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It's a place to get actual criticism, in contrast of the youtube monkeys. Also you get to make something more ... yours? and less mainstream.
 Arrow & Lucifer
Fast responses from the admins.
The voting sistem
Так как это мой первый конкурс , то я начал получать удовольствие от участия только к моменту , когда был близок час определения финалистов, я вообще никогда не думал что первым коном попаду в финал. Это очень радует , плюс теперь я могу с уверенностью сказать , что двигаюсь в правильном направлении. Море позитивных комментариев , разбор полётов и ошибок , советы от профессиональных мейкеров всё это я получил именно здесь. Никогда бы не подумал что мою работу будут смотреть очень много людей. Это действительно прекрасный конкурс , который даёт всем шанс показать себя , позволяет самовыражаться. Так же хочу поблагодрить тех , кто дал возможность организовать этот конкурс своими денежными средствами. Они действительно заслуживают уважения. Спасибо организаторам и участникам ! Даешь АКРОСС 2020 .
Yes,I can communicate with many experienced authors and learn from each other.
I really enjoyed the contest, was very fun see the all entries, I love see the variety of styles.
the organisation was really good and the times for the different stages were well managed
Mostly the whole experience.Even if I had 2 weeks to edit I believe it helped me grow a lot as an editor
Feels different participating a contest as big as this
Comments from others
for participating, and being a finalist, that alone is crazy. But I really enjoy the competition.
 Kyoto Edits
How is my first time, I liked the way of evaluating ,where it gives the opportunity to have its expression.
The players can communicate with each other, and the competition process does not procrastinate.
Discussion and scoring
 MetL storm
Организация понравилась, все четко, без ошибок и вовремя.
 MrAuditore & tanott
I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and interaction with the staff of the contest, with all the exciting anxiety at times! And despite joining on a whim and not with a project that I've spent many months on, it's been a fun trip, starting from the excitement of the friend who helped us with the poster and ultimately, my own, in finding out the outcome of the contest.

But naturally, my favourite part of this all was discovering so many great works and talents, together with the unique materials and concepts they brought to the table, some of which really made me feel proud of having editing and watching AMVs as a hobby.
Getting to participate and see new editors.
I like it very much. I will always take part in it if I have the chance
Ваше существование... Я люблю этот конкурс.
I was very surprised to be voted into the finals by the viewers so that was a pleasure.
the thumb up/down botton
The chance to compete and see other's amvs
The variety of genres and that fact that the authors themselves can vote for the winners.
The great diffusion of the projects of the participants
 wolf kunAMV
Very often great works are created in competitions
I am also very happy in the process of making


the voting is not very reliable, but what can you do. it is an online contest.
 Arrow & Lucifer
The significant drop of average level of editing over the last few years.
The haters, but that is not your fault , haters gonna hate anyway
мало выдающихся работ в этом году
Довольно скучное начало. И дедлайн продлили еще на целый месяц , я и так устал каждый день ждать конца этого мероприятия. И вот наконец он закончится.
No dislike.
I believe the site could be a bit better.
I wish the final vote could be simpler
I don't really have anything to criticize about that.
 Kyoto Edits
Nothing to declare at the moment.
There's nothing I don't hate.
Although all the works are classified by labels, it is not easy to watch a classified work exactly.
System Votation can be better
 MetL storm
Не понравилось, что многие из ожидаемых авторов так и не приняли в нем участие, хотя непосредственно к конкурсу это отношения не имеет, все претензии лично к ним )
 MrAuditore & tanott
So far so good, as they say! My experience has been flawless so far, but if I were to really pick something, it would probably beeee... nah, I've got nothing yet, just gonna be sad if you guys stop hosting the contest lol
The categorization of videos.
I haven't felt it yet
 Radical Dream
В этом году было крайне сложно выбрать победителей, так как по сути, все работы примерно на одном average уровне, даже выделить нечего. Многие подумают, что интерес у комьюнити умирает, как и сам Акросс. Но на мой взгляд, причина в двух китайских конкурсах, которые буквально заставили большинство людей, которые могут выдать что-то выше среднего, посредственного клипа, вкладывать кучу сил и времени в погоне за солидными призовыми. И я не исключение.
The layout of the site makes reviewing difficult for voting.
Lack of excitement that I had a few years ago compared to now, but that's probably just a personal thing. Another one would be the lack of people competing as it seems every year there is less and less (which can also be a personal thing).
the speed of watching video in website is a nightmare.
On the other hand, as this was one of the weakest Akrosses in recent times, I think some categories deserved less votes then they actually got, because a lot of the time I had to end up voting for videos I didn't even like.
For me, I didn't find things that I don't dislike. I quite liked the contest


Remove the voting and introduce judges. Select a handful of the Top AMV scene editors and have them select the finalists.
 Arrow & Lucifer
Would add a prize pool that would attract new talent.
Nothing, is the best this way
форма загрузки клипа. чтоб проверка шла после заполнения информации
Все на ваше усмотрение. Было бы интересно увидеть победителей конкурса через прямую трансляцию с участием лучших клипмейкеров России ну или мира. Так же хочу чтобы добавили номинацию на лучший сентиментал. ))
I think the rules are good so nothing.
I believe it is ok as it is
I think the rules are good
nothing. The rules were very clear
 Kyoto Edits
I find it interesting the way it is, maybe in the future I can give my opinion.
I don't know what to mention, but I hope it gets better and better.
I hope it takes a little longer for players to rate each other
I don't know
 MetL storm
Да куда уж лучше то
 MrAuditore & tanott
I'm content with what I see so far, giving a chance to the public vote is a fair choice, just like your new change in the system of allowing previous akross celebrities to make a stand towards how they feel about the current editions of the contest.
I'm also fairly new to akross rules, so I'm fine with what I see now.
The categorization of videos needs to be MUCH better. Maybe just allow people to nominate w.e they want in each category because for example the video I wanted to rank first in romance (Ridiculous) was not there.
Not for the moment. It's good
Чтобы у всех клипов был превью как раньше. У некоторых клипах, например "xieLaZT - Last Letter", "half_dream - Apologize to memory" стандартный клип открывается неправильно и это конечно влияет на их оценок.
 Radical Dream
Я думаю, что пора собирать средства на призовые победителям.
Акросс в разы популярнее многих малоизвестных конкурсов, которым удается мотивировать хоть и небольшими, но все же призами.
Once finalists are decided arrange a playlist for review.
Maybe you can change the judgment regulation. For example invite some famous editors as judges to attract more good entries.
I honestly do not know since I think the rules are fine.
I'd like to completely forget about the deadline postpone that happened. Either follow the initial deadline, or make it a month longer from the beginning so you don't have to postpone it later. It literally only worsens the contest as a whole.
Be able to place images in the answers
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 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2018 02.01.2019  
Ladybaby - Nippon Manju
Fun, Comedy, Dance