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mastamind  [ mastamind ]
Miami, USA
Or, alternatively, "The Ballad of Howard Roark and Dominique Francon."

I wanted to try something out of my comfort zone, so I experimented with being fun and deliberately cheesy. At a year and ten months in the making, this took me way longer than it should have. Hope you enjoy!
Video    Various [ Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.1 You Are [Not] Alone, Polar Bear Cafe ]
Audio    Black Kids - I'm Making Eyes at You
Genre    Fun
3:28 | 33,3 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 6,87 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 53 « 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 »
zeon369  [ 04 January 2013, 21:37 ]
Beautiful, simply good. The job was done perfectly, what to say ? Congratulations.
In.fest.ED  [ 04 January 2013, 21:25 ]
Nice editing. Atmosphere is similar to that of anime. On the one hand it's good you could recreate it, but on the other hand I didn't like this anime, so personally I do not like AMV either. :sad:
Bjakua  [ 04 January 2013, 21:05 ]
Понравилось, здорово )
Вряд ли правда пересмотрю, просто трек не в моём вкусе, но сделано очень качественно. правда автору таки не хватило терпения досинхрить на 0.44 и 0.49. Там как раз объекты есть, что бы это сделать. А в остальном претензий нет, отличная работа.
nivekov123  [ 04 January 2013, 20:46 ]
ngrfgt that shyt was op gj
monialiskaAMV  [ 04 January 2013, 20:38 ]
Amazing !!! <3 Love it
Megamen  [ 04 January 2013, 20:23 ]
Axiles  [ 04 January 2013, 20:12 ]
BRAVO !! 9/10
Cubito  [ 04 January 2013, 20:06 ]
Very good. 9
Kurorukio  [ 04 January 2013, 19:47 ]
enjoy it a lot 9/10 :smile:
cmoididi  [ 04 January 2013, 19:47 ]
A bit slow because of music. The transition is smooth and everything is very clean, I like it. 8/10
« 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 »
AVERAGE SCORE:7.6 / 1071
VIEWERS:7.8 (89)CRITICS:8.0 (24)
EDITORS:7.2 (72)EXPERTS:8.2 (2)