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Tribel  [ Tribel ]
Delaware, USA
Video    Kyoukai no Kanata
Audio    EDEN - Gravity
Genre    Drama, Story
4:11 | 79,0 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:11 | 18,6 Mb. | 640x360 | H.264 / aac
4:11 | 249 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 19 « [1] 2 »
KEN13  [ 13 November 2017, 19:12 ]
Заезженная тема, но музыка вытащила всё. Неплохое сочетание))
ICEberg  [ 17 January 2017, 19:14 ]
все те же кадры
все тот же сюжет
боян однако
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 04 January 2017, 18:19 ]
It has its mood but too much contrast
leolide  [ 29 December 2016, 23:58 ]
this ok 10/10 would bang :cool:
Zebiru  [ 19 December 2016, 23:40 ]
1:06 - 1:13 Bad scenes selection cuz glasses disappear and appear again. Good CC in general and average music selection. Couldn't feel the emotion that u tried to pass. 3/10
PieandBeer  [ 16 December 2016, 18:18 ]
this video is so shiny and clean +AAA+ for me there is a sort of mood disconnect between the song and anime (like the drink too much part and the singer's accent in general) but that's just a preference thing on my part. this video is well done and the story differently comes through. i'm excited to see what you make next :) great job
maple leaf  [ 16 December 2016, 17:32 ]
The color contrast seem to be a bit much on the beginning and some scene's exposure was quite blown out, especially when you watch it in fullscreen,1080p.

Nonetheless, editing is solid. I like this AMV a lot and I hope you will make it into final. :wink: Good job.
Milky Way  [ 16 December 2016, 04:07 ]
приятная работа,но соглашусь с прошлыми комментариями - скучная
возможно,автор подобрал не тот трек и вся атмосфера полностью не была передана как задумывалось
Kvant  [ 16 December 2016, 03:13 ]
Очередной клип на этот исходник. Хотя, кажется, Я увидел новые кадры.
По мне в целом скучно и как-то блекло. Эмоции такой клип должен вызывать, кажется. Вот у меня ни каких эмоций не вызвал.
Романтика же, местами даже наверное неплохая, ну или во всяком, смотрибельная... что автор с жанром не определился (?)
Tribel  [ 16 December 2016, 02:52 ]

Yeah, I know it's going to be boring to a lot of people. It's really slow paced intentionally. I tried my best to channel my own personal emotions through my editing. A lot of people aren't going to be able to relate to that, and I understand. Thank you for the feedback though. It's always appreciated!
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AVERAGE SCORE:5.4 / 1053
VIEWERS:5.4 (30)CRITICS:5.4 (12)
EDITORS:5.4 (28)EXPERTS:6.5 (1)