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[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Same Time [Dr.RockMVs]
It's good. A classic romance. OwO
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Empathy [okhostok]
I like it a lot. Good job. o((>ω< ))o
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Ошибка Техномага [Anima Purgatorius]
Nice :smile:
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Akudamas [ribleqq]
not bad. I like it ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Flower Work [Narian]
It's good&cute. OwO
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Born in Dark [Kiyoshi]
I'm lovin 'it. My favorite in the action category. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » In That Chair [animspirationist]
It's simple and nice. And as other editors mention, you have to get better at executing your video. Try to focus on editing a single video. It is seen that you have fun editing by presenting 3 videos. Keep enjoying and improving on your way to be better. ^_~
[16.01.2023] SUBreX » Collapse [Tensei]
It's good , montages are great in this video and music does suit it really well. I think you used a simple story structure exactly like arcane where characters story are building up steadily. Just one complain even though it is a trailer, some scene are unnecessary being putted and doesn't empact really well altogether.
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Breaking the habit [PHANTOMTM]
I think it's a good entry, it fulfills its purpose. Nice ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
[16.01.2023] Danny AMV » Collapse [Tensei]
I liked it for being Arcane, good job and luck in the contest :biggrin:
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Complete Connection Wishing to Call [Bean d'Тінь]
I think I managed to understand the concept. But there is still much to improve. Keep getting better. Wish you all the best. :biggrin:
[16.01.2023] .bloodSlayer » Collapse [Tensei]
You can feel the "epic" effect and the emotion of Arcane in the video, the musical choice seems good to me. It's a simple idea and well executed. In general, it's good. :biggrin:
[16.01.2023] Rika Sudzuki » Game Over [Rika Sudzuki]
AnimeFanaticBoy unexpected, thank you
[16.01.2023] AnimeFanaticBoy » Revenge [TwentyMarks]
Beginning feels kinda long. Other than that its ok
[16.01.2023] AnimeFanaticBoy » l' amour [Oeuvre]
Same as Night here
1. Linkin Park80
2. Skillet55
3. Celldweller42
4. Blue Stahli39
5. Thousand Foot Krutch38
6. Within Temptation34
7. Red33
8. Rammstein32
9. Evanescence29
10. Nightwish28
11. hollywood undead26
12. 30 Seconds to Mars25
13. Breaking Benjamin25
14. Two Steps From Hell24
15. Unreal24
16. Papa Roach24
17. Nickelback23
18. System of a Down22
19. Disturbed22
20. Audiomachine21
21. Imagine Dragons20
22. 65daysofstatic19
23. Marilyn Manson19
24. Pendulum18
25. Apocalyptica17
Alex Daikou
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Drama, Romance
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