2 28
8. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 8 2 26
9. Nixanol - Slice of life 5 2 21
10. Duczmen - Godsend 8 1 18
11. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 9 17
11. Joskua - Martyrdom 5 1 17
13. cecco - Fjarlaegur 8 16
14. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 4 1 12
15. bbsnypur - Frozen Dreams 5 10
15. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 3 1 10
15. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 2 2 10
18. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 4 9
18. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 3 9
20. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 4 7
20. Sebacarp - XPERIENCE 2 1 7
20. Reyzen - Over Time 2 1 7
20. TakayanagiPRO - No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop 2 7
24. Kyci - Twintails and Music Clubs 3 6
24. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles 2 6
24. Esencia de Iris - Polaris 2 6
27. Death_Kn1ght - BURN AWAY 2 5
27. wolf kun - WORLD OF THE GAME 2 5
29. MetL storm - Strayed 2 4
29. King Redeem - Lune 2 4
29. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 2 4
29. IGNOTUM - Fishes 1 4
33. Axel d'Arc - NONSENSE 2 3
34. Tribel - Divided Souls 2 2
35. David Heli - ANGER 1 1
35. kawaimi-chan - Goodbye 1 1
34. t_elos - Anemones For 1 0
1. JustRukia - Red Queen 25 8 90
2. MrNosec - Numinous 20 7 66
3. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 19 2 53
4. leolide - clozufilu 18 3 50
5. kuruta - Amnesia 17 3 47
6. buggy - Singularity 14 3 44
7. Joskua - Martyrdom 10 1 33
8. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 11 1 29
9. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing 7 2 26
10. Nixanol - Slice of life 7 21
11. Duczmen - Godsend 6 1 19
12. cecco - Fjarlaegur 6 2 17
13. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 4 1 12
14. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 3 1 11
15. Sebacarp - XPERIENCE 3 1 9
15. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 2 1 9
17. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 3 8
18. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 3 6
18. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 2 6
20. Kyci - Twintails and Music Clubs 1 1 5
20. Reyzen - Over Time 1 1 5
22. wolf kun - WORLD OF THE GAME 2 4
23. Axel d'Arc - NONSENSE 2 2
23. IGNOTUM - Fishes 1 2
23. MetL storm - Strayed 1 2
26. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles 1 1
26. Death_Kn1ght - BURN AWAY 1 1
26. Esencia de Iris - Polaris 1 1
26. Tribel - Divided Souls 1 1
26. KiyoT - Fall Down 1 1
30. t_elos - Anemones For 2 0
1. JustRukia - Red Queen 22 5 78
2. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 19 7 68
3. kuruta - Amnesia 14 4 47
4. leolide - clozufilu 12 5 42
5. buggy - Singularity 13 1 36
6. Joskua - Martyrdom 12 2 35
7. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 11 1 28
8. Duczmen - Godsend 7 3 25
9. Mortiss & Rokabe - O.U.T.S.I.D.E. 7 2 22
9. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing 6 3 22
11. cecco - Fjarlaegur 8 20
12. Nixanol - Slice of life 5 2 19
12. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace 5 19
14. MrNosec - Numinous 7 1 16
15. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho 6 1 15
16. Mr.Memory - Another story of Another 4 1 14
17. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 6 10
18. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 3 1 9
19. David Heli - ANGER 3 7
19. wolf kun - WORLD OF THE GAME 2 7
19. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany 2 7
22. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles 3 6
22. Esencia de Iris - Polaris 2 6
24. bbsnypur - Frozen Dreams 2 3
24. kawaimi-chan - Goodbye 2 3
24. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 2 3
24. Kyci - Twintails and Music Clubs 2 3
24. Axel d'Arc - NONSENSE 2 3
24. Kolombina9 - Космос в её голове 1 3
24. KiyoT - Fall Down 1 3
31. Sebacarp - XPERIENCE 1 2
31. Tribel - Divided Souls 1 2
33. TakayanagiPRO - No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop 1 1
33. NanaMi - Lonely Honor 1 1
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