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Crossfade  (AMP)  [ Crossfade ]
Wloclawek, Poland
TOP 100
I had my last seconds doubts if I want to participate with this video BUT I really wanted to take part in the contest so here I am.

Anyway, thanks to my aunt I'm a regular visitor in the opera for last 2 years. I was thinking how could I merge things I enjoy and the idea for this AMV was born but only thanks to my friend Kosmit who showed me Aoi Bungaku anime I was able to finish this AMV - so many thanks.

The play is set somewhere in the ancient times and it's a story about friendship, where one person tries to save the other from execution even if it means sacrificing everything including his own life.

I believe the idea and execution of this AMV is a bit risky but I will take my chance and I hope some of you will enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it
Video    Nodame Cantabile, Aoi Bungaku Series
Audio    Two Steps from Hell - Clock Tower Parade
Genre    Drama, Story
3:15 | 38,1 Mb. | 848x480 | H.264 / aac
3:15 | 6,41 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 230 « ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [17] 18 19 20 21 22 23 »
Schen  [ 01 November 2010, 14:16 ]
Swietny klip, genialna atmosfera i klimat. Trzyma w napieciu do samego konca.
xrom  [ 31 October 2010, 22:11 ]
Автор молодец, велликолепная работа!!.
Heartilly  [ 31 October 2010, 20:31 ]
I enjoy it. Very good realization and interesting concept. Besides, i've liked the song very much. Thanks! :smile:
Lonely_Angel  [ 31 October 2010, 17:24 ]
О боже :wow: Это он сам так сделал что это похоже на постановку сцены из театра или так уже было?
Лактония  [ 31 October 2010, 11:17 ]
Браво.... Шедевр
Neek  [ 31 October 2010, 09:52 ]
Liked it very much. 9 earned
Sin24Rus  [ 31 October 2010, 08:52 ]
неплохо,идея понра
ANTz  [ 30 October 2010, 20:41 ]
Bjakua  [ 30 October 2010, 19:54 ]
Довольно оригинально получилось, хорошо совместил, очень хорошо )
Единственное что напрягло, так это выбивающаяся из общего контраста вклейка акросса в начале.
Но всё же здорово, хоть и на 1 просмотр.

Bjoerndalen  [ 30 October 2010, 17:28 ]
I liked the combination of such sources. Good selection of frames, but in some scenes could slightly change the color for a sense of unity. A good epic. Thanks Kosmit for showing you this source) 8.5\10.
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