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Arrow & Lucifer  (Indigo Team)  [ Arrow, Lucifer@MV ]
Rhodes, Greece
Hello everyone, we are really excited to show you our newest collab.
I decided to visit my good friend Dennis in real life during Christmas vacation, and we thought it would be a nice idea to make an entry for Akross together. I had this concept in my head for over a year, which i did show to dennis back then, and since we both liked it we started editing. It was a lot of fun, just not for my back since his couch wasn't really that comfortable.
I hope you enjoy our video!
Video    Steamboy
Audio    Paul Shapera - New Albion
Genre    Drama, Psychedelic
2:42 | 55,2 Mb. | 1920x1036 | H.264 / aac
2:42 | 197 Mb. | 1920x1036 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 16 « [1] 2 »
Kvant  [ 03 May 2020, 22:26 ]
Весьма симпатичный клип, приятное м/в, посмотрел в удовольствие.
Жаль нет русских сабов, кажется лирика тут тоже значение имеет.
Axiles  [ 28 Febuary 2020, 23:22 ]
ICEberg  [ 01 Febuary 2020, 17:38 ]
 Arrow @ 25 January 2020, 00:27 
The drama can be seen in how this resource (steam) can be used for such insane development of civilisation and provide better life, but if it falls on the wrong hands and is used ill willingly it can result in destruction. A perfect example of this can be seen during the first chorus, during which a girl's dance is shown along with the havoc that is happening in the city.

это не драма
это классический фильм-катастрофа
возможно превращение утопии в антиутопию
но не драма
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 01 Febuary 2020, 01:24 ]
Very good
Encruzio  [ 26 January 2020, 07:24 ]
Мне не очень зашло если честно. Были интересные моменты , но историей не особо проникся. Дальше , очень сильная разница между начальными титрами и самим исходником. Надо было использовать какие-то фильтры. Чтобы было что-то общее между клипом и титром. В целом некоторые моменты вроде бы неплохо смотрелись. Но ничего из всего этого не запомнил. Удачи на конкурсе.
Li0n  [ 25 January 2020, 21:33 ]
Nice combo, slick editing. Liked it a lot!
FT AMVs  [ 24 January 2020, 23:05 ]
Good job Guys! Music/anime combo is very cool and the
editing is clean. Very enjoyable video!
Arrow  [ 24 January 2020, 17:27 ]
The drama can be seen in how this resource (steam) can be used for such insane development of civilisation and provide better life, but if it falls on the wrong hands and is used ill willingly it can result in destruction. A perfect example of this can be seen during the first chorus, during which a girl's dance is shown along with the havoc that is happening in the city.
Now, as far as psychedelic goes, it's true that this is not the most LSD inspired video and that if such a category as "psychological" existed, it would have been more fitting, but i still reckon that the visuals, along with the sync, provide a more disconcerting atmosphere.

On another note i want to note to everyone that Albion is an alternative name for Great Britain. where the AMV is set.
ICEberg  [ 24 January 2020, 16:18 ]
а где тут психодел и драма?
MycathatesyouAMV  [ 24 January 2020, 09:25 ]
Pretty solid
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