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[08.12.2014] KEN13 » Youth [kanimog]
Бодренько, аж настроение подняло. Спасибо )))
[08.12.2014] KEN13 » Rock With the Best Yaars [kokky]
Живенько и подвижно спасибо. Оружия персонажей походу были взяты из DMC ))))
[08.12.2014] KEN13 » Temptation [Legato2400]
Да неплохая работа, спасибо ))
[08.12.2014] KEN13 » Our Happiness on Rewind [Magicflier]
Хоть и не до конца был понятен мне сюжет, но в целом пойдёт на 4 потянуло ))
[08.12.2014] kyssifur » Not a story [Gidra]
It was a bit long, but I enjoyed it. Nice AMV.
[08.12.2014] KEN13 » Moon Powder [mastamind]
А что довольна таки интересная тема. Спасибо удивили ))))
[08.12.2014] KEN13 » Open Doors [moopet]
Яяяркоо, да и картинка плохая((( да и в сюжете ну уж СЛИШКОМ много мужских персонажей (((
[08.12.2014] kyssifur » You and I [Hlebalolomator]
Boobs :O

I like this :D
[08.12.2014] FunnyMan » Salvation of Kiritsugu [TsukiBito牛牛]
Very nice job. I like it))
[08.12.2014] Axiles » Salvation of Kiritsugu [TsukiBito牛牛]
хорошая робота!! Звук речи немного высокий, а так все понравилось. 9.8/10
[08.12.2014] Elixir » Blue Steel Fleet [Elixir]
 xGeminii @ 08 December 2014, 18:01 
This anime looks really neat, but you regret using it?

Well, main reason I used this was cause I didn't want to use an anime that was butchered many times, (this was one of those few anime I see that are pretty under-rated), and the ship battles would be interesting with this song (or so I thought). Thanks for the comment, though! :D
[08.12.2014] SnakeDeath » Lost Without You [SnakeDeath]

yeah right , next time I should spend more time on making AMV , anyway thanks for your comment ^^
[08.12.2014] Elixir » Salvation of Kiritsugu [TsukiBito牛牛]
First half was looking good, in my opinion. I feel as if you lost it after that. Also, a lot of that overlapping dialogue was a turn off for me, I could barely even hear the actual music in the second half. Overall, for me, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't on an MLG Quickscoping level either. Good luck.
[08.12.2014] Strat » Salvation of Kiritsugu [TsukiBito牛牛]
"Specail Thanks" 3:16 o.O
[08.12.2014] gabber1991md » Tranceition [Benreparn]
again this plexus xD
nway not bad overall =) good luck!
1.Echotrooper - Expiation84.3
2.Centurione - Petal80.0
3.seriy - Affective schoolgirls79.1
4.Tayo - Aurora Borealis76.4
5.AnimeFanaticBoy - Prelude to Death II76.1
6.Seliafel - Secrets of emotions75.7
7.Galia & Kitty - M.A.tsuri75.6
8.[key]Scarlet - Demon's Soul75.3
9.diegao94 - Downfall75.2
10.diegao94 - Erien75.1
11.AnimeFanaticBoy - Say GoodBye75.1
12.NightSlayer - Sincerely Yours75.0
13.S.A. Robert - Orion74.9
14.xDieguitoAMV - The End of My World74.5
15.Kyros - Unrequited Love74.3
16.diegao94 - Denial74.2
17.Kyros - Breath of Love74.2
18.cheeseharry - Intoxicated74.2
19.Okami - Dark City73.6
20.Kaito - Feelings in between days73.6
21.Rustem95 - Pursuit of love73.6
22.BerlitzxXx - Get Close73.6
23.Vej - SOS73.4
24.Tengy - Tengy - Rain can't go on forever73.3
25.Multi-Editor Project - Our Particular World73.2
[ full rating ]
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