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AnswerIsNear  (Kimura Family)  [ AnswerIsNear ]
Seini, Romania
An AMV about a queen that lost a war, her friends and her father. At the end of the day, she is a young person that has the trust and strength of everyone in the kingdom, but does she have the power to move again and again in order to maintain the kingdom's might no matter what challenge awaits?
Video    Tales of Zestiria the X
Audio    Karmina - All The King's Horses
Genre    Character Profile, Drama, Story
3:36 | 63,9 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:36 | 14,0 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 15 « 1 [2] »
Death_Kn1ght  [ 20 January 2018, 23:33 ]
Вся королевская конница и вся королевская рать... Блин, вирусная песня конечно.
Почему ГГ в начале оказалась плачущей посреди леса и почему ей это всё понадобилось - не очень понял.
В плане техники - всё аккуратно, хоть это радует.
AnswerIsNear  [ 20 January 2018, 17:01 ]
Was supposed to be longer, but I hurried to meet the deadline. I did it in exactly 7 days, and when I put it on akross they extended the deadline. Meh. I know, at the end of the day nobody takes that in consideration, still I am happy somehow that I submitted.
leolide  [ 20 January 2018, 15:49 ]
No vhs
Kroner  [ 20 January 2018, 15:35 ]
not bad, the first part was really enjoyable but it became a bit ripetitive in the end
MesoGear  [ 20 January 2018, 15:14 ]
« 1 [2] »