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MagicDarkLight  (Sora to Kasai)  [ MagicDarkLight ]
Verviers, Belgium
When a dream comes true, it is not just a dream.

Bakuman is my favourite manga. It conveys a lot of various emotions which are, in my opinion, all mixed in a perfect way. I had already edited this anime in 2011 but it wasn't finished at that time and in 2013, I thought that I could make better.

So here it is ! I think both people who know and who don't know Bakuman can be able to enjoy this video. So I hope you will!

I want to, again, give my thanks to Xieri, who drew the banner, Kain-x-spirits, Lensta and Echotrooper for their critics and in a more general way the whole Sora to Kasai, for helping me in many ways.
Video    Various [ Bakuman, Death Note, Kproject, Free!, Hyouka, Ef a tale of memories, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Persona4, Monogatari series 2nd, To aru kagaku no railgun, Code Breaker, Sword art Online, Accel World, Inu x Boku SS, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kurokami, Canaan, RWBY ]
Audio    ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning
Genre    Romance, Character Profile, Story
3:28 | 59,4 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 13,3 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 120 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 92 « 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 »
kitkatanime  [ 20 December 2013, 22:04 ]
браво,пожалуй пока что самое сильное 10/10
Hikado95  [ 20 December 2013, 07:02 ]
10 /10
j7n13q  [ 19 December 2013, 17:26 ]
ничего гениального нет... но выполнено все добротно
zxdamnedxz  [ 19 December 2013, 16:08 ]
One of the best works 9\10
xMadSteps  [ 19 December 2013, 14:18 ]
One of the best vids that i saw here in this year ;d
nivekov123  [ 19 December 2013, 05:36 ]
Wow! Good job hakim, bit oversynced and got bored half way through. BUT the fx and pans are awesome and i enjoyed it, and i did watch it to the end. I haven't watched the anime so i have no idea what this video is about, but im telling you that it's cool to watch. Bravo!
Cour  [ 19 December 2013, 01:15 ]
Awesome video MDL! :biggrin:
Sevania  [ 18 December 2013, 23:13 ]
MagicDarkLight, thank you for an awesome amv.
9/10 (not 10/10 because it was a little-little boring in some parts).
xDreww  [ 18 December 2013, 20:58 ]
FINALLY. YES. Another great Bakuman AMV! I love this anime so much been watching it since it first premiered, and so happy to see another AMV with it that's just greatness. I really enjoyed your transitions and masking like alkways bro, you do SUCH a great job with it. The only thing that really threw me off, is the other random anime scenes that you used, I kind of didn't like that, except for some parts. Love love the masking creations and the effects you did just..awesome bro. Love the AMV bro! Good luck!
Geesushi  [ 18 December 2013, 20:25 ]
Well, well, well, so damn well done! :D Congrats!
« 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 »
AVERAGE SCORE:8.1 / 1074
VIEWERS:8.3 (131)CRITICS:8.1 (34)
EDITORS:7.5 (70)EXPERTS:7.2 (1)