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Manaus, Brazil
Video    Mobile Police Patlabor 2: The Movie
Audio    Loess - lll6
Genre    Other
4:50 | 95,0 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:50 | 23,5 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
4:50 | 202 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 20 « 1 [2] »
C-Strelok  [ 04 December 2016, 04:40 ]
Изохронная музыка - вот и весь психодел...
В целом ничего интересного.
Kvant  [ 30 November 2016, 15:23 ]
Не знаю кому как, а мне не хватало голоса Н. Дроздова... на первой минуте уж точно :biggrin: Клип лежащий недалеко от неплохого психодела, но так, кажется, и не добравшийся до оного. Возможно, если бы заменить все кадры с анимешных на "живое видео", получилось бы на порядок сильней.
Artofeel  [ 29 November 2016, 14:44 ]
you took my favorite anime
you took my favorite music
and make shit
thank you
also this is not psychedelic, it is Shinobu character profile
anyway thx for trying to do something different (as always :3)
and good fuck in the contest tho!
Death_Kn1ght  [ 29 November 2016, 02:20 ]
Атмосферно , но слишком долго. Первая половина доставляла, со второй уже скучал.
Axiles  [ 28 November 2016, 23:17 ]
3.8/10 :sad:
MrNosec  [ 28 November 2016, 23:17 ]
I didn't fully understand what the concept or story is, implying there is one to begin with, my guess is you were going for a simple, calm, chill experience about a movie you liked?
If that's the case you kinda got it, although it does start being a drag pretty fast because there is no sense of progression, everything feels so stationary and empty.

I honestly just watched the whole video because I wanted to rate it properly and who knows, there could have been something in the end that would give meaning to it all and justify the apparent randomness felt throughout the whole video, but it seems that wasn't the case.
Good luck in the contest tho!

PS: It also feels like the only psychedelic aspect about this video is the song, because the scene selection and the raw editing don't support the chosen category all that much, but maybe that's just me speaking from previous psychedelic videos I've watched.
Zebiru  [ 28 November 2016, 18:45 ]
What is going on? What is this about? 1/10, cuz no effects, no enjoyment and no creativity
frosta  [ 28 November 2016, 17:08 ]
hmmm... it was average , I guess...? I would give you a 3/10. but I have a serious question ; why name it fishes I didn't quite get that ..... could you explain please?
NIGHT  [ 28 November 2016, 16:24 ]
Видео часто слишком сильно замедленно - видно по падающему снегу... тут подошёл бы модный твикстер, а не простая "растяжка".
Звук/видео сочетаются недостаточно хорошо.
Незавершённость (фрагмент после титров не в счёт - он ни с чем не состыкуется и ничем не заканчивается).

Интересная попытка сделать психоделику, но она не удалась.
sucubus  [ 28 November 2016, 13:51 ]
это не психодел, а чиллаут
« 1 [2] »
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