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Radical Dream - Prophecy
 Arrow & Lucifer (1)
Very intense, technically solid work.
 athrun (1)
I like the video, I think that I can learn a lot from you, congrats
 DespairsAbyss (1)
Тут все просто, хоть и видно что работа делалась на скорую руку, да и как трейлер клип явно неидеален - все равно считаю что это самая достойная работа с кона. Прошлогодний клип был явно лучше, но из-за отсутствия какой-то конкуренции выделю именно эту работу - люблю я сорс, мв удачное, клип до конца не отпускает.
 FT (2)
Good video. the editing is really cool with nice compositions. It make a good impact.
 GiaQuando (2)
Generally really solid editor and the trailer was a really nice video to watch.Really like when editors like Radical make trailers cause the emotion that can be shown in such vids can simply be breathtaking.
 Extreme-Color (3)
The graphics are great and the video itself is great. I like the story it tells.
 okhostok (3)
Очень атмосферная работа и трек очень подходить к видеоряду. От автора жду полный клип сделанными 3Д элементами.
 Sutrue (3)
There are some little problems, but overall, it's good and I like it.
Ridiculous - Ride on your waves
 FT (1)
Very nice Video, I feel moved watching it, the execution is clean and the combo is cool. The scene selection is just on point and the video have an amazing atmosphere, good job!
 Kouha (1)
 MycathatesyouAMV (1)
Made me wet
 Arrow & Lucifer (2)
Unique and interesting atmosphere.
 DespairsAbyss (2)
Просто хорошая романтика. Очень приятно смотреть, отличное мв, больше и добавить нечего.
 Extreme-Color (2)
It looks beautiful and the story is very well expressed.
 WhiteRabbit (2)
Excelent history and nice parts
 GiaQuando (3)
While most of the participants focused on action oriented or darker edits ridiculous decided to go and create something lighter yet really nice bringing something different into the contest.Really enjoyed the combination of drama into the video as well and how well it blended thus giving him the 3rd spot!
 Shinzui (3)
The edit was really soothing and comfortable to watch. I really loved the theme of the video as I like things like this.
 Tommy (3)
Though a little by-the-numbers trailer, I found this very entertaining because it's generally well put together. I'm a no fan of the fate franchise, but this actually makes me weirdly interested. The editing is discreet but very effective.
NearLight - Wish
 Encruzio (1)
Отличный годный интригующий трейлер. Обыгрыш музыки на очень высоком уровне. Понравились звуковые вставки из исходника , что придали клипу дикую атмосферу , в которую я погрузился во время просмотра. Думаю вполне себе неплохой кандидат на первое место.
 Extreme-Color (1)
I like this type of video very much, the atmosphere rendering is enough, and the visual effects are great.
 LanPj (1)
Of all the storytelling videos, this is my favorite. Although it's just a trailer, it's more passionate than other story videos. I like it.
 lastsoy (1)
 Ridiculous (1)
Professional editing with perfect sfx usage, clean and fantastic.
 Sutrue (1)
It's an interesting video, I like the editing and effects. The feeling is great.
 Kouha (2)
 MrAuditore & tanott (2)
What can I say, this is exactly what a trailer should feel like. Despite not having any subtitles, I did not once feel I needed them was instantly sucked into the torrent of the plot that was unveiling in front of my eyes that rivals the best trailers out there.

So all I can add is that I "Wish" this author keeps doing what he's doing!
 DespairsAbyss (3)
Не знаю даже чей трейлер лучше - этот или Радикала, однако атмосфера выдержана отлично, практически все понравилось.
 MetL storm (3)
Наверное любой АМВ ролик в какой то степени трейлер, и не смотря на изъезженный исходник, этот смотрится очень бодро, даже не смотря на его длину.
Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion
 aias (1)
Greeks together strong.
 GiaQuando (1)
I really liked how unique their video and music combination was and it was something I clearly didn't expect thus why I gave them 1st place.
 Radical Dream (1)
Since I value originality and creativity more than other aspects, this AMV impressed me primarily because of the unusual music and anime choice.
The setting of this anime fits perfectly into such music, making you remember this AMV, even though the other aspects are rather weak. In any case, this is one of the few works from the contest that deserve to be watched more than once.
 Rider4Z (1)
Editing was really clean. Song and anime choice were really original and felt strong together. My only complaint is it felt too short. I wanted more.
 Shinzui (1)
Was really well done as the both of them worked together on this. I just wish that there was more to the plot.
 Tommy (1)
Great scene selection and very nice flow for the most part. The camera movement changes a lot during the amv but it still fits very well. There was one transition I didn't like around the middle mark but overall this is the best thing I've seen this Akross.
Kouha - In Dreams
 GoldenThunder (1)
Interesting and immersive idea
 NearLight (1)
Ingeniously combine 3D and 2D animation together, the atmosphere is also in place, which is really great
 okhostok (1)
Реально крутая техника (3Д) и хороший концепт - сон внутри сна. Единственный минус - МАЛО. Автору удачи и надеюсь он сделает более длинный клип.
 cegan (2)
I loved the unusual 3D environment - very unique
Вроде всё просто, но что то необычное, цепляющее, всё-таки есть.
 LanPj (2)
At first I didn't realize that the scene was homemade 3D. The red paper umbrella in the video has the flavor of a Chinese horror movie and shows a woman with a broken heart. If it is a live-action movie, it must be a horror movie that keeps people awake all night.
 Ridiculous (2)
A newbie editor who did tons of masks and 3D modeling in his AMV, which show me his crazy idea and technique. You deserve it!
 aias (3)
Amazing concept and very haunting execution. The 3D model could have been a bit better, but overall, this was an amazing AMV. Keep it up. I think you will win #1 this year!
Multi-Editor Project - LOTUS MEP
 WhiteRabbit (1)
Best concept and visual techniques
 athrun (2)
Me gustó mucho el vídeo y más viniendo de editores del área , felicitaciones
 GoldenThunder (2)
Really great part in the middle, and nice overall
 MycathatesyouAMV (2)
Made me put on my fedora
 Sutrue (2)
Different parts have different levels, the editing and rhythm are great. I'm very enjoy it.
 Ellafaessa (3)
Интересная задумка и техничное исполнение
 FT (3)
Un muy buen MEP, la idea es genial y la ejecución es bastante buena con momentos visualmente muy disfrutables y secuencias de acción geniales.
 Kouha (3)
Pretty cool!
 Ridiculous (3)
Perfect M/V combo, wonderful scene selection and cc. You bring me into the samurai world.
GoldenThunder - "Friend"
 cegan (1)
The AMV I can say I enjoyed the most out of this contest.
Отличная романтика. Скачал себе на хард и пересматривал переодически.
 MetL storm (2)
Думаю этот клип вызвал больше всего эмоций.
Li0n - Onigiri
 athrun (3)
I like the anime , the song and the editing , I would like to see more imagination but in general the video was Ok
Sutrue - Ignite the star
 Magikarp (1)
A great job, nice story and very good feelings, the modern successor of fracture
 MrAuditore & tanott (1)
To my shame, I've gotta say I haven't thought of this much at first, as I didn't have enough patience to realize the beauty of its craftsmanship, as it truly is a unique and albeit somewhat simple at core, a worthy attempt at describing how meeting a person you've kept in your heart for a long time again in so long really feels.
 okhostok (2)
Хорошая техника и хороший кроссовер с другими исходниками. Немного напоминает шедевр Горза из за трека.
Kyoto Edits - No Destiny
 Encruzio (3)
О-о этот клип просто конфетка , по сути он быстро быстро так торопливо расказывает нам о романтической истории между тремя персонажами. Но думаю стоит отдать должное лучший романтический клип этого кона.
Не то чтобы техника прям зашкаливала, но это единственный подобный клип на конкурсе
 lastsoy (3)
WhiteRabbit - TDCOBB AMV
 Encruzio (2)
Несмотря на супер яркие цвета я все же решил отдать второе место именно этому клипу как самый веселый клип этого кона. Он тихо , плавно и размеренно рассказывает историю о задроте , который раскупает игры в магазине и проходит их как ему угодно. Отличная синхра , хороший профильчар . Достойное второе место .
 Magikarp (2)
Good work in selecting interesting scenes, effects and compositions and most importantly, very fun to watch.
 LanPj (3)
Of all the videos, this is the most interesting one. The author is very thoughtful and the content is very funny, so I think it's great.
 NearLight (3)
This is a very interesting video, I like it very much
CHarlie_B - Rhythm Zone
 MycathatesyouAMV (3)
Sync slicker than an oiled up booty on Pornhub
MycathatesyouAMV - Poppycockers
 Kyoto Edits (2)
Very interesting visual effects, getting to see a good development.
 Rider4Z (2)
This one's just a lot of fun. Combo feels really strong. Lots of internal sync which I love.
MrAuditore & tanott - Sword of Immortality
 lastsoy (2)
athrun - Unrewarded Souls
 MetL storm (1)
Из всех работ, данный клип показался мне самым оригинальным и при этом качественным. Лично на меня он произвел большее впечатление чем остальные работы конкурса.
FT - Dreamer
 Tommy (2)
Very basic flow and editing that's carried by the video's fantastic ability to shine in the thing it's supposed to considering its genre. Great story-tellling and one of the most enjoyable videos of this year.
 GoldenThunder (3)
Pure and innocent atmosphere
Extreme-Color - Illusory World
 Ellafaessa (2)
Самый необычный клип конкурса
cegan - How to be Eaten by A Woman
 WhiteRabbit (3)
Excelent techniques and good concepts
Shinzui - Children's Trial
 Kyoto Edits (1)
The present form of the scenes was good and I can say, besides the application of the "links" being very interesting.
 Radical Dream (2)
The feeling is like after watching something between the opening and the trailer. Good flow and scene selection. The only thing that spoils the overall impression is the duration. You should have kept within 1.5-2 minutes.
 Arrow & Lucifer (3)
Really fun and cool action.
Ellafaessa - Rose Nebula
 Kyoto Edits (3)
Good atmosphere, plus great selection. It has its best charm.
DespairsAbyss - Unforgiven
 Magikarp (3)
The best drama of the competition, an amv to the old school that maintains and knows how to convey the essence of anime perfectly.
 Rider4Z (3)
I was surprised by this one the most. Intriguing and interesting layout. I wasn't happy with the song change in the middle at first but I changed my mind by the end.
GiaQuando - Count Dracula
 aias (2)
Greeks together strong.
okhostok - Reversal
 MrAuditore & tanott (3)
okhostok may not seem like the most talented editor from the way he implements their works, but he certainly proved to have the most unique approach at crafting his videos, without going too far in implementing that. Such is the case for this video, which turns into a true piece of art by the end. Truly deserved.
 NearLight (2)
Great dance music, rarely seen this type
lastsoy - Babylon
 Ellafaessa (1)
Запал в душу с первого просмотра
 Shinzui (2)
I really liked the choice in sources and it fascinated me. The only thing I wish was that the zooms and some of the effects can be implemented better.
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 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2014 06.01.2015  
FACT - ape