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[21.12.2014] Unlucky Artist » Mars [YellowCookiexD]
A decent video but it seemed like it was all about sfx. Nothing else. I did like the overall cyberpunk feel it gave off.
[21.12.2014] InsanitySupporter » Revive [Meltopian]
Just pretty looking OP scenes.
They don't match eachother or the song.
[20.12.2014] Эль-тян » Revive [Meltopian]
Неплохо и довольно твёрдо хорошо сделано
[20.12.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Revive [Meltopian]
Nice recopilation, but it feels weak in terms of synch and flow. Not bad
[20.12.2014] Cambria » You and I [Hlebalolomator]
Меня вот что возмутило, почему чем взрослее целевая аудитория аниме, тем примитивней становится рисовка лиц? (Вопрос не к автору AMV)
[20.12.2014] Strat » Revive [Meltopian]
Well, I don't know what should I say, since you only choose good anime openings and you don't realize a really good work on the sync... It's enjoyable, but nothing more. There are some mask who can be better too, but I like overall :S 6.2/10
[20.12.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Revive [Meltopian]
Всех персов из опенингов просмотрели :D
[20.12.2014] kyssifur » Mars [YellowCookiexD]
It's not bad. I forgot to speak English for this moment, but I feel like you should have used more scenes to make the flow more steady. This music really does need a lot of "cuts" if you know what I mean, I don't think it's enough if you just put a lot of FXs and try to amuse everyone with them. Otherwise 'watchable'. Good luck!
[20.12.2014] Raynys » Fleeting [Sunlight]
Wrong soundtrack, i'm sorry
[20.12.2014] Elixir » Fleeting [Sunlight]
[20.12.2014] Yakumo-kun » Number 2 [kyssifur]
мой любимая еда бананы :D good job bro!
[20.12.2014] Хлебушек » Fleeting [Sunlight]
Будьте добры, объясните мне причину безудержного фапа на данное амв.
[20.12.2014] MIBIHA » Fleeting [Sunlight]
м/в хорошее, но с шейпами можно было и поаккауратней :smile:
[20.12.2014] InsanitySupporter » Simple and Clean [kutsu]
This isn't bad, it's just that the song doesn't fit this...
[20.12.2014] InsanitySupporter » Do You Love Me? [kurosakibruno]
You need to work in some technical aspects.
Also, sometimes the scenes didn't merged that well.
Your story-telling isn't bad, I think you can do it better, but is ok.
I'm sure you can make a masterpiece. this was good for a first try in a hard genre.
Keep working, I want to see your next piece.
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Dance58
10. Psychedelic58
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
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