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Leeamv  [ crash88ctamv ]
Catania, Italy
here we are at another contest, I liked focusing on this movie and creating a mini story board, I hope you like it!. ;)
Video    Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen
Audio    North of Never - Runner Up
Genre    Action
4:13 | 130 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
4:13 | 218 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 30 « 1 2 [3] »
ICEberg  [ 15 January 2023, 22:26 ]
еще одно честное мясо
просто ради мяса
Anejo  [ 15 January 2023, 18:06 ]
 crash88ctamv @ 14 января 2023, 16:12 
0:12 0:14 - 1:39 1:40 do you find vocal melody ignored? I wish you a good day

1:42 is a kind of an exmple

 crash88ctamv @ 06 января 2023, 01:11 
and in the years that I have been editing I have achieved good goals

) for the creative person there's always the ways how to improve and it is great, otherwise it would be very boring to perform only perfect edits
crash88ctamv  [ 15 January 2023, 12:48 ]
Danny AMV THX :biggrin: Danny!
Danny AMV  [ 15 January 2023, 01:47 ]
I hate kimetsu no yaiba but hey Lee it's a great job good luck in qualifying greetings and a hug :biggrin:
crash88ctamv  [ 14 January 2023, 16:12 ]
AnejoI selected only where appropriate, not true that ignored man, what do you say? You can also mix video with flow, matching action movements with beats, points, I'm sorry how night seems to you that I give this opinion. :sad:

Added (after 1 min. and 15 sec.):

0:12 0:14 - 1:39 1:40 do you find vocal melody ignored? I wish you a good day. :smile:

Thank you for your feedback anyway.
Anejo  [ 13 January 2023, 23:45 ]
 NIGHT @ 09 декабря 2022, 16:42 
but in my opinion

In my honest opinion)
Melody and vocals shouldn't be ignored
crash88ctamv  [ 06 January 2023, 01:11 ]
animspirationistthank you that you like it, but unfortunately the "flow" is confusing because of the lack of synchronization, and in the years that I have been editing I have achieved good goals, in the other contests almost all the scenes are synchronized, only in one point maybe where the boar turns there and true there maybe lacks synchronization, but the synchronizations with the movements, clicks, lip movements together hai beats of music a careful eye that knows how to edit knows what I'm talking about, anyway thank you for your opinion, thank you that for you is not bad!!! ;)
animspirationist  [ 04 January 2023, 13:36 ]
:punk: Not bad! Similar to what NIGHT said below, try work more on sync between melody and images.
Лисёнок-тян  [ 29 December 2022, 13:08 ]
NIGHT  [ 09 December 2022, 16:42 ]
Of course, I may be wrong :dunno:, but in my opinion, there is a bad connection between the video sequence and the music (poor synchronization and basic editing).
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