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MagicDarkLight  (Sora to Kasai)  [ MagicDarkLight ]
Verviers, Belgium
When a dream comes true, it is not just a dream.

Bakuman is my favourite manga. It conveys a lot of various emotions which are, in my opinion, all mixed in a perfect way. I had already edited this anime in 2011 but it wasn't finished at that time and in 2013, I thought that I could make better.

So here it is ! I think both people who know and who don't know Bakuman can be able to enjoy this video. So I hope you will!

I want to, again, give my thanks to Xieri, who drew the banner, Kain-x-spirits, Lensta and Echotrooper for their critics and in a more general way the whole Sora to Kasai, for helping me in many ways.
Video    Various [ Bakuman, Death Note, Kproject, Free!, Hyouka, Ef a tale of memories, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Persona4, Monogatari series 2nd, To aru kagaku no railgun, Code Breaker, Sword art Online, Accel World, Inu x Boku SS, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kurokami, Canaan, RWBY ]
Audio    ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning
Genre    Romance, Character Profile, Story
3:28 | 59,4 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 13,3 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 120 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 92 « 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 »
Алхимик_67  [ 18 December 2013, 01:33 ]
andrewbee  [ 18 December 2013, 00:34 ]
Just saw your other amvs. You have really improved and it seems as the years go by, you tone down the speed by a decimal point :D Will hope to see more of this and you re welcome.
OkilL  [ 18 December 2013, 00:20 ]
Really great \o/, love the ambience you put in this one and you try a lot of really cool effects (especially with the manga effect) nothing more to say than: GG ma gueule !
DanzAnimationz  [ 18 December 2013, 00:00 ]
Awesome hakim you are the best 10/10 fomr gob joob and GL :wow:
Centurione  [ 17 December 2013, 23:46 ]
One of the very top entries so far. I wasn't a huge fan of some transitions (those with a bit of dark solid) but man, those little scenes with dust/ink/whatever like at 1:07 looked really awesome. Great pacing, pretty nice story-telling and for real, it can be easily felt from the video that you're a huge fan of the series. Great work! 8.5 from me ;)
MagicDarkLight  [ 17 December 2013, 23:40 ]
Thanks really to everyone for your comments :)

@andrewbee, really glad to read the opinion of a fan of the series! Yeah, I won't be able to defend myself correctly on the point you mentioned. If you take a look at my older works, I've always edited with this kind of speed. Also, indeed, I didn't want the plot to interfere too much with my editing, even though the whole point is to show/tell the great moments of the anime, it's still an amv and, as I told, when I make one, I like it fast :P I'm glad you've seen the work and that some moments had an impact despite the speed. Thanks again!
Skydean  [ 17 December 2013, 23:27 ]
10/10 for me. Quite obvious with this kind of awesome work !
Тёмыч-кун  [ 17 December 2013, 22:50 ]
Awesome clip, i like it! 9/10
Darkmessa  [ 17 December 2013, 22:35 ]
хорошая работа 9
andrewbee  [ 17 December 2013, 22:31 ]
Allot of work was poured into this amv. As a fan of the series, I think you did a great job covering their determination to succeed. There were two moments in this amv that had a strong emotional impact for me.
Technically, I have to agree, Yusuke on the 'over-syncing'. The movement through your clips and story was fluid but too fast at times and the viewer ends up losing the plot especially if you are unfamiliar with the source. I get it though, you want to hit all those crescendo moments without sacrificing the progression of the story you are trying to tell. The AMV would have benefited from a 5-10% reduction in some of the plots you covered. Still, its a great piece of work. Good Luck!
« 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 »
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