| [09.12.2011] Pocho_Love » VersuS [kami] | Some shakes and zooms were NOT unnecessary in the first part, there was a weird cut in the first song...The video game layout did not go with the romance theme considering the animes and songs used...Did not flow too well either. Overall, could have left a lot of stuff out and could have been much better. |
| [09.12.2011] Anthy_Videos » Har Meggido [Multi-Editor Project] | O.O Omphh!! yeahh!!! por fin es la primera vez ke pise esta pagina con un cachito de mi TWT.... Chikoss felicidades hicieron un excelente trabajooo siiiii ZA Es lo Maximoooo kyaam !!! |
| [09.12.2011] Xsenya » Unbalanced Love [LaGuNaLight] | Зачем Кубо Гина убил?! ...отвлеклась... 1. ПОЛЯ!! 2. Переход к титрам ужасен 3. За музыкой текста почти не слышно. Из-за этих 3 пунктов ставлю 8, но общее впечатление всё равно хорошее |
| [09.12.2011] xDreww » GloWinG [breX] | Love the song..like some effects but felt really random, coloring needed work I notice some twitching and some waving transitions, where you hit the beat, didn't feel right. Thats my opinion though.. You focus to much on hitting all the beats which was kind of an eye sore. 4.5 |
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| | Amazing Nuts!, Lucky Star, Magical Shopp… |
| | Various |
| | MEP, Dance |