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Oeuvre  [ SUBreX ]
Kolkata, India
It is very simple video, a mother who lost his husband is left with their two little children and she trying to raise them without his father because these two little kids are not ordinary human children, these are wolf-human child.
Video    Wolf Children
Audio    Ludovico Einaudi - Love is a Mystery
Genre    Slice of life, Drama, Romance, Fantasy, Character profile, Story
3:36 | 108 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:36 | 209 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 19 « 1 [2] »
Nero_09  [ 21 January 2023, 10:52 ]
I was impressed ; ;
I'm sure those who have seen "Wolf Children" will be as impressed as I am when they see this AMV.
It was such a great AMV!!!
crash88ctamv  [ 17 January 2023, 16:07 ]
Honestly I notice at the basic level at several points lack of synchronization at the beginning, dissimilarity of assembling the scenes at the points of beats, although in itself some character profile and drama is there, let's say there is video however several points of beats are skipped not negligible although watchable all in all.
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 16 January 2023, 05:46 ]
Same as Night here
ICEberg  [ 15 January 2023, 20:46 ]
профайл раскрыт
драмы не обнаружено
формальные признаки романтики и фэнтези имеются
повседневка раскрыта

хотя конечно сюжет и исходник не нов
и клип все же на раз или как ознакомительный для несмотревших
Danny AMV  [ 15 January 2023, 02:03 ]
a magnificent work I am left without more comments
Kvant  [ 10 January 2023, 08:11 ]
Я бы сказал что данное аниме (которое само шедевром в общем-то совсем не является) достойно лучшего амв.
Тут всё просто как два пальца в розетку сунуть.
Хотя, нельзя и сказать что клип плох. Местами даже мил.
То что называется "на один просмотр".
Anejo  [ 06 January 2023, 21:05 ]
 NIGHT @ 05 января 2023, 05:17 
the point is simple video/sound synchronization

At least at the peak of the emotional part of the music one could use the overused but more suitable running-in-the-snow scene instead of the calm memories
NIGHT  [ 05 January 2023, 05:17 ]
Displaying the ideas of the author of the video - in the video editor - had to be made softer and at the same time more "tied" to the music.
I understood what you wanted to show, but... the point is simple video/sound synchronization - in those videos where the first and second are balanced, the viewer does not strain, he just watches.
Unfortunately, here, due to inaccuracies, this is not the case.
I can advise you to "put aside" this AMV (i.e., save all the sources, editing programs and projects somewhere separately) and remastered it a little later.
Лисёнок-тян  [ 29 December 2022, 12:46 ]
« 1 [2] »
AVERAGE SCORE:5.9 / 1060
VIEWERS:5.8 (12)CRITICS:6.2 (6)
EDITORS:6.1 (13)EXPERTS:4.5 (1)