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[21.10.2016] MsHassard » Woe Admonition [ZOD]
but nobody cares if you like it or no
[21.10.2016] Muchiro » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
Good! But as others say it too, the flow is lacking, and you battle to have a fitting sync. And... alternative? I searched for Wally, but I couldn't find him...
Anyway, I wish you good luck!
[21.10.2016] Muchiro » MARIONette [Genickus]
Not bad, but... It is really disturbing. I didn't like it, but the technique is quite alright, even good though the music doesn't fit from my point of view. And because the music (again, from my point of view) doesn't fit, the sync is not good.
Even so, I wish you good luck!
[21.10.2016] Muchiro » Little Miracles [Ashitaka]
What the... With so much material, you could have done so much more! And so much better... Disapointing at every level, was hoping for something better when I saw FF and KH... Try better next time!!!
[21.10.2016] HeroChaosGC » Little Miracles [Ashitaka]
4, You are doing well. The transmission of feelings was good,but need more selection scenes. The flow isn't so good,but is nice. You could enjoy more effects to use for synch. :wink:
[21.10.2016] HeroChaosGC » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
4. You need more synchrony,flow and be better in scenes selection,but you have future :smile:
[21.10.2016] Wedmag » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
Слабенько, даже не уровень ранних АКРОССов
[21.10.2016] Wedmag » MARIONette [Genickus]
Топорно, но смотрибельно, хотя и немного уныло. И как уже говорили не покидает ощущение как от трейлера "Следствие вели..."
[21.10.2016] Nekroz » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
Nice bruh
[21.10.2016] InsanitySupporter » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
The combo works but it lacks flow and dynamics (really important in action AMVs).
Sword of the Stranger has a lot of potential to be used in a GREAT AMV so I hope to see another video from you later using this movie, because I know you have future.
[21.10.2016] MesoGear » MARIONette [Genickus]
Ну, какая-то мало-мальски оригинальная авторская задумка присутсвует, что безусловно плюс, а вот реализация оставляет желать лучшего, получилось эдакое ретро, но к сожаление в не самом лучшем смысле, вторая проблема, это длительность, смотреть четыре с половиной минуты подобного видеоряда откровенно говоря уныло.
[21.10.2016] MesoGear » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
 Death_Kn1ght @ 20 October 2016, 23:44 
Одноразовый экшен-огрызочек.

[21.10.2016] axonjunior » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
Modest :dunno:
[20.10.2016] frosta » Little Miracles [Ashitaka]
Somehow it gave me cancer. So much cringe.
[20.10.2016] Death_Kn1ght » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
Одноразовый экшен-огрызочек.
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2.  USA181
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4.  China98
5.  Italy82
6.  France65
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Alex Daikou
 AKROSS CON 2006 WINNER 16.12.2006  
Foggy - Come Into My Dream
Dance, Fun
Kevin Caldwell
Kodomo no Omocha
William Tell Overture
 AKROSS CON 2008 WINNER 19.11.2008  
Utah Saints - Something Good (Van She 08)
Dance, Fun