Video |
Various [ Laputa: Castle in the Sky, From Up On Poppy Hill, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, When Marnie Was Here, End of Evangelion, Evangelion 2.22, Evangelion 3.33, Akira, Battle Royal High School, Karas, Dimension Bomb, Angel Cop, Bakemonogatari, Nisomonogatari, Nekomonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Lucky Star, The Sky Crawlers, Midori, Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun, Barefoot Gen, Shigurui, Ghost in the Shell: Arise ] |
Audio |
Various [ Clark - Banjo, Huoratron - Cryptocracy, Erasnys Talbot FD - ED Comp Piano ] |
Genre |
Psychedelic, Action |
Only registered memebers can vote and comment videos! |
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AVERAGE SCORE: | 4.1 / 10 | | 38 | RATING POSITION: | 2849 / 3034 |
VIEWERS: | 4.2 (39) | CRITICS: | 3.5 (13) | EDITORS: | 4.1 (28) | EXPERTS: | 5.0 (1) |
If you don't care you wouldn't have mentioned it
But that's the spirit.
Gta iv86 - i just wanted to give you that constructive criticism
Well lets not trash this comment section anymore or else i might win a award for best meme of 2016. But i think people should just do what they want, and stop comparing since with as many "Styles" as there is theres a great chance a amv is gonna remind you of it.
For example, your "Within" AMV was also severely criticized for being the anime version of the "True Detective" intro, to which you kept replying it was just " double fucking exposure ". Taking inspiration and adapting other styles to mold your own, thus creating a video with your own ideas and concept is perfectly ok, as I said so in the comments of your video in AMVnews.
Very amusing how there are hundreds of editors whose style is exactly the same as everyone else's, and nobody cares, but when anyone does anything slightly reminiscent of lolligerjoj, everyone loses their minds.