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TritioAFB  (ZonaAMV)  [ AnimeFanaticBoy ]
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Hello again and welcome for this video.
Special for the AKROSS Con 2012, I run into many problems to finish this clip, but it was worthy the time to see it finally done. Now what about this video? I got an appreciation for the anime Bleach, but the idea of just making a video with only Bleach wasn't enough attractive considering the several clips about the anime. Then why not doing a crossover between Ichigo and other series where he could meet with other characters?

Normally for this kind of proyect I count with the help of testers, but this time it was impossible. So I could only count with a few until the very last minutes of the video. Still liked the result

Special thanks to the testers Squall, Kuruta and the editor CreedBand. It was time to see you back in the edition buddy!

Por cierto ZonaAMV, no se esperaban que regresara tan rapido? Considerenlo un regalo de Navidad :)
Video    Various [ Aoi Bungaku, Black Cat, Bleach, Campione, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Haiyorei! Nyaruko-san, High School DxD, K, Karas, Mirai Nikki, Omamori Himari, Original Animation, Sankarea, Shiki, Steins Gate, Texhnolyze, To Love Ru, To Love Ru Darkness, Umineko Naku Koro ni ]
Audio    Mad at Gravity - Burn
Genre    Drama, Character Profile, Story
3:47 | 52,1 Mb. | 848x480 | H.264 / aac
3:47 | 7,52 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 56 « [1] 2 3 4 5 6 »
Risen404  [ 26 March 2023, 17:42 ]
Если прищурится выглядит очень даже динамично, интересно и душевно :3
Эль-тян  [ 22 November 2014, 22:20 ]
Отлично тритио, молодец)
Armed  [ 22 November 2014, 18:43 ]
I did not understand what happened in the clip!)
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 31 October 2014, 06:51 ]

You know the 2014 video is the sequel to this one right?
KEN13  [ 30 October 2014, 23:12 ]
Оффигенно вышло))))))))
|GoD|TheFox  [ 06 December 2013, 18:47 ]
great! :smile:
Skrout  [ 20 October 2013, 16:23 ]
Великолепное АМВ очень классно и качественно проведен монтаж. :smile: :smile:
777lexa777  [ 10 Febuary 2013, 23:20 ]
кадры из блича по моему ломают весь стериотип клипа хотя это и основа
StormBlood  [ 13 January 2013, 20:35 ]
8/10 - Very Good =]
zzakker  [ 13 January 2013, 17:06 ]
амв отстой
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