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[25.01.2018] Nicokun » HIGHWAY FUNKY [vontoki]
it's good but could've been better
[25.01.2018] iMCoach » HIGHWAY FUNKY [vontoki]
Super Groovy
[25.01.2018] kms myself » Fringe [PieandBeer]
hello. i am 18 years old and i am a profesonal penguin wrestling champion. i have won all matches with penguins but now i need money to go to the north pole so i can wrestle with the penguin king so please donate to me. thx
[25.01.2018] leolide » HIGHWAY FUNKY [vontoki]
triggerd no vhs
[25.01.2018] leolide » Soligain [AMVs Gimenez]
no vhs
[25.01.2018] PieandBeer » HIGHWAY FUNKY [vontoki]
one of my faves holy crap amazing atmosphere
[25.01.2018] kuruta » Soligain [AMVs Gimenez]
Me gusto mucho, un gran avance, cambiaste tu enfoque a la hora de hacer amvs y vas por buen camino. :wink:
[25.01.2018] Whiterock » Fragments of life [KSANDR]
 Unver @ 09 January 2018, 19:58 
из уст автора задумку узнать

Это сюжет аниме, если что.
[25.01.2018] Miso » Pending... [Xophilarus]
I share almost the view of you...

The beginning with the couple was great indeed it looked like you´ve created a story with drama ...and also the the scene at 1:31 the turning and cut with the sound was on the point and amazing but shortly afterwards the last flagged a bit, I missed the coherence.
Overall it was enjoyable, you choosed a perfect song..and created a nice mood.
good luck
[25.01.2018] Whiterock » Faded But Worse [leolide]
Most scenes are similar to each other, but with different characters. The music is hardly utilized. This is indeed WORSE than your first Faded, in negative way.

Imho, a failed attempt to repeat yourself. You should have focused more on scenes like 0:43-0:49, 1:27-1:28. But then again, it would have been better not making v2 at all.
[25.01.2018] Whiterock » Fringe [PieandBeer]
0:37 Ох уж этот акын...
[25.01.2018] Unlucky Artist » Faded But Worse [leolide]
what are you on
this aint marijuana faded this is something else
[25.01.2018] irriadin » High Fæntasy [irriadin]
 EnIgMoZz2 @ 24 January 2018, 10:39 
can i join pixelblended studios. i've left souls team. i didn't realise they're so bad at editing until i watched this. good thing l33tmeetwad rekt dn@ when he asked u o join ST haha

Glad you liked it!

Added (after 3 h. 35 min. and 27 sec.):

Responses to russian comments are made via google translate, fyi, so if my reply doesn't make sense, sorry!

 PieandBeer @ 23 January 2018, 16:58 
i want to frame this video and hang it on my wall. in the most hipster of picture frames.

I hope it is made with artisinal, non-gmo, locally sourced organic materials! (Glad you like the vid!)

 MycathatesyouAMV @ 23 January 2018, 17:00 
fake news

IT'S DONE. I can't work on it anymore :bye:

 Rider4Z @ 23 January 2018, 17:02 

I try to include a minimum of at least 88% shininess.

 kms myself @ 23 January 2018, 17:21 
irriadin's magnum opus has come and so have i

r o f l. this made me laugh a lot, thanks!

 leolide @ 23 January 2018, 17:22 
fine u got vhs :inlove:


 Milky Way @ 23 January 2018, 23:32 
:inlove: It's a masterpiece!)))

Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it! :)

 ICEberg @ 24 January 2018, 02:00 
атмосфера есть
формальные признаки мелодрамы есть
для драмы слишком невнятная история (ну кроме романтической линии)
для психодела недостаточно безумия

It is difficult to put this into a genre, so you aren't wrong about the categorization. I tried to put extra depth into the story of the original anime by exploring the darker themes. Sorry that it didn't work for you. Thanks for watching anyway!

 Mol @ 24 January 2018, 05:12 
I don't see the flow xd but nice editing (minus weird rotations)

Thank you! Sorry you didn't like the rotations. I like them (probably TOO MUCH), but I also recognize that they're not for everyone.

 lajt @ 24 January 2018, 06:24 
хорошо получилось,сочетание музыки и видеоряда очень порадовало,правда особо драмы не увидел,но сам клип хорош!на 9 думаю)

Thank you! Yes, I'll agree the drama side of this video is not very clear, but when it comes to classification it is REALLY hard to put this video into the right category. If I could make my own category, I'd say something like "existential dread" or "visual allegory" or even "utena as dark souls".

 Miso @ 24 January 2018, 11:01 
it was really enjoyable :smile: nice flow

Thank you! I'm very happy that you liked it! :)
[25.01.2018] Whiterock » Providence [iSynister]
The story part felt secondary, because of specific resemblances with Love Artifact. The bomber in this story was added "just because", as he is replaceable with any other calamity as he doesn't affect the story himself in any way, just like the popular Truck-kun.

However you have done well on editing, although in some scenes with both Kyon and Kaori the differences in their sizes and character design are noticeable too much.

Also you have picked a good song for this AMV, it greatly delivers the atmosphere of the story.
[25.01.2018] Whiterock » Be Somebody [Chaiberry]
A really good choice of song to represent your idea. The first part with Kamina was just great! The second part is weaker in scene selection choices.

Overall it's a good character profile with simple editing.
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 AKROSS CON 2011 WINNER 28.11.2011  
Au Revoir Simone - Tell Me (Clock Opera Rem…
Story, Drama, Fun
Devil May Cry (TV), Chaos;Head
 AKROSS CON 2007 FINALIST 02.12.2007  
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Before the Dawn - The Bitter End
Drama, Horror, Action