Its been eight years since Ive entered this contest. As time went on I lost interest in creating and found myself drowning in the weight of life around me. This past year dealt the largest blow and as a result I found a renewed passion for creation. It became my escape from the world around me. This project started out as an iron chef with my colleagues at Stars Team but I decided to continue it. Everyday Id find myself sitting down and slowly chip away at it until it was finally done. I want to thank my friends Nazar and Rico for their advice, guidance, encouragement, and always being there for me even in my absence. And I want to thank AKROSS for giving me the platform to share this.
Гандамы под женсковокальную альтерантиву. Выглядит очень уныло, как линейный пересказ исходника, половина из которого зрителю со стороны не понятна и не создает никаких эмоций. Не дотягивает даже до исходника, хотя с использованием кадров из Юникорна можно было сделать настоящий эпик. Как фанату франшизы было скучно. Да еще и динамика слабовата.
но история невнятна
i am mute
hear my voice
you can't noice my noice
Хотя периодически возникало ощущение "замедленности".