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SmallBlack  [ SmallBlack ]
Zhejiang, China
Video    My Hero Academia
Audio    Tommee Profitt (feat. Jung Youth & Fleurie) - In the End
Genre    Action, Story, Character Profile
2:09 | 39,3 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 24 « [1] 2 3 »
ICEberg  [ 21 January 2019, 19:31 ]
ни внятного финала
ни внятного профиля
Cane  [ 17 January 2019, 14:49 ]
Ни профиля, ни истории, ни экшена как такового. В начале то ли хлопорт, то ли так себе попытка липсинка. Но зато хоть синхра на месте =) 6/10 за технику
Fataleditz  [ 31 December 2018, 14:46 ]
I think you tried to put way too many effects when you didn't necessarily need too. Ill be honest. I am very old school and usually stick to just masking and raw edits. Main reason I entered this year was bc I just wanted to join a community I have admired since I started out in 2006. I think you will find a style and make much better works in the future. I have only recently been allowed more time and the funds to purchase the equipment I needed. If I had made my decision earlier I would have submitted a better entry but being involved has exposed me to some great editors and videos this year. I would learn from others and keep experimenting. I was not a huge fan of the vid myslef but if you accomplished what you wanted out of it. Good. Learn from it and keep at it.
Kvant  [ 31 December 2018, 06:14 ]
Претензии на эпичность, так и остались лишь нереализованными претензиями. Так же как и все заявленные жанры. Попытки "клёвых фифектов" тоже клип не вытягивают. По мне довольно слабая и малоинтересная работа.
InsanitySupporter  [ 27 December 2018, 08:16 ]
I think the project is quite ambitious and I can see you had a lot of fun playing around with fx, but I think you need to do some smaller, simple projects to learn the basics of AMV editing before you try to do complex stuff like twixtor, I notice you know how to use the software but you still need to learn about pacing, color grading and sync so your videos follow the music properly. When you finally learn that you'll make some awesome stuff!
theredflash66  [ 24 December 2018, 13:15 ]
I couldn't like it to be honest
Anejo  [ 24 December 2018, 12:52 ]
куча невтемных эффектов и заигрывание с клавишными, слишком сильное выпячивание акцентнов камерой - скорее говорит не об умении автора, такое впечатление, что он комплексует по-поводу выбранных кадров.
Липсинк и твикстор совсем странные, все время в голове крутилось, что может так и задумывлось. Эмоции слишком фандомные.
Жанр этого клипа - анимированное слайдшоу с дефолтными переходами. Найдет своего ценителя, возможно.
SmallBlack  [ 22 December 2018, 14:12 ]
Remember that advice。
Kroner  [ 22 December 2018, 13:15 ]
 SmallBlack @ 22 December 2018, 01:03 

that's the main thing dude, critics are here to make you stronger and not to discourage you, but you should learn the basics before going for stuff more elaborate and twixtor itselff can be a double-edged knife, a very powerful instrument and the worst choice you can take
Radical Dream  [ 22 December 2018, 07:53 ]
Start your learning with disabling/deleting twixtor, this is not something newbie should use.
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AVERAGE SCORE:4.5 / 1047
VIEWERS:4.6 (27)CRITICS:4.0 (8)
EDITORS:4.8 (19)EXPERTS:3.2 (1)