Bean d'Тінь (Global Shadow Studios) [ Bean430 ] |
   | New York, USA | |  |
| | | Hi,I use Movavi Video Editor 4 and a MacBook Air. I was expecting the deadline to be expanding into January like every other time it was put in December. by December 8 I had to get real, my sailor moon one was not ready, I needed a half a week to a week more particularly if I cannot find the project file. I did this video to the style of the blue seed opening scene by scene. basically I chose the images that looked most similar to the images on that opening. I began this before I learned symbolic interpretations in openings. Granted this opening is on the lighter side of symbiotic interpretations as far as openings go and was more character introduction like so I think it was fine. another thing should be noted is that I stuck mostly with Moka.The ending 4 seconds was not done with the exception of the final scene so that stuff reflects my current style. The ending few seconds (after the three crosses) was not done with the exception of the final 2 scenes were made now so that stuff reflects my current style. I did not do it back then because I just cannot do it with the skills I had at the time so at least that improved. I just found Moka really really cool growing up so that's why I chose that.
when I came across this again I decided I wanted to do it. granted this one I love but there is a reason why I did not do this one or two years ago, footage timing issues. the timing is not perfect and I do not mean my editing, I edited just fine for what was there at the time at least 4 years ago. I mean the video that is in there is not the video that it was edited with (basically a different video file of the same footage but from a different source) so the video is not exactly where my edits were. I have one area I have to check again before I see it is lost but looking around would have lowered my own morale.
I did try my best with one of the sources that a lot of the footage came from but there is no way definitely because of the colouring difference between both versions of the ending (I have no idea why one of the versions is way more saturated then the another (I prefer the saturated),I found a slightly less saturated when are used in the end but it still has some discolouration) I think I got to a point that it is .040 give or take maybe .060 but that took me two hours because something weird happened with one of my sources over writing and I had to restore it again. I only thing I have to say. at least I did not use adobe because that one gives the X immediately (it stops the footage telling you to put in the replacement location and/or name before even exiting the project,that was a shock 1 month into to using it for school back in 2019,mine keeps going until you exit and asks when you open the program again) and I would not even been able to check the first frame which was a saving grace. granted one thing that is perfect the transformation scene that is timed perfectly luckily that one was still around. (I have to slightly shorten it again but at least it is mostly the same)This is probably has happened less than a handful of times in the history of this contest. I was going to say only but this contact has been going on since 2004 so I must not be the first. particularly during a time of technical earliness where a lot of to drive barely held all the footage. but at least all the footage is there and the video is complete. I do love this video and I am happy to mostly restore it and publish it here.
there was a second alternative version with 100fps but it's seem to not be here. my best guess it is probably because I got something wrong with naming the file when I sent it. if you were wondering why I chose 120f where most things top at 100 frames. (which is why preview is at 100, I wanted to have a spare that is above 30 but a little under 120 at the highest level) hopefully this will be fixed at some point though I am going to save this to the off-season. I sent the things but obviously something went wrong on either end probably by sending too many versions.
The ending credits song is a combination of the first song I have ever used for an AMV and the first song I published online,uninstall. I hope my sport on the leaderboard is safe since somehow instead of 16 I ended up on 19 but I may have to be going. The length of the thing I am looking at is so long I cannot be published. (it would probably be the length of this whole thing) I wrote some of this last year and a few extra lines this year.but I felt to add one extra line after evilspider's interview since there was one line that stuck. "for the last 8 or so years i'm launching with a strong feeling it will surely be the last." The reason that line stuck what is weird that was my beginning, I remember those first lines in which I saw was (not exact words) we got a surprise sponsor last minute so the contest will be on this year. I remember that being one of the first lines other than the deadline right there.I guess it was a reminder life works in mysterious ways. that a occurrence that was thought to be the end was actually the first year for a editor that has been here for 8.
..rest of this being a goodbye note..
it has been a ride, I have watched many AMV's for years before I made one but the funny thing is the many coincidences that led me to making my first one. if the VHS tape was not a pal tape (I was actually planning on pairing a video to a audio recording which I actually never went around too.) or the example video of how they made the third place amv of that rooster teeth competition. (which my confusion of which editor was led to my intro of the me always listing the editor program. (except for anonymous con which was because it would no longer be anonymous if I did so.)) my first video was done in 7 days and was possibly at that moment the only video I was ever going to do. I am not sure what my parents saw in it that made them think it was a worthwhile venture to get the program. I still use the exact same license.
this contest introduced me to the impactful AMV style instead of the show based YouTube one. I feel like I have learnt a lot and I tried a lot to maybe not even win but to make an impact. things have definitely been changing over the years since I began.I feel the contest is still a very nicely done contest either today or back in 2017. I think I have learned a lot and understood a lot compared from that first time to now. (definitely technique and symbolism) but at the same time I think I am still the same basic person, even if I am a more serious person. I hope you enjoy the video and to many more. |
Audio |
Takada Band - Carnival Babel |
Genre |
Fun, Action, Psychedelic |
Only registered memebers can vote and comment videos! |
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AVERAGE SCORE: | 4.2 / 10 | | 49 | RATING POSITION: | 2503 / 3034 |
VIEWERS: | 4.0 (2) | CRITICS: | 3.4 (3) | EDITORS: | 4.5 (13) | EXPERTS: | 3.7 (3) |
Во всяком клип лучше исходника, уже хорошо))
what this anime name?
Music and inspiration - blue seed opening ,
what this anime name?
Это не фан. Это - комедия.
Бин, спасибо за поздравительную открытку. На ха-ха разнесло с того, что на мгновение показалось, будто под новогодней елью написано " Христос Воскресе ".
Тебе тоже всего-всего, моя хорошая.
Финальная проходка просто нечто невообразимое.
И, кстати говоря, песня душевная. Я довольна.
Без эффектов смотрелось бы лучше.
If you just relax and look at it as an absolute fan, then it's fun. I would even say cozy. I'm not going to talk about the technical aspects here (there are enough people who do this without me) and I'll just review it again. Thanks for the work!