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[01.11.2011] peplozem » I found you in my dreams [Nяka-chan]
А неплохо!
[01.11.2011] 6apcuk-IIIaypMa » Slave [JazzsVids]
7... ну не то) хочу настоящих работ!!! я понимаю, что посравнение с тем что было... творческих успехов)
[01.11.2011] Cane » I found you in my dreams [Nяka-chan]
Я чуть не уснул, пока смотрел его, не смолтря на то, что клип короткий....в общем скучновато....
[01.11.2011] Cane » Alive or die [KSANDR]
Не фанат такой музыки, да ив целом не впечатляет клип...
[01.11.2011] altSquall » One Love Two Deaths [casper ft. vortex]
очень затянуто, звук хрепит. задумка неплоха но не более
[01.11.2011] altSquall » Come 2 Die [kurosakibruno]
хороший динамичный клип, понравилось...
[01.11.2011] Cane » Slave [JazzsVids]
Прикольненько =)
[31.10.2011] [Di]xlafos » One Love Two Deaths [casper ft. vortex]
Что со звуком?
По клипу: понравилось :smile:
[31.10.2011] ZetZu » Slave [JazzsVids]
I think this was really tight - Up until 2:25, after that point it felt as if you got sort of lazy with it, and it didn't hold the same standard as from the start of the video.

As it's been stated a million times before, I personally think the video would have had a better shot at winning in a different category - however, ther IS indeed drama in the video, since that is the main genre factor the content is presenting (story-wise, etc). But it gives off more of an Upbeat/fun feel with the visuals, and the audio.

But this scored 7.8/10 in my book,
nice work.

Edit: ...Aaand as I wrote this (1-2 days after watching this) the category HAS been changed. Congratulations. lol
[31.10.2011] cblpoera » Come 2 Die [kurosakibruno]
I think, you guys, made a very cool GMV.
It's dynamic, bloody and sometimes with interesting transitions.
Some parts I dislike. In short part with MK the synchro is bad.
But at all it's good action video!
P.S. your ending titles - it's epic fail. (sorry)
[31.10.2011] kain4ig » Come 2 Die [kurosakibruno]
уже видел такую работу помоему тостера точно не помню)) вобьшем оценка.... 5/10 удачи
[31.10.2011] Axiles » One Love Two Deaths [casper ft. vortex]
качество УГ..клип на 6
[31.10.2011] FunnyMan » One Love Two Deaths [casper ft. vortex]
мне понравилось! хорошая задумка!!!
[31.10.2011] FunnyMan » Come 2 Die [kurosakibruno]
не доставило!(
[31.10.2011] Hikado95 » Crawl [Toriko]
:be: 2
1.  Russia625
2.  USA181
3.  Ukraine116
4.  China98
5.  Italy82
6.  France65
7.  Germany56
8.  Japan51
9.  Brazil44
10.  England40
11.  Belarus40
12.  Argentina29
13.  Canada28
14.  Greece26
15.  Spain24
16.  Hungary22
17.  Romania22
18.  Honduras22
19.  Mexico20
20.  Kazakhstan19
21.  Sweden19
22.  Poland18
23.  Lithuania15
24.  India14
25.  Indonesia11
 AKROSS CON 2012 WINNER 14.11.2012  
Poe - Haunted
Horror, Story
 AKROSS CON 2008 FINALIST 08.12.2008  
Code Geass
Doom 2 OST - Gothic Sandy ReMix
Action, Drama, Character Profile
 AKROSS CON 2005 BEST VIDEO 15.12.2005  
Cowboy Bebop
Joshua and Servant Singers - Cells
Story, Drama