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[13.01.2019] NIGHT » wait for a minute [Yemoemoe]
Простенько, но со вкусом.
Хороший ненапрягающий клип.
За выбор музыки - отдельный жирный плюс.
[13.01.2019] NIGHT » Zealot [PieandBeer]
Слишком ровный клип.
Ровно начинается, ровно идёт, ровно заканчивается... и так же ровно проходит мимо сознания.
[13.01.2019] DamnKazu » Can't Hold Us [DamnKazu]
Don't worry for writing in russian, i fluently understand it :D but still, wanted to make my point :)
[13.01.2019] MycathatesyouAMV » Be My Silent Girl [SimoneVero]
This video would be way stronger if you just deleted the typography layer. Your scene selection is fine for the most part, so there's not really any reason to distract from it with the typography, which looked very out of place.
[13.01.2019] MycathatesyouAMV » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
Really well edited and technically sound, just wish some of the logos and certain symbols weren't placed in there as they kind of take me out of the moment.
[13.01.2019] Radical Dream » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
 Anejo @ 13 January 2019, 14:06 
сейчас у тайпмуна и так много 3д в кадре

Type-moon не делает мультики, в основном новеллы и игры. А вот Aniplex (FGO) и A-1 (Apocrypha) не очень умеют в 3д, так что, это было скорее вопреки.

 Anejo @ 13 January 2019, 14:06 
И логику в смене монохрома на цвета не словила

Я не люблю переходы от сцен с холодными тонами - к теплым, поэтому - вот.

Added (after 12 min. and 11 sec.):

 Kroner @ 13 January 2019, 18:30 
i think song and anime are really different in every aspects so I really couldn't find a match between them

Well i understand what you are trying to say, and i may agree.
Most of Fate that i use here are very unpopular (if you are not japanese or a fanboi like me). So people probably gonna feel like watching at random characters staring at the camera etc.I am aware of that.
Anyway, thanks for your comment.
[13.01.2019] Nekroz » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
You never disappoint!
Good job!
[13.01.2019] AnswerIsNear » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
Very solid editing.
[13.01.2019] HonyxOtaku » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
Kroner yea you wrote it for me thanks
[13.01.2019] Kroner » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
strange feelings...I liked everything about this vid, every single part...except for the whole video. Not that is bad ofc, it's simply that i think song and anime are really different in every aspects so I really couldn't find a match between them. it's a 7 cause as I said everything is really well done, but when it comes to unify all the differents parts it lacks something for me. I'm really sorry I'm feeling this way
[13.01.2019] NIGHT » Can't Hold Us [DamnKazu]
To DamnKazu:
Possible, translation difficulties.
I wrote: I'll would be not blame the author
= no need to blame the author
& those who write about plagiarism - write stupidity.
[13.01.2019] -Ridiculous » Harmony [gchristensen]
Love will set you free~~`
[13.01.2019] Fynjy » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
Очень все пришлось по душе.
Стильно, колоритно, местами даже завораживающе.
[13.01.2019] DamnKazu » Can't Hold Us [DamnKazu]

Спасибо, приятно, что кому то хоть немного понравилось.<3

Никто и не собирался присваивать чужую идею. Уже давным давно другие используют такой стиль, да и это моя такая вторая работа, если ты не знал.
Если это плагиат, то что говорит о следующих работах, начиная хотя бы с 2013 года? Каждый второй клип плагиат тогда. Да и во вторых, в описании я все указала на своём канале уже с первых дней. Мне такой стиль по нраву и просто хотелось сделать свою версию. :)
[13.01.2019] Arcothy » Our Fate [Radical Dreamer]
Very well done editing. Nice work! At some parts its a bit to fast pace even for my taste. Would love to see 2 more "slow" parts to get some "breaks" into the action. The Intro was clean and esthetic would love to see that again at some parts :smile: . Sometime a "build-up" is better than taking every beat. Well again very good² work!!!
1.ukms[z] - Fade To Blue96.4
2.Nostromo - Auriga95.9
3.Bea$t - Beast Within93.8
4.Aggressor - De:Light92.1
5.Костоправ - Wolf's Pain88.8
6.Aggressor - Bakadance!88.4
7.zzerg - МаLLинки88.1
8.Костоправ - Clarissa87.8
9.cheb- - mINDhIGHLIGHTZ87.7
10.Tayo - Pale Sun87.6
11.SilentMan - My Super Girlfriend85.7
12.Aggressor - Forever Angel85.3
13.narutomaniac - Yakitate85.1
14.tan_elorn - Danse Macabre84.7
15.Gidra - Ooop... it's Hyakko84.6
16.Pokich - Der Mutterruf84.5
17.lolligerjoj - Into The Labyrinth84.3
18.EvilSpider - Silence (director's cut)84.2
19.Noks - Bad Guy84.0
20.79D37'fallout' - Tin:)83.8
21.Alex Daikou - awakening when you are...83.8
22.Костоправ - No Mercy83.7
23.Pokich - Однажды83.7
24.Aggressor - Cross†Point83.4
25.Fusion Z & Shepherd - Bustling83.3
[ full rating ]
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