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goЯz - Fracture

AlchemistEskimo (1): Fracture is visually stunning and brilliant on a technical level as well.

cecco (1): It's deserved totally to win.

Centurione (1): I'm all jelly about this video and I'm pretty sure it's the winner of the contest. Despite it being a bit boring in the middle part and having some little technical problems, it was a very fresh and impressive work.

DigiCat (1): I thought your idea and editing skill is great. anyway it was perfect XD

Domius (1): A great artistic effort, congratulations!

GINBR (1): best

JSK (1): There isn't too much I can say about this video, it made me smile and feel heartwarmed, and your editing and that flying stuff thingy was so perfect...

JazzsVids (1): I found Gorz's entry this year very technically innovative. With a clear combination of technical knowledge between Umika, lolligerjoj and Gorz's personal creative uniqueness, the editor has created something worth admiration and critical acclaim. I found the concept simple yet refreshing. The editor excellently captures a mood that is lighthearted and inspiring. I perceived the floating objects as coming together to create something from nothing. How you can piece together the small things you do have to create something much bigger and worthwhile. Editing wise, the video was very easy on the eyes and flowed well. There wasn't any major syncing with the music, but this allowed the viewer to focus more on the video itself and the mood it is trying to create. I feel there was not a strong focus on the actual editing of the clips along with the music. The focus was mostly visual qualities. While the visual effects were outstanding, it did not distract from the video. As a whole, everything in the video was beautifully and artistically portrayed without being over-the-top. A memorable addition to the Akross legacy.

JustRukia (1): Здорово все вышло, красочно под настроение. И главное с оригинальным подходом, что не мало важно.

kuruta (1): excellent idea and desing.

Kvakond (1): Brilliant both in concept and execution, I'm still lost at how he made the credits or some of the shadows for instance

masaka! (1): Fantasic and Fantastic! I really liked it.

mizugorou_753 (1): This video had the novel concept and it was intelligible.

ONEWAYS (1): A crazy idea but you did it. Awesome technical work, the details were perfect. Overall, A great AMV, it's a new level. I look forward to see more AMVs from you in future:)

RiceAMV (1): Simply Original, new ideas, very clean and well implemented. Few errors.

Rikudo (1): Surely one of the video with the most original concept I've ever saw. I really liked the way he mixed the protagonists with the situation outside. Really enojoyable video, it deserves the 1st place!

Scittalec (1): This AMV is amazing! After viewing appears storm of emotions and undying desire to create something meaningful. GoRz, Thank you for such a wonderful work.

STICKYGAIDEN (1): This clip has several undeniable advantages: even apart from its technical and aesthetic aspect, it is a true visual originality that allows Gorz to create a true identity to his clip. Congratulation.

xDieguitoAMV (1): What can i say.. this is a fantastic video, love everything of it. My fav from this contest.

xDreww (1): Just amazing creativity, visual effects. Great AMV that just stands out from all the rest.

Anicsi (2): In this video I enjoyed how a simple concept could become so interesting. I don't think there is much of a plot going on, just this basic idea that keeps the attention of the audience because it's like... in your face. All these objects flying around, it seems like it's completely natural for that world. Naturally the editing, coloring and mood of the video were perfect as well. It's just a piece that has the right to exist on its own.

MentalTsui (2): Seems to be the first of its kind, as far as I know. It's not that perfect in technical aspects but it was great enough to portray what the author was aiming to show.

Okami (2): Best video technically but the concept is banal.

Artofeel (3): Interesting concept, very RIGHT choice of music, excellent technical performance, it would seem that more needed? But alas, for me this video is too correct, aimed at a mass if it was produced by top managers, to offer maximum profit. Yes, I'm hate POP. :P

Derisor (3): Оригинально)

diegao94 (3): The video which gave me the best feeling.

JadeCharm (3): I think it deserves a winning place because the use of effects and scene manipulation was so much effort and it really looks amazing.

Kimihairu (3): Очень свежий клип. Один из тех типов сентиментала, уверенного представителя которого я ждал все это время где-то в глубине души. Клип, вызывающий идиотскую улыбку; прозрачный, причудливый и яркий. Интересно, чего ждать от Автора дальше? :}

Kuba-Dis (3): У меня были определенные нарекания к этой работе, но на фоне общей атмосферы и красоты ролика они потерялись. Задумка действительно интересная и реализована на все 100%.

MagicDarkLight (3): Bluffé par le taff', bien joué mec!

TritioAFB (3): Yet another surprise. Seems like someone has been doing his homework eh? Good way to combine several of the tendecies in amvs nowadays: crossover, twixtor and lot of technical work in it.

Yusuke (3): Time goes faster when you are with the video you love.

Centurione - Pandora

diegao94 (1): The most solid work for me. A lot of good points, and almost no bad points.

goЯz (1): Conceptually driven, visually pleasant, and top notch editing, everything flowed perfectly with a very elegant approach to the song.

irriadin (1): It's visually striking, unified through a stark contrast of black and red, and is incredibly tastefully edited. A pure visual experience edited with consummate skill and attention to detail. It's very artistic and retains interest throughout through the use of fantastic scene selection and clever internal synch. The coloration effects are nothing short of breathtaking.

KSANDR (1): красиво стилизованный клип. совмещение чёрных и красных цветов всегда хорошо со читались, из за этого визуально всё смотрелось очень красиво.

Kuba-Dis (1): Отличная работа, выполненная на высоком уровне, как техническая часть так и художественная составляющая. Не буду скрывать что стиль данного ролика в моем вкусе и возможно по этому я отдала ему первое место.

MagicDarkLight (1): My favourite in the contest, really stylish and pro.

Yusuke (1): Take this video: it's of course one of the best this year, and my favourite one in this Akross.

[key]Scarlet (1): It's truly a beautiful video. Great use of effects and good scene selection, all blended very well.

AlchemistEskimo (2): Pandora was extremely atmospheric and captured an idea that I'd never seen put into an amv.

Animated (2): By far the most erotic AMV of the last years. Dramatic, as well as mysteriously sexy, it holds you and doesn't let go till the end. Red and black? Wow.

Derisor (2): Красивая и атмосферная работа, при просмотре завораживает

Eake4 & NosAMVs (2): One of the most enjoyable moments in 2013.

GINBR (2): amazing

JSK (2): This blew my mind. The effects are gorgeous, your concept is really nice, the song fits your idea. I loved it.

Kimihairu (2): Не клип, а конфетка. Сладкий такой, запойный, пленительный, засасывающий в свою метаморфозную бесконечность. И томительный. Наслаждался на протяжении всего просмотра. Спасибо!

Kvakond (2): Beautiful, unified visual solutions resulting in a great atmosphere

ONEWAYS (2): Your uses of color were always impressed.Actually I don‘t like the song,but I think it dosen't matter at all because you made a great atmosphere.Well done.

Rikudo (2): Love,romance,erotic and dark angels, everything in one video. One of my favourite video of this contest for sure, also that red coloration gave the video one touch of elegance. Good job centurione!

Scittalec (2): Such an atmosphere! Author created really beautiful and elegant AMV.

TritioAFB (2): An unexpected surprise for this contest. Considering the fact that more than 80% of the clip was edited into the same direction, surpassing the 2012 presentation, and in terms of the stetic manner, very beautiful clip

cecco (3): Good video, deserved this.

JustRukia (3): Атмосферная работа, которая заслуживает своего внимание. Среди многих работ, это все же чем-то свежее и живее, есть какое-то чувство прекрасного.

masaka! (3): It's a little bit scary and sensual. Its atmosphere is very attractive.

MentalTsui (3): I really enjoyed watching this one. It was pretty well executed and the mood in it was what pulled me to it the most.

Okami (3): Nice concept but not perfect technically. I like more the middle part. Good job.

RiceAMV (3): Good Concept, Nice color theme, well displayed/

STICKYGAIDEN (3): Beautiful piece of visual expression. Centurione has used of shades and colors with an extreme precision to make a stunning and sensual video.

xDreww (3): Great feeling, loved the coloring. Took me a bit to understand the concept, and grew to really like the video and thought it deserved to be top 3.

ONEWAYS - The Boy Who Murdered Love

JadeCharm (1): Everything is perfect. Best use of effects, original idea and makes me wanna rewatch it a few times because it simply is fun to watch! Thanks for that great piece of art :)

John (1): This is a really fantastic video no matter how many times I watch it. Motion graphics and storyline etc, what an incredible work. Thank you so much for the fantastic video.

KSANDR (2): отличная история любви с большим вложением сил в работу.

mizugorou_753 (2): The color scheme and motion graphics of this video are liking.

xDieguitoAMV (2): I watched this video like 10 times, really enjoyable and addictive. Awesome work with the effects.

xDreww (2): Concept, and effects were all great, great editing knew it was top 3 in my opinion.

[key]Scarlet (2): It was my personal favourite, I really liked it!

2ndState (3): The story the author tried to tell was clear and easy to follow. The editing done really complimented the song all the way through.

DigiCat (3): your editing style was similar to little MAD. I'm japanese,so I really really love it <3 I want to be friends with you XDD

GINBR (3): well executed
Rebelion - Nurture

Derisor (1): Мощный выстрел

Eake4 & NosAMVs (1): An amazing combination of motion graphics design in this video, personally I would've liked a bit more of an focus on smaller details but that is just me.

Kaito (1): не могу устоять, когда из совершенно не отражаемых мной исходников автор делает нечто, что западает и запоминается.

MentalTsui (1): My favorite entry. It has done the game series some justice and has portrayed its story briefly. The technical work in it is very very splendid. Well done!

TritioAFB (1): In a beginning you might thought this clip could be just some fan art with some motion added, but that's if you dont get caught into the clip. It's hard to find this style nowadays in amvs so I consider this clip different to the average clip.

Artofeel (2): Самая техническая работа на конкурсе, на конкурсе музыкальных видео. Обычно под понятием "музыкальное видео" понимается музыкальное видео в котором нет пробела между "музыкальное" и "видео", хоть, пускай они и пишутся раздельно. Но Реб уже второй клип подряд показывает нам, что между "музыкальное" и "видео" есть таки пробел и что его нужно явно видеть...

Centurione (2): I'm really stunned with the visual side of this video. There were some things that could be improved but it was such a pleasant watch for the eye and such an impressive technical work it surely deserves to be in the top3 of the contest. I just wish the story was shown in a more clear way.

diegao94 (2): Best technical work, with few defects and no soul.

DigiCat (2): I love your motion graphics. it was really smooth and cool. I will learn many technic from your AMV.

goЯz (2): Awesome compositions, great technical performance, one of the very few videos with this kind of consistency.

irriadin (2): To say that this video is technically impressive is a huge understatement; this video puts a lot of professional work to shame. It's extremely visceral and exciting, and the motion and transitions are equally enticing. This is so good it feels like an elaborate video produced by the Metal Gear Solid team itself!

JustRukia (2): Качественная работа, зная как тяжело делать подобное, смело поставил его на первое не глядя. Жаль, что не могу, даже с учетом всего. Так не хватает осмысленности происходящему, зная как трудно в подобное впихнуть хоть какую-то идею или сюжет. Одной картинкой уже сыт не будешь.

MagicDarkLight (2): Wow... I wasn't even expecting a mad from you, it was perfect.

RiceAMV (2): Amazing Technical work, while panning is still flawed, very good composition.

STICKYGAIDEN (2): Superb design and graphic motion which honor to the Metal Gear Solid universe.

AlchemistEskimo (3): Nurture brought to life Metal Gear Solid to life in a way that was absolutely awesome!

JazzsVids (3): The motion graphics were very impressive, earning my nomination of this entry.

mizugorou_753 (3): This video is summarizing the time series of the story well and smartly. And a motion of a camera and production are very also liking.

[key]Scarlet (3): ome amazing technical work, solid editing and great flow. I just didn't like some camera movements.
lolligerjoj - tan(x)

2ndState (1): Everything was so well done, from timing and effects all the way down to scene selection. It was simply a masterpiece.

Animated (1): The AMV with the biggest plot twist ever made. You have to watch it till the end to figure out what was happening. Great flow, sometimes upbeat - sometimes dramatic, and shocking in the end. Great use of effects too, especially twixtor.

Artofeel (1): What I most appreciate in music videos, it's feelings that they can cause when viewing. Usually it is one or two, but this one caused me a whole bunch of different emotions: surprise, admiration, disgust, joy, romance, sadness and yes... [4:42] — orgasm! Thank you.

Domius (2): Very interesting and deep, i love it!

Kaito (2): красота же~~~~~

Yusuke (2): The most controversial video, and surely one of the best!


Anicsi (1): When I first watched it, I had a huge smile on my face. It's catchy and artsy and very original. All of these are things I appreciate in a video. It shows creativity and technical knowledge, and it's different from most videos I've seen so far. That's why it's worthy of my Nr. 1.

Kimihairu (1): Мой безусловный фаворит этого конкурса. Клип бодрящий, харизматичный, ироничный, блистательный, с солидным эффортом, небанальный. Сам не заметил, как стал пересматривать его каждый день. Заслуженное первое место. "До Кваки не дотянул"(с) :}

cecco (2): Impressive work,deserved this place.

JadeCharm (2): Never seen something like that before. Was interesting from the beginning to the end. Very outstanding.

Kuba-Dis (2): Действительно хороший ролик, интересный Motion Design. Грамотно подобранная музыка, создана потрясающая атмосфера. На самом деле не люблю черно-белые ролики, все время кажется что чего то не хватает, но в данной работе нет такого ощущения. Выдержанный на протяжении всего ролика стиль выше всяких похвал.

Centurione (3): Again, great technical work, great visual concept and awesome work as for making a music video. I was pretty bothered by the film effect thing though. Still, very impressive and pleasant work.

goЯz (3): Not your average dance video, I was seriously stunned by this gorgeous editing and the jazzy feel portrayed through this wicked various, undeniably one of its kind.

Kvakond (3): As someone smarter than me said: though it could possibly be improved on the technical side, it's a breath of fresh air among a sea of copy-paste dance amvs

ONEWAYS (3): A very different one compares with another Dance AMV.Creative and enjoyable,but some masks and effects don't fit well. But I still think it should get a high prize for its originality.

MagicDarkLight - Not just a Dream

Okami (1): In my opinion this is the best video of the contest because it has the best atmosphere and I feel better when I watch it. Very hard work.

Anicsi (3): Well, it's just awesome. It's the kind of video I really love. It has a nice concept and many emotions and great editing, and i am sure I could re-watch it millions of times. Even if there are small mistakes, the feelings a video evokes in me and the creativity present are more important than technical perfection.

JSK (3): I never believed that you could mix a "slow" (you know, it doesn't have action or something like that) anime like Bakuman and a rock song without getting an awkward piece. You changed my mind a lot, your video was really good and made me feel excited, like I could dream again... I truly believe a very nice piece of art makes you think and change, and your video did that.

KSANDR (3): динамика клипа и подбор кадров из основного исходника порадовали

Scittalec (3): I was very pleased watch that AMV. Сonfess, at first the music seemed to me not soo good. It spoil the experience. But, must say, after watching this work to the end, I not only wanted revise the source once again, but also become attached to this song.

xDieguitoAMV (3): Love this kind of amvs. Didn't watch the anime, however i enjoyed this video a loooooooot. Love the editing and the music, it makes me start to watch bakuman.

Okami - Quiet

Animated (3): At last, one more GREAT Evangelion AMV. Thanks Okami. Kickass song too! I can never get tired of this stuff :3

irriadin (3): This video is trippy as hell, but the editor is fantastically aware of the perversion and mental instability that is a hallmark of Evangelion. The inclusion of the vocal track, Asuka's screaming, adds immeasurable depth to the video and really makes it stand out as something special. I respect the editor for having the vision to do something like that, since it is potentially ostracizing. Rather than detracting from Quiet, however, it makes it all the more stronger.

Anicsi - Stray Tracks

JazzsVids (2): This entry was a personal favorite of mine this year. The editor demonstrates amazing story telling capabilities. I found the central plot captivating and very clearly portrayed. The representation of the two character regressing to the memories of their past and contemplating how things could have been done differently was excellently illustrated by the editor visually. She maintains a consistent mood and pace throughout the video. Editing wise, it is clear the editor did not aim to over-sync the video to the music, but instead wanted to call attention to the story being told. The visual effects were classy and added to the actual plot instead of being random and distracting from it. Everything from the color correction to the image alterations was very cleanly done. This amv was a beautiful addition to Akross this year, and deserves more critical acclaim.

Rikudo (3): What should I say...uhm I watched a lot of amvs with this anime and I've to say that most of them were really boring, BUT this video is really different from them: really clean work, good making of and perfect atmosphere, it really makes me cry xD

JazzsVids - Hooked

BerlitzxXx (2): it seems to me old clip of jazzy (akross 2011) but improved with a nice surprise ending xD

kuruta (2): excellent concept and crossover
DigiCat - Airwave

John (2): The overall flow is very smooth and marvelous. Especially, Action part is my favorite part because it's so cool. Really wonderful AMV.
Tayo - Heart

Kaito (3): потому что атмосфера тащит (тм), потому что идеальное м/в, потому что тоска и безысходность~

Kami - Madness

John (3): I love this effects and coloring. And the synchronization of the video and the music was absolutely amazing. You are so awesome.
AlchemistEskimo - Resist, Revolt, Rebuild

Mosaic (2): The main concept is not well structured as it progresses; the scene selection matches perfectly with the title, giving you a vision of what the video is really about. Dynamic, fast-paced and well presented.
Benreparn - Feelings That We Share

2ndState (2): All the transitions and effect made the whole video flow so smoothly, and the scene choices fit the song so well.
Kaito - Fraction

Mosaic (1): A blurry perspective of the unknown, the desire of not wanting to know what's really happening. Dense atmosphere with overflowing sentimentalism.
TritioAFB - Death Silence

Domius (3): A suspance that few videos are able to transmit.

Kvakond - Female Titan

BerlitzxXx (1): really cool, it was fun xD spasiba dla eta clip.
xDieguitoAMV - Lost Soul

kuruta (3): best action and drama , good concept.

John - Drive Out

BerlitzxXx (3): is really cool xD best video shingeki (y)
JustEmma - Young Blood

masaka! (2): Very speedy and cool! I was impressed.
Dilemma - The unattainable

Mosaic (3): Re-tell the main story of the source in a very crude manner, not leaving any holes for self-interpretation or guesses. Realistic mood, set by the emotional problems of the commoner.

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 AKROSS CON 2020 WINNER 05.01.2021  
NF - Intro
Drama, Action, Horror