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[25.01.2014] ЮККА » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
Очень красиво получилось. Конечно для данного жанра все самые красивые кусочки из аниме уже использовались неоднократно, по этому жалко что в этой работе они то же есть. Но таких кусков было не много и это радует. В общем работа понравилась, спасибо автору.
[25.01.2014] ICEberg » One Life One Love [TatakaiAmv]
еще одна история про мальчика

красочно, затянуто, банально и мимо
[25.01.2014] sheen » The winner [SHEEN]
 razorw3 @ 25 January 2014, 10:12 

Didn't you guys see my description first??I SAID i 'm a fan of De:Light, that's no doubt. but i think the two videos are different.and it's no need to give me a webpage link cuz i already have seen it.
[25.01.2014] razorw3 » The winner [SHEEN]
Плагиат. И как Вам не стыдно товарищ китаец?
Лучше оригинала все ровно не получилось: http://www.akross.ru/index.cgi?act=video;id=878
[25.01.2014] akira02sum » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
Beautiful! If there were no overused footage, I would love this video.
[25.01.2014] Scofield_NL » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
very good friend, I liked it, I never tire of watching amvs dance, the atmosphere was excellent, beautiful scenes, good luck bro! :biggrin:
[25.01.2014] D4RK » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
teach me the ways of fps cmon master notttttttttttttice me !!
[25.01.2014] AnimeTube7 » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
nice one! good luck!
[25.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
 D4RK @ 25 January 2014, 02:17 
60 fps,are u sure?be awared some ppl think its a bad thing ;dd

It isn't a bad thing or a good thing. But either way, I can do it on a Godly level, did you know?
[25.01.2014] D4RK » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
60 fps,are u sure?be awared some ppl think its a bad thing ;dd
[25.01.2014] EnigMoses » The winner [SHEEN]
Jesus told me he's disappointed.
[25.01.2014] EnigMoses » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
I seriously do not see the point of conveying "feelings" with easy to find credit-less openings with rotating anime girls holding their hands up or folding back their majestic hair while the wind blows upward and then the scene pans to a beautiful little star light scene.
Also the magic bullet looks, does the job but this is what they mean by just "another trance AMV" it's always the same generic shit no more creativity past the color scheme and the masks and fades.
I'll be damned if someone pushes the envelope, and don't get me wrong this comment isn't just aimed at you, it's aimed at all authors of this genre.
You did put in effort though, 6 from me.
[25.01.2014] D4RK » Sounding Waves [xDreww]

no twitch? no 10. only 11!
[25.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » The winner [SHEEN]
Didn't they teach you about broken aspect ratios, in school?
[25.01.2014] l0kkiclu » Sounding Waves [xDreww]
Lol ultimate procastination :P And see, I told you it'd take more than a week for them to premiere it. It's characteristically random-ish for a trance video but still fun to watch. 60fps is delicious.

The second half was noticeably better than the first though, how's that possible? Do you secretly work better under pressure? I need to distract you more often.
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil1085
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate772
3.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me666
4.Umika - Traumerei607
5.Nostromo - Running Man560
6.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast554
7.EvilSpider - Revenge553
8.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON523
9.ScorpionsUltd - All that you can't leave behind519
10.Aggressor - Act of Genesis519
11.Crossfade - The Stage502
12.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled498
13.Gidra - fu logic!492
14.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival487
15.SilentMan - Drawn Dream486
16.Umika - Sincerity477
17.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God459
18.Gidra - No Action452
19.VIDOK - Sexy434
20.S studio - D-ON!428
21.goЯz - Fracture421
22.Aggressor - De:Light420
23.impr3ssiv - noize419
24.Q&A - ChillOut408
25.Centurione - Pandora406
Blind Guardian - Barbara Ann
Dance, Fun
DJ Spoke - Watch Them Fall Down
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2013 23.12.2013  
Jesse Valentine (F-777) - I'm So Classy
Dance, Fun