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[24.01.2020] AiaSnTropeaS » Kurobari [aias]
 ICEberg @ 23 January 2020, 19:14 
ну формально психодел
но сюжет совершенно невнятен
профайл не раскрыт
драмы вообще не замечено

The plot is not supposed to be clear. The character profile is clear as day. We see the main character going from a troubled kid to a monster, through loss and pain. The drama is also through the loss of his innocence and his brother. Like come on. At least give some constructive criticism. Yikes.
[24.01.2020] crash88ctamv » Ride on your waves [Ridiculous]
not bad video I enjoyed trying to create a story quite connected to the theme all in all and affordable not bad and it was a good job! :smile:
[24.01.2020] Arrow » Steampunk: New Albion [Arrow & Lucifer]
The drama can be seen in how this resource (steam) can be used for such insane development of civilisation and provide better life, but if it falls on the wrong hands and is used ill willingly it can result in destruction. A perfect example of this can be seen during the first chorus, during which a girl's dance is shown along with the havoc that is happening in the city.
Now, as far as psychedelic goes, it's true that this is not the most LSD inspired video and that if such a category as "psychological" existed, it would have been more fitting, but i still reckon that the visuals, along with the sync, provide a more disconcerting atmosphere.

On another note i want to note to everyone that Albion is an alternative name for Great Britain. where the AMV is set.
[24.01.2020] crash88ctamv » No Destiny [Kyoto Edits]
cool I really appreciated the technique on slideshows and lyrics! 6

Added (after 3 min. and 40 sec.):

It would have been nicer if you would have animated it with some animated scenes, it seems sterile and very cold! but the fact remains good luck for the next projects! to do much better the technique there is and how! ;) :cool:
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Ride on your waves [Ridiculous]
атмосфера есть
формальные признаки романтики есть
профайл раскрыт
драмы не обнаружено
смысл полей и разноаспекта неясен
[24.01.2020] athrun » Ride on your waves [Ridiculous]
dont worry Ridiculous, what matters is that you enjoy your own work :wink:
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » No Destiny [Kyoto Edits]
трейлер же
хороший годный трейлер
но вместо драмы - хэппи энд
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Dreaming [Oscar]
но разве это AMV?
и не так давно такое уже здесь было
денс -да
комедия - нет
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Children's Trial [Shinzui]
на боях люто не хватает динамики песне
драмы не замечено
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Steampunk: New Albion [Arrow & Lucifer]
а где тут психодел и драма?
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Yen [Tommy]
девочка уже не девочка и снова одна
чересчур затянуто и однообразно
драмы не обнаружено
[24.01.2020] krosha » Control [BadAMVs]
Клип заинтересовал. Техника автора мне ооочень нравится. Немножко скучновато начиная с середины.
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Dreamer [FT]
атмосфера есть
но совсем мимо
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Wish [NearLight]
опять поля
трейлер неплох, но без сабов сюжет невнятен
а для незнающих канон в принципе непонятен
[24.01.2020] ICEberg » Moths [Kuta]
невытянутая скрипка

история невнятна
драма не обнаружена
1.  Russia625
2.  USA181
3.  Ukraine116
4.  China98
5.  Italy82
6.  France65
7.  Germany56
8.  Japan51
9.  Brazil44
10.  England40
11.  Belarus40
12.  Argentina29
13.  Canada28
14.  Greece26
15.  Spain24
16.  Hungary22
17.  Romania22
18.  Honduras22
19.  Mexico20
20.  Kazakhstan19
21.  Sweden19
22.  Poland18
23.  Lithuania15
24.  India14
25.  Indonesia11
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