2ndState: The ability to get opinions on my video, which will help me in the long run, and being part of this con is just exciting in general.
AlchemistEskimo: It was very well structured and the contest itself pushed me to make something good!
Anicsi: The variety of videos and people present. There are editors of all kinds, which makes it really interesting. The process was generally easy as well. The site and the coordination was greatly done.
Animated: This is Akross, you get prestige points just by entering here! Also, the speed at which Evilspider responded to something I asked him.
Artofeel: перенос его на конец января.
в идеале бы, перенести его на конец февраля. :)
BerlitzxXx: this competition there are always amazing clips.
cecco: the structure,organization.
Centurione: Videos being premiered gradually, big amounts of comments on the videos.
Derisor: Все понравилось, особенно панель участника радует - с каждым годом все удобнее становится
diegao94: The organization.
DigiCat: many editors come to this contest from around the world. so I love this contest <3
Domius: The competition.
Eake4 & NosAMVs: The vast number of viewers and audience who comment often constructive feedback to the editor so they can improve.
GINBR: I like the competition between the editors, quality of amvs, as reviewed and dedication of the participants
goЯz: The rating system, videos presentation, high level competition, simplified and friendly website interface.
irriadin: The quality of the entrants is much higher than is typical.
JSK: The fact that your work can be viewed by experienced authors, it makes you learn a lot and you eventually could improve your skills. Also, I watched a lot of videos that are art pieces. It was delightful.
JadeCharm: the number of participants
JazzsVids: I think the contest is very well organized. I also found the coordinator very understanding in allowing extra time for submissions featuring technical difficulties or mistakes.
John: Many people participate from the various countries of the world.
But this time, I felt that participants were fewer than before.
So I hope that the participants will increase more next time :)
JustRukia: Как всегда организация и все кто принял участие, и два клипа, которые я сохранил. Раньше было меньше.
Kaito: что он опять таки случился
Kimihairu: Стабильность и организация, охват аудитории и, собственно, сам конкурс. Организаторам спасибо за труд, зрителям благодарность за внимание и отзывы!
KSANDR: можно сказать что этот конкурс международного класса. есть возможность по состязаться с авторами из других стран.
Kuba-Dis: Я получила хороший опыт, выросла профессионально(я надеюсь), насмотрелась потрясающих AMV, попала в финал и по моему этого вполне достаточно что бы участвовать снова.
kuruta: all
Kvakond: It's still the #1 contest for the highest quality amvs any community can produce. Some of these guys should be offered jobs in Hollywood.
MagicDarkLight: The good videos and the number of contestants.
masaka!: Lively discussion.
MentalTsui: The deadline extension. :P
mizugorou_753: Much wonderful AMV was able to be seen in this contest.
Mosaic: This year, in general, the competition didn't had a heavy mood, due to the less amount of people participating. Less competition, more air to breath.
Okami: I like it because I consider it one of the best contest of amv.
ONEWAYS: Many good AMVer around the world participated in.
ProjectBarcodeError: -variety/quantity of AMVs.
RiceAMV: Competition
Rikudo: Good organization, it's really important for contest like this, so good job!
Scittalec: Fracture / Pandora / Not just a Dream
STICKYGAIDEN: His reputation and his ergonomy.
TritioAFB: -The main fact that some of the suggestions made last year were taken in consideration: Adding of an Upload Bar, Hall of Fame. Considering the fact that many contests don't keep in mind suggestions, AKROSS Con proved that there's space for dialogue.
-This year several of the participants weren't confused about info for the contest. Everything was clear from the beginning.
-although the contest started later this year, enough time was given for the extensions.
-There was a little increase in the participations of the audience about commenting and rating videos
-The fact to share time with several editors that is hard to find even in non contests seasons.
-Meeting new editors specially from the eastern region (Japan, China) although I know who was involved with that ;)
-The fact that you gave the editors the chance to pick their own thumbnails
TrXdorif: Everything is clear, and well organized.
xDieguitoAMV: How the videos are premiered on the site. Also the amount of editors and videos that the contest has.
Yusuke: The possibility of matching with other people more experienced than me.
[key]Scarlet: The system of final ratings. The daily publications of videos.
2ndState: The wait, lol. It is really nerve racking to wait to see the finalist selection, and now the final results.
AlchemistEskimo: Rules on publishing your video until after the contest.
Anicsi: Some annoying trolls or rude people who think they know it all. Editors who only write 'bad' or 'sucks' on videos, without explaining why. But I guess those people exist everywhere.
Animated: The fact that more editors are now entering the competition, but in a weird way the quality of videos has fallen a bit. Nothing you guys can fix, though.
Artofeel: отсутствие техпроверки.
BerlitzxXx: everything, the site is well done.
cecco: nothing.
Centurione: I think the placing in categories should be published on the main site for every finalist to see it before the voting starts. Hardly anyone checks the forum frequently.
Derisor: Нет такого
diegao94: Deadline extention.
System of voting: you should make a jury and not let participants vote.
DigiCat: nothing
Domius: I don't know D:
Eake4 & NosAMVs: It could have been promoted more in this regard, Akross feels like it has been losing editors.
GINBR: nothing
goЯz: The duration of the contest in my opinion is just too long.
irriadin: The requirements to not upload the video for such a long time to other sites.
JSK: When people didn't comment in english or spanish, I had to translate it with Google, and it gave me weird traductions.
JadeCharm: I would wish for a better visualization in the voting form. It always takes too much time until I looked up every video listed in a category.
And I noticed that comments from people get more rude every year...this is probably not your fault but maybe you could think of some solution
JazzsVids: I disliked how long it takes for all the videos to premier. It is easy to forget about the earlier entries into the contest. Also it seems very biased that the contest ends with the most-likely candidates for winning the contest. It seems unfair. I don't know of this decision is made consciously.
John: Nothing in particular.
JustRukia: Много чего, если все назвать одним словом – “скучно”. Ожидаю шоковых результатов, чтобы хоть как-то компенсировать застой.
Kaito: слишком долгие сроки
Kimihairu: Время проведения, или точнее - его финальных стадий. Февраль - это уже слишком. :}
Слившиеся авторы, которых очень ждал, но это уже о другом.
KSANDR: ничего
Kuba-Dis: Да все отлично.
kuruta: wait results XD
Kvakond: The way videos are published over the course of 2 months let's some of the early birds get extra exposure over those who get the last minute spots. Though as we have seen this year, the best videos can still butcher their competition regardless of when they are published.
MagicDarkLight: The comments from some trolls that could have been dealt with a bit faster (Enigmo). And the akross too great exclusivity.
masaka!: Discussion becomes a too belligerent tone,in some cases
MentalTsui: Nothing actually. Everything went smoothly. Maybe I'd say the major delay that took place but that seemed more advantageous for the contestants. :'D And I'm sure the administration had its reasons.
mizugorou_753: Nothing special.
Mosaic: This year, the selection of bland finalists, (subjectively) "weak" videos was prioritized.
Okami: The votation.
ONEWAYS: Can't release your work until the end of contest.
ProjectBarcodeError: -Some minor thing but nothing extremly precise to make a fuss about it.
RiceAMV: Voting Scores, It's like grinding an RPG Game.
Rikudo: What I disliked the most was judging the "best fun/comedy video"; I really didn't like the videos under that category.Other than that I didn't like the change of the deadline. For the rest nothing to say.
Scittalec: Waterworld
STICKYGAIDEN: Maybe some favorism from the admin : all the best videos are always displayed in the end, that could distort the final judgment of the viewers.
TritioAFB: -Participation for the audience should be encouraged in the future. Lately the same people is commenting all the time
-Ask the moderators to take care of the discussions of the entry because you have several videos where spam was dominating the discussions/comments sections
TrXdorif: There is nothing much to mention.
xDieguitoAMV: The spam in the comments, i think that someone of Akross stuff has to moderate the comments.
Yusuke: I didn't like the deadline extention.
[key]Scarlet: The low amount of really interesting videos.
2ndState: Nothing comes to mine, overall I had an enjoyable experience.
AlchemistEskimo: Video publishing rules so you can upload during the contest.
Anicsi: I don't think it makes much sense that we aren't allowed to upload our own videos to youtube f.e. when other channels are uploading them anyway (like bestamvsofalltimes or the official akross channel). I'd be great if we could upload our videos once they have premiered on the site.
Animated: No problem with the rules, keep it as it is. I would just encourage the Russian community to start writing in English their comments, since this is the biggest international AMV contest. Also, I would like to have the main page in English by default, it's tiring swiching it from Russian every time I enter.
Artofeel: забраковывать бы откровенно слабые работы...
BerlitzxXx: I do not know, I like it so.
cecco: nothing.
Centurione: Filesize limits. They were extended this year but I think they should be even less strict, especially since the effects in videos are going further and further.
Derisor: Ничего, все и так хорошо
diegao94: Nothing in particular.
DigiCat: nothing
Domius: I think it' works well :D
Eake4 & NosAMVs: By removing the rule of having to not include audio of the original anime series in the AMV. It keeps people away from becoming as creative as possible and videos like Okami's one passed technical checks despite having that rule.
GINBR: nothing
goЯz: The fact that we canno't upload our videos until the contest is finished doesn't seem right to me
irriadin: Combine the user voting area and the finalist voting, so that you only have to vote once rather than two times.
JSK: Nothing comes to my mind at this moment.
JadeCharm: More time to fill out the voting form. I had only a few days to watch 60 video after I got voted into the finals. I would wish there was at least a week because it is very hard to make my thoughts to the amvs in such a short time
JazzsVids: Like every year, I really feel the authors should be allowed to upload their video to YouTube after its premiere date. Outsiders who did not make the video, take the liberty to upload them anyway. This is not fair. If Akross does not consider changing this rule next year, I may reconsider entering this contest again.
John: I want you to lengthen the creation period because the deadlines changed in the middle of the contest.
And I'm glad if all the results come out within the year like before.
I'm sorry for my poor English.
Thank you for the great contest.
JustRukia: Наверное, как всегда ничего. И так все здорово.
Kaito: можно убрать номинацию дизайн титров? каждый раз такая боль выбирать, учитывая, насколько я, например, к ним (титрам) в принципе параллельно отношусь
Kimihairu: Особых нареканий не имею: нынешний регламент, система оценки и финального голосования - от них получаю отдельное удовольствие от участия на АКРОССе.
Единственное, упомянутое время проведения и окончания конкурса. Чтоб хотя бы как в прошлом году было.
KSANDR: посадил бы за решётку всех депутатов-взяточников :) но это к правилам или регламенту не относится)
Kuba-Dis: Маленькие сроки для голосования за дополнительные места и голосования финалистов. Я человек с малым количеством свободного времени и за 3 дня пересмотреть такую кучу роликов для меня проблематично.
kuruta: nothing
Kvakond: Shorter period of publishing time, more time to vote
MagicDarkLight: Let people upload their amvs on youtube and everywhere else as soon as they are uploaded on the site.
masaka!: I'm so glad, If there were rules and guidelines written in Japanese.
MentalTsui: None actually, all the rules pretty much are just and fair.
mizugorou_753: Nothing special.
Mosaic: Change the key dates for the contest in general, instead of the main registration period starts in October, let it start at September.
Okami: Nothing.
ONEWAYS: nothing
ProjectBarcodeError: allow editors to upload there videos a moment after the screening (maybe one week?). some people are waiting since maybe 3 months... it's ridiculous.
RiceAMV: Make finalists votes worth more.
Rikudo: Nothing
Scittalec: "Once I had an idea, what would happen if A.С. took a break for a year? What authors will show us after the break? How it will influence on them?"
Insane thoughts aloud.
STICKYGAIDEN: The possibility to enter the source list AFTER we ulpoad the video, not only before (during the registration period). Cause of course the list can change until we finished our clip.
TritioAFB: -In the future define some other facts about the differences between local contests and online contests. Some people is confused what to do in case another contest they want to participate is near the end of the contest. While online contests has been defined already, nothing has been said about local contests.
-Keeping the 'extensions' method since several people study/work and with little free time they will be able to finish (In the condition that they started their proyect in the same time the contest was opened)
-Encourage the moderators to control spam. It was disturbing to see lots of section filled with nonsense spam
-This is a suggestion: If russian or foreigner editors want to show a video depending of the use of a foreigner language, add subtitles. Many of the non russian editors were complaining that they couldn't understand what the video wanted to say
TrXdorif: Everything is cool.
xDieguitoAMV: Hate the rule that don't allow to the creator to upload his video on youtube or other streaming page.
I like that everybody has the posibility to download our videos and upload it to the internet, BUT.. why the creator of the video has to wait like 3 month??? is ridiculous and annoying in my opinion.
Also the extention of the deadline.
Yusuke: Nothing.
[key]Scarlet: Nothing.
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