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Mr.Memory  (TOS MAD CLUB)  [ Mr.Memory ]
Xian, China
Hello AKROSS! This is Mr.Memory from China. This is my first time to take part in a video competition and it’s also my first attempt to make a crossover. “Another” was the first anime I watched. It feels good to look back in time and be myself. In the past few months, a lot of authors and friends gave me advice during the production of this video, especially reAct. I want to thank everyone who helped me and also to you for taking your time to read this and support my AMV!
Video    Various [ Another, Hyouka, Guilty Crown, Hanasaku Iroha, Kyokai no Kanata, Plastic Memories, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru ]
Audio    Nightcall - Dead V
Genre    Story, Drama
4:03 | 35,6 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:03 | 16,8 Mb. | 640x360 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 37 « [1] 2 3 4 »
FT AMVs  [ 23 December 2017, 07:33 ]
wow, Great job in the vid, impressive unexpected
KEN13  [ 13 November 2017, 19:51 ]
Клип получился неплохим, но вот песня просто ужас (т.е. не к месту)!!
DEDninja  [ 22 October 2017, 15:57 ]
Отличная работа! слабая сторона в этом клипе это хлопорты в некоторых местах, и криво созданная автором трекобработка.
Mr.Memory  [ 01 Febuary 2017, 17:38 ]
Once again, thanks to all the comments and voting for this AMV! Without your support and appreciation this video will not enter the finalist of AKROSS 2016. I will treasure all the suggestions of this video. Thank you! :wink:
Mr.Memory  [ 30 January 2017, 18:22 ]
Thanks for the comment! I'm a big fan of your AMVs! I think your videos are full of inovations which I still need to improve. The use of twixtor was intentional. However, the result wasn't accepted by most of the viewers. I'll be sure to pay attention to all the comments of this video in order to improve my future AMVs. :smile:
InsanitySupporter  [ 29 January 2017, 02:36 ]
I like the fresh concept for an Another video!
Your lightning, color correction and camaera movements are nice, but I think you could improve your transitions making them smoother, and I don't know if the "lag" in some of your scenes with twixtor was for a lack of experience using it or was allowed on purposd?
The "fast" parts could have better dynamics and movement.
Xsive Pro  [ 25 January 2017, 09:28 ]
Момент начинающийся на 2:39 супер сильный и взрывной, ради него стоило ознакомиться с клипом. Работа плавная и ровная, но мне не хватило раскрытия истории, из-за этого чувствуется что не дожали клип, до лучшего его состояния.
Mr.Memory  [ 24 January 2017, 16:48 ]
Thanks to all the voting!
ICEberg  [ 17 January 2017, 18:04 ]
техника есть
какая-то история есть
мелодрама имеется

но мимо
драмы не увидел
финал невнятен
leolide  [ 29 December 2016, 23:31 ]
i feel ideitified with ur twixtor have a 10/10 would bang :cool:
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