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[31.01.2016] Хлебушек » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
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[31.01.2016] Ligh[t] » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
no need to apologize , i got ur point u got mine and for editor i can suggest to think about this "little" copy ideas because he has big potencial and one day he will be inspiration to other editors.
[31.01.2016] DrunkenPony » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
 Ligh[t] @ 31 January 2016, 20:58 

ideas? he used 4 thinkgs as your screenshot shows right out of a 4 MINUTE video , not 2 or 3 4 minutes video, i get your point though but i dont think the editor itself wanted to copy someone , maybe he got inspired but if you see there are changes in the ideas aswell s he didnt copy entirely gorz , he added his touches and different elements, and i am not implying you meant any harm or something i just fouond it offensive and wanted to brag about , i didnt meant to offend you , if you think i did, you have my apologies
[31.01.2016] Ligh[t] » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
 DrunkenPony @ 31 January 2016, 19:49 

it is really funny that u don't understand i am not talking about scenes am talking about ideas that maybe he was inspired by gorz and i don't say is bad but if are talking other editors ideas try to make it different and add ur touch. what i saw was simple copy and i don't respect this nway i didnot said anything bad about this video i can see how editor worked hard and is one of the srtongest so far just my first reaction was '' why ?'' and Dn@ and luna are in souls team friends of groz is weird that they did not said to him not to use same ideas. and ''so you tell me that in your fleet amv that was splended y ou didnt use any other scene that was in any other amv? '' why u even make this as example did i said same scenes? my fleeting has own ideas and i didnot copeyd anyone.
[31.01.2016] enigmoron » W A K E M E U P [enigmoron]
no trolling here friend xD :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: got any questions?
[31.01.2016] DrunkenPony » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
so you tell me that in your fleet amv that was splended y ou didnt use any other scene that was in any other amv? i saw the scenes you used countless tmes that doesnt mean you copied someone or something you just used same scene., also nice work keep it up nice atmosphere some flaws here and there and some techinicl isuses some unclear stuff but kudos 9/10
[31.01.2016] MsHassard » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
lol nikala don't break the guy's will
[31.01.2016] KazeShin » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
One of the best vid gg wp Sagitan
[31.01.2016] Rise » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
I love the atmosphere/concept, Probably winner in this contest!
[31.01.2016] iKuro » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
one of the best videos this year. Good job =)
[31.01.2016] kebenaj » Я рисую твою жизнь [Derisor]
Меня настолько впечатлило использование Ибары, что я, пожалуй, повременю с выводами и словами... крайне неоднозначное впечатление от всего. Крайне.

PS. Ибару очень люблю, и был удивлён и рад такому повороту.
[31.01.2016] iKuro » Woe Admonition [ZOD]
cool work =)
[31.01.2016] FuryAMV » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
Glitches glitches everywhere
[31.01.2016] crooktj » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
It's really nice. Probably my favourite I've watched in the competition. Good luck!
[31.01.2016] Ligh[t] » Shinokyōfu [Sagiki]
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