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TheFinalDistrict  (Stars Team)  [ TheFinalDistrictAMV ]
Palm Beach Gardens, USA
Its been eight years since Ive entered this contest. As time went on I lost interest in creating and found myself drowning in the weight of life around me. This past year dealt the largest blow and as a result I found a renewed passion for creation. It became my escape from the world around me. This project started out as an iron chef with my colleagues at Stars Team but I decided to continue it. Everyday Id find myself sitting down and slowly chip away at it until it was finally done. I want to thank my friends Nazar and Rico for their advice, guidance, encouragement, and always being there for me even in my absence. And I want to thank AKROSS for giving me the platform to share this.
Video    Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Audio    Paramore - Monster
Genre    Action, Drama
3:49 | 58,7 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 14 « [1] 2 »
Memet  [ 29 January 2023, 23:15 ]
Epic moment bro
Anejo  [ 13 January 2023, 21:46 ]
Гандамы под женсковокальную альтерантиву. Выглядит очень уныло, как линейный пересказ исходника, половина из которого зрителю со стороны не понятна и не создает никаких эмоций. Не дотягивает даже до исходника, хотя с использованием кадров из Юникорна можно было сделать настоящий эпик. Как фанату франшизы было скучно. Да еще и динамика слабовата.
Shaoran  [ 18 January 2022, 22:34 ]
Кадры подобраны хорошо, но простая нарезка и музыка в основном просто фоном идёт 6/10
Megamen  [ 11 Febuary 2021, 18:22 ]
Гитарой по яйцам
ICEberg  [ 07 Febuary 2021, 18:37 ]
экшен неплох
но история невнятна
Nards  [ 07 Febuary 2021, 13:01 ]
gundam suit
i am mute
hear my voice
you can't noice my noice
MesoGear  [ 05 Febuary 2021, 02:12 ]
Приличная работа.
Лисёнок-тян  [ 04 Febuary 2021, 19:13 ]
NIGHT  [ 04 Febuary 2021, 18:58 ]
Хотя периодически возникало ощущение "замедленности".
Axiles  [ 04 Febuary 2021, 16:07 ]
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AVERAGE SCORE:6.4 / 1062
VIEWERS:6.7 (10)CRITICS:6.3 (5)
EDITORS:6.3 (18)EXPERTS:6.2 (7)