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[28.11.2011] ЮККА » Time of Lights [KYOsama]
Почти везде ритм видео отстает от ритма музыки. Считаю нехватило ждля такой песни динамичности, но были и моменты которые вписались хорошо. Ну, от большой любви к жанру 7
[28.11.2011] ЮККА » Dreams World [VJandromeda]
Музыка хорошая, особенно в конце
[28.11.2011] Uniquevil » Fate Matrix [Shin]
nice :wink:
[28.11.2011] BOPOH » Time of Lights [KYOsama]
какое то с мешеное чувство +7 :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
[28.11.2011] Ledi Belfagor » Fate Matrix [Shin]
[28.11.2011] Ledi Belfagor » Time of Lights [KYOsama]
не хочу портить коменты.....
[28.11.2011] Kosmit » Fate Matrix [Shin]
That was some incredible editing right there! But damn you for your weird music choices :P
Oh, and I think I saw some spelling mistakes. Don;t worry, I won't tell anyone ;)
[28.11.2011] Kosmit » Time of Lights [KYOsama]
Couldn't enjoy it because of the music :/
[28.11.2011] Aerith » Fate Matrix [Shin]
прелесть! 10!!!!! :smile:
[28.11.2011] xDreww » Fate Matrix [Shin]
Man shin.. you've done it again. I don't know which parts you or Gunther did, but I really like this one. Creativity is really here. I couldn't wait to see your akross entry, and I for sure expected greatness! at all. :)

Concept is really great, I was waiting for someone to come up with an AMV idea using the girl from "kami memo" Into a computer type concept amv. I really like the detail with the text/flash matching the beats, masking, all the tech stuff haha.
Everything seemed to fit really well, I don't think I have any complains, I was wondering what the "k-on!" Yui scene meant, but after watching it 3 times I realize the girl is like.. controlling things around her? Like somewhat a God right? Fantastic job guys , one of my favorite videos this year.
9.0 for me. :)
[28.11.2011] Aerith » Time of Lights [KYOsama]
плюс - небоянистые исходники) ну и в целом неплохо, смотрится легко и позитивно)
[28.11.2011] EnIgMoZz2 » Fate Matrix [Shin]
Nice 8/10
[28.11.2011] VJandromeda » Fate Matrix [Shin]
:wow: awesomeeee video!!! shin is perfect you vid =) 10/10 :biggrin:
[28.11.2011] klim » Fate Matrix [Shin]
клип вышка
[28.11.2011] AnimeFanaticBoy » Fate Matrix [Shin]
 Neogrimm @ 29 November 2011, 02:00 
Man, this clip is mutch better then i last year))
Level up)))
Nice work! 8/10

Take a look to other works of the author. He's been doing several improvements
1.bloodSlayer - One of the Starry Girls71.7
2.ShinOri - Eternal World71.1
3.JustRukia - Sacrifice70.5
4.Takeshi & Fobos - The Impossible Escape69.7
5.Nero_09 - 美徳ト悪徳69.2
6.TakeshiAMV - Wanted Dead or Alive68.2
7.FobosAMV - The Last 9 Days (2nd Quincy Invasion)66.8
8.FT - Adventurers66.5
9.TritioAFB - Bang Yor Mom66.4
10.TritioAFB - R.U.M.B.L.E65.6
11.Visual Reality Studios - Starboy64.6
12.Picman - SLAVE & MASTER63.5
13.Picman - Collapse63.3
14.Waku Waku - Ведьмак: Дикая работа63.1
15.MikuriAki - Cemra62.7
16.Scallibur32 - How to hold Bocchi in your hand?62.4
17.obey your heart - The Cage61.0
18.Ian Yu - Why Do Tears Mix with Rain?60.8
19.Strannik610 - Origins59.8
20.Alexei - Узник кошмара / A nightmare's prisoner59.1
21.MesoGear - Disgusting58.7
22.okhostok - Calamity58.5
23.Ian Yu - Do You Like Cloudy Skies?57.0
24.Lulu - Humans56.5
25.Narian - Sadness and Heaven55.7
26.Rika Sudzuki - Regret55.3
27.Narian - Hold on54.5
28.Deviant - Киска из Алупки51.4
29.Anima Purgatorius - Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara48.9
30.kain4ig - Dancing47.9
[ full rating ]
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