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[20.01.2014] Kimihairu » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
" i'll be around here until i die "
Поймал на слове :biggrin: С такими выражениями не шутят
[20.01.2014] Armed » Fucking, Only i suffer? [StormBlood]
Технически средне, м/в не очень, история хорошая. 6/10
[20.01.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
здорово! есть конечно недочёты.. но в целом мне нравиться! =)
[20.01.2014] Anicsi » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
I'm trying to give constructive criticism here, because i think you really tried your best in this video. Objectively speaking, there are a few parts that are edited quite well, and others that are really bad. The really bad ones are the parts where you just took a long clip that had loads of movement in it and let it continue until the end. The good parts are where you actually made cuts and added motion and effects befitting the music.
Even if it's an action video, though, there should be some sort of concept apparent. The video seems really random, a bunch of action clips lined up after each other. Try to split the song into parts in your mind, like you would when writing a book or a story. There's an introduction and an ending, and ups and downs and turning points. The feeling or message of these should vary. The credits are WAY too long.
And then there is the song choice. I think you should always edit with the sources you want to. But when you enter a contest, you have to keep in mind the taste of the audience. And screamo just isn't everyone's cup of tea. So, you know, next time try to choose a song that would suit people more when attending a contest :)
[20.01.2014] eake4 » Discrete Paradise [Eake4 & NosAMVs]
观众是神 :p
Thanks for comments guys!
[20.01.2014] Sevania » Про кота [Sympak]
Спасибо большое за амв, за понятный и интересный сюжет. Если не зацикливаться на музыкальном сопровождении (песне), то оно очень мило дополняет историю. В общем, мне сильно понравился этот клип. :smile:
[20.01.2014] Velzavul » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
Раньше были шлаковые нарезки по Наруто теперь вот это... 1/10
[20.01.2014] Janowar » Rubber Duck [Animated]
Why you didn't censored man's nipples? That's not right but still it's a really good fun amv. 8/10.
[20.01.2014] Sevania » Discrete Paradise [Eake4 & NosAMVs]
My new favorite amv from this Con. :smile:
Refreshing, peaceful and relaxing. It's an inspiring video.
[20.01.2014] Kristoo » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
Why the first part of clip is orange?! Why titres in the end soooo long?! weakly 5/10
[20.01.2014] seeyoulala » Discrete Paradise [Eake4 & NosAMVs]
神作 :wow:
[20.01.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
Dije que ese estreno ocurria esta semana no? Bueno ya esta
[20.01.2014] kyle_m » Case #77 [Phantasmagoriat]
i'd never get it y folk from different communities cant contact others when need foreign lang support. i saw enough mistakes from russians trying out eng titles and vice versa and must note this as a STRANGEST MOTHAFKING BEHAVIOR EVAR. is it really so complex to ASK
[20.01.2014] Velzavul » Refrain [Meltopian]
Начало обнадёжило но в итоге все сдулось. 4/10
[20.01.2014] Armed » Burning Bloody Brotherhood [Reivax Spylkrow]
Terrible footage, terrible music, terrible Synchro! :biggrin:
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2010 15.12.2010  
Thebandwithnoname - Misfit
Fun, Action
Mindless Self Indulgence - Harry Truman
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 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2008 16.12.2008  
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
Papa Roach - To Be Loved
Story, Fun, Comedy, Parody