Jean (Yellow Rose Studio) [ Bean430 ] |
| New York, USA | | |
| | | Hi, my name is Jean. I have been doing AMV or got a Video editor in general for about 6 months. This is my first contest and video I posted online so I tried my very Best. I was going to do action, but after I saw the "ZONE ACTION 3 WAR" I decided against the action genre do to me being speechless and stared from scratch. I usually do Max Steel (2000) and Tranfomers Prime AMV. My favorite song and first song I used for AMV is/was Cruel Angel's Thesis as I think is shown by the video. I use Movavi Video Editor 4 and a MacBook Air (got it on black friday at good discount). So sorry if the resolution or frame rate was wrong and even more sorry if translations were wrong as I only took Ukrainian 1 year as a school requirement. I use google translator and a few other sites for Russian transliteration of my name in the intro though I got help for some translations from others like the Ukrainian transliteration of my name. I have Midterms coming up (a big test done in January in the states) so this was the last day my mom aloud me to work on it. If you are planing to watch Vampire Knight you should watch the show first as this AMV has BIG spoilers for the WHOLE show (yes, even the last episode but definitely season 2 episode 12 and season 2 episode 7) and when I say big I mean BIG. The first 10 seconds are safe if you did not see the show yet and The first 1 minute 20 seconds is save if you watched most of the first session (around season 1 episode 10). So I hope you like my AMV. The link below has the song lyric translation for English. http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/bokurano/uninstall.htm I might make subtitles at some point, I have subtitles that I made last year for CreaCon for a video with the same song that never got submitted due to the contest being 'not happened' (they never cancelled it but they never began it, likely due to hardship that I understand made it understandable not to do the contest), I just have to make them match this video since the credit at the beginning of different lengths. I actually make the video with the link on one side of the computer in the editor on the other side checking back and forth, but it has occurred to me in the five years since his video was made that it was kind a really silly to ask someone just memorize the lyrics from one link and then watch the video. this video goes to the journey of vampire knight as they deal with the hardships of being in the world vampires as both a hunter and a vampire with uncontrollable urges (The uncontrollable vampire part is more complicated), through the main characters and the background character popping up and showing how they are also overcoming things to be brave, (I think one important detail is the other white hair character is his twin). I think the biggest weakness for the video and possibly part of the reason this got a 1 is it is even though it has edits that I am still proud, is that it is a retelling of the story , while exploring different aspects with a little more attention. it also even though it is possible to understand it without watching a show, takes for granted that you have watch the show at some point. (more on this at the end since this is super long) (added January 20 2022) Midterms for college and Midterms for pk through 12th grade are on different times and mean different things. Midterms for pk through 12th grade is basically a mid school year test in January. I put Yellow Rose Studio as my "Studio Name" as it was listed and I thought to make my one Studio Name. I found out later that month those that there is anther another Yellow Rose Studio, so I never used the name again but still put pictures of Yellow Roses on my credits in honour of that. I named it that as the yellow roses is the symbol of unrequited love. reason this got a 1 is I got the wrong aspect ratio (I searched for hours) The reason I was confused on the aspect ratio (which is the most popular complaint) is this show came out right between The conversion of 4.3 and 16.9. in the end my main guess was 4.3 which turned out to be wrong.but the main reason I think you got a as I speculate is likely it did not have much wrong (I did not hand in the blank thing) but did not have stuff to increase the grade, it was what it was and I might have been shocked then but that was mostly due to the fact that I did not understand that the contest used the full range of grading and not just the four points system (in which they use five as the lowest unless you turn nothing or close to it), that you actually had to earn every single point. and even though I think this still has great merit I hope my future ones will have some too, looking at this more than a half a decade later. (also, I realize when making this I did not even describe the video just the spoilers and introducing myself, so they cannot grade my concept because I just use this as an introduction page. I have added the concept since then.) |
Audio |
Chiaki Ishikawa - Uninstall |
Genre |
Drama, Psychedelic, Story |
Only registered memebers can vote and comment videos! |
| |
AVERAGE SCORE: | 2.7 / 10 | | 38 | RATING POSITION: | 2834 / 3034 |
VIEWERS: | 2.8 (12) | CRITICS: | 2.4 (8) | EDITORS: | 3.0 (12) | EXPERTS: | 1.0 (1) |
Sorry for Кхристос родивсиа in transliteration English. See my high school went caroling to the bank (we are a small school of 48 students) and since I go to a Ukrainian school after we sung shchedryk (the end credit music but with lyrics) we said Кхристос родивсиа and i was in the Christmas mood. As bad as this excuse sounds when I made the credits i thought the due date was at 00:00 (the start of next day) jan 12/13 At every time zone due to them asking for our time zone so i was in a rush plus my midterm were coming up (they are all this week, i should be studying) i was not even shore about the end of the video's timing. now a credit page, I was in a rush and my friend from Russia suddenly left my earlier then expected (after midterms) so i used google tranlarer and a translidrashin site for my name but for any change not in the ABC aflabet had to dragged and dropped ingvele very bore but i did do my name in Ukrainian properly in honour of my Ukrainian teacher Ms.Zerka and I did texted my translator on the 20th after having time to settle he sayed I translated "sung by" wrong and the proper tranlashine is "Было спето" which took 10 min to write to give you a idea how long it takes (though it did take 3 min to figure out that ы was 1 letter not 2 as there are no double symbol letter in Ukrainian or english and i did not know they existed) by the way sorry for the late reply. I stared writing this reply on the 23 my Time Zone so 24th in the slavic area (not getting specific so not to offend) and Midterms.
Added (after 18 min. and 55 sec.):
I did not at all bace my video on this but it is a good exsple of in show audio in professional videos (in this case a opening)
Что опять троллинг?
Не, ну Я даже не знаю... пойду кефирчику попью...
А этот клип случаем не является оскорблением чувств верующих ? М.б. посадить автора на бутылочку, в воспитательных целях ?
ну и про сочетаемость цветов и взиморасположение элементов - тоже подучить
такое у меня четвероклашку в муму клепают за урок
разноаспект - учимся обрезать поля и хотя бы картинку делать с разрешением сторон исходного видео
таких ошибок даже четвероклашки не делают после 15 минут теории
видео отдельно - музыка отдельно
вообще довольно редко сочетается песня и закадровый голос - в данном клипе не сочетаются никак
история невнятна
недостаточно безумия
присутствуют формальные признаки мелодрамы
Adding your own subtitles or karaoke is also not allowed (unless their presense is required conceptionally). If you wish to add subtitles or song lyrics to your video, include it in a separate .srt or .ass file.
no, it's just horrible
but I mean transitions between scenes
The Rules say "Adding your own subtitles or karaoke is also not allowed" but other then that it is a great idea if it ever comes up again. About about wrong AR thank for the feedback and the link. as for "sell it, and buy normal PC" I am under 18 so ya but it is not like you could have known.though about "creepy transitions" and "don't use default transitions" does my intro say something bad or freaky. Again thanks for your time
if you build your M\V on song lyric, then you should have made subtitles (especially if it's not English)
your preview should be OK if you render lossless AVI (like Ut Video) file and then encode it with AMVSimple
it's not about slow computer, it's about traffic
ohh, I forgot, you have MacBook Air, AMVSimple probably don't work there, as well as other good encoding programs
sell it, and buy normal PC
do not encode directly from edit program, quality will be suck, always
about wrong AR, your video is 16:9
look at second and third screens
they should look like the first screen
w/o black fields on the sides
and don't use default transitions
Added (after 41 min. and 48 sec.):
I realized I forgot to say that I made the Preview Quality as a just in case you have a old or slow computer so everyone can watch no matter your ram or monitor.I did not realize the website automatically puts videos to the Preview Quality. if you have a ok computer, stream in Standard Quality (look between the video and Comments and find the [
all I wanted to say is that your video is ONE BIG ERROR
there is: wrong video aspect ratio, creepy transitions, LQ encoding, just random sequence of frames w/o any combination with music
do ten more like this in your "Movavi Editor 4"
then ten more in Sony Vegas
and then ten more in Adobe Premiere
and then one more in Adobe After Effects
and then maybe...