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[25.12.2017] 777lexa777 » Moon&Back [asd4486]
такое себе какое-то, смешал тайтлы неудачно.
[25.12.2017] 777lexa777 » Finest Hour [Cenit]
тот момент когда исходник не нравится, а видео ряд динамично под музыку подобран, да еще с небольшим сюжетом.
[25.12.2017] 777lexa777 » Nozomi [Artofeel]
не могу оценить) слишком олдскульно)
[25.12.2017] 777lexa777 » This... Life [Freakinerd]
Как история не плохо, но музыка тут будто своей жизнью живет
[25.12.2017] 777lexa777 » The Sect [Armed]
на середине надоел. Динамики оч мало,
[25.12.2017] 777lexa777 » Limited Infinity [Awu]
атмосфера не совсем та
[25.12.2017] Li0n » Morpheus Fragment [Radical Dream]
Nice video, I enjoyed it!
[25.12.2017] Milky Way » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
мне понравилось
но пересматривать не буду клип точно
[25.12.2017] Эль-тян » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
Анна-Мария Барбоза, Жука ди Оливейро в роли Аль-Бьери, в атмосферном бразильском АМВ :lol:
[25.12.2017] Hilary Cullen » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
I'm honored to learn that! Your entry is my favorite so far as well; while I did like a handful of the AMVs premiered until now, yours was the only one I bothered to download and have been rewatching. I'm sorry you caught so much grief from people complaining about the song. Now that my AMV is out and I feel less shy around here, I'll be sure to make a detailed comment on it! Thank you for watching!
[25.12.2017] HonyxOtaku » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
Soo i think its a good amv you have a nice idea.. I dont think always a story is all!! You use good effects for the feeling and good material. And yea i think it was pretty good. :)
[25.12.2017] Whiterock » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
That's one magical AMV! We can only hope that everyone would check up the translation of the song before watching this :)
[25.12.2017] Rider4Z » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
My favorite entry So far. So nice to see mushi-shi.
[25.12.2017] Whiterock » Meteorite [FT AMVs]
Damn, if only anime would have ended like in this video without Deus Ex machina that saved everyone...

You did quite well delivering the feeling of the anime, but, as it was mentioned before "Kimi no Na wa." is a mainstream of this year in AMV, and just replicating the story is not enough to hit good scores.
Ans as buggy and NIGHT said, why did you have to ruin the original visuals so much? :(
[24.12.2017] NIGHT » ICARUS FEST [AMV] [WhiteRabbit]
Непонятная фигня.
1.  Russia625
2.  USA181
3.  Ukraine116
4.  China98
5.  Italy82
6.  France65
7.  Germany56
8.  Japan51
9.  Brazil44
10.  England40
11.  Belarus40
12.  Argentina29
13.  Canada28
14.  Greece26
15.  Spain24
16.  Hungary22
17.  Romania22
18.  Honduras22
19.  Mexico20
20.  Kazakhstan19
21.  Sweden19
22.  Poland18
23.  Lithuania15
24.  India14
25.  Indonesia11
Alex Daikou
Air, Beck, School Days, I''s Pure
Explosions In The Sky - It's Natural To…
Drama, Romance
Sayan Visual Studio
 AKROSS CON 2007 BEST VIDEO 17.12.2007  
Death Note
Celldweller - Last Firstborn
Character Profile, Thriller
 AKROSS CON 2013 WINNER 31.01.2014  
Metal Gear Series (artwork)
Puscifer - Horizons
Story, Serious