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[04.12.2013] theredflash66 » Spill a Will [9eek]
The video is meh
[04.12.2013] IGORGOD » Spill a Will [9eek]
Более-менее доставило, не понравились шрифты(особенно сильно вначале клипа). Поставил 7.2
[04.12.2013] Anicsi » what is Life [Mariel]
The concept was quite nice, and i can tell that you tried really hard :) To give you some advice, work on the designs/presentations. Sometimes less is more. The background you used didn't blend in well with the rest of the scenes which were left without color correction (I also didn't get why some of the clips were masks and on that paper BG and other scenes weren't? not that everything has to be masks, but then try to lessen the contrast more) and the shadow/light combination around the masks is a real pity, because it makes them look so unclean. Clean masking is really difficult, but it's also really worth it if it's presented the right way. Same with the text, the design was just out of place. It'd maybe also had more impact if you had chosen a music that changed over time, like this it was a bit repetitive. Either way, lovely video, and as I said, I liked the concept ^^
[04.12.2013] Anicsi » Spill a Will [9eek]
Hm, i am a bit confused, like... okay it's action, so there doesn't have to be a super deep story behind it, but even for action, a bit of plot (or concept) is really important and I couldn't catch any of that in your video? Uhm, and then f.e. the slower part at 1:45, it'd have been really nice to have a change of mood here, something serious or slowing down, but the clips you used made it look a bit ridiculous. Maybe that's just the anime, though. Well, the editing generally was good, i just don't think it's a good idea to focus on lip synching in action videos :)
[04.12.2013] Тёмыч-кун » Spill a Will [9eek]
Не понравилось.
[04.12.2013] Cour » Spill a Will [9eek]
so-so video
[03.12.2013] Uniquevil » what is Life [Mariel]
What is life
baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more
одно и то жэ с этим смыслом жизни кароч :eat:
[03.12.2013] In.fest.ED » Spill a Will [9eek]
Randomness at its worst. :no:
[03.12.2013] In.fest.ED » what is Life [Mariel]
Мде :dunno:
[03.12.2013] RyslanDW » Never to Surrender [ColdBK201]
А где то само произведение
нету ссылки :sad:
[03.12.2013] EnIgMoZz2 » what is Life [Mariel]
Much emotion philosophy
[03.12.2013] Тёмыч-кун » what is Life [Mariel]
Когда только начинали делать такие клипы - это было оригинально и интересно. Сейчас же кроме разочарованного возгласа "Опять?!" клип не заслуживает ничего. Надоело одно и тоже.
[03.12.2013] BlacKOT » Spill a Will [9eek]
 Axiles @ 03 December 2013, 16:50 

Чувак, просто нет слов...
Прошу, пиши в личку, не засирай своими тупыми комментариями со словестным поносом, который так и выпирает из тебя...
[03.12.2013] micho91 » what is Life [Mariel]
I really liked it because it was a little bit special :) but as someone else said: the text could have been a little bit better. the font worked out but maybe you could have placed the text on the paper/behind the masks?
[03.12.2013] DEDninja » Spill a Will [9eek]
Твое замечание никем не будет учтено. Что за мода обгадить и уйти ничем не подтвердив свои слова? Тебя и слушать не собираюсь ибо сам ты Аксилес ни 100 коментов или 100 оценок никому не поставил. Твои рассуждения это пустые слова.
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