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DistrixAMV  (Shattered Limit)  [ DistrixAMV ]
Florida, USA
Going into this video, my intention was to show the desensitization of an individual within something as traumatic as war. I attempted to capture that with this anime and accompanying music. With this song, I wanted to focus on emotion rather than feel restricted by lyrics. This was a bold choice on my own part because I have never edited this way but it was a learning experience. Up for one's own interpretation, I hope you enjoy this video as much as I had enjoyed creating it.
Video    Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Audio    Globus - In Memoriam
Genre    Action, Drama
4:28 | 36,0 Mb. | 720x480 | H.264 / aac
4:28 | 8,84 Mb. | 480x320 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 33 « 1 [2] 3 4 »
Gospell  [ 03 January 2013, 15:15 ]
Это просто фантастика. Музыка пробирает до дрожи с первых секунд, а плавные кадры отлично вписываются под нее. Конечно было много неподходящих моментов, быстрые сцены боя, ну как минус еще и огромное колличество мех в экранах, да и синхра местами весьма страдает. Несмотря на это, слушаю данный клип наверное уже раз 10 и получаю громадное удовольствие. Автору десяточку.
Scittalec  [ 03 January 2013, 00:22 ]
Gently and gracefully. I liked it!
ICEberg  [ 02 January 2013, 23:42 ]
вполне годная космоопера
несмотря на длительность - удержан связный сюжет
но не драма
Cenit  [ 02 January 2013, 02:47 ]
The longer this went on the more i liked it. Good Job well done!
[madaraxD]  [ 01 January 2013, 21:05 ]
Well done Sir.
Алхимик_67  [ 01 January 2013, 16:21 ]
Офигенно 10 балов !! Смотрится просто на одном дыхании!
theknightoutlaw  [ 01 January 2013, 06:11 ]
Good job Diz, your best work yet. Really great atmosphere, although some parts could have been more refined I still really liked it. It's also nice to see a source like this used; sometimes something old can be something new. :wink:
xDreww  [ 01 January 2013, 03:07 ]
Pretty good. Not my type of AMV to watch and music, but editing was pretty good. :3
Hikado95  [ 01 January 2013, 01:18 ]
nice nice ambient!! goodluck =)
DistrixAMV  [ 01 January 2013, 01:06 ]
 nivekov123 @ 31 December 2012, 04:01 
Good Job m8

Means a lot coming from you : ) Thanks
« 1 [2] 3 4 »
AVERAGE SCORE:6.9 / 1063
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