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[09.12.2016] AnimeFanaticBoy » Invisible Embrace [DarkCat]
it was very pleasant yes
[09.12.2016] Axiles » Everdream [Ikatomaru]
слабенько 5,2/10
[09.12.2016] Gta iv86 » Apathy [Gta iv86]
Thank you <3
[09.12.2016] Ikatomaru » Everdream [Ikatomaru]
» AiaSnTropeaS
Thanks well it hasn`t been too long since i started editing an wanted to look what others think of my editing and wanted to get tips to what i could do better next time so i try to do better with the story and the transitions :wink: i still have much too learn :biggrin:
[09.12.2016] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
 Nanuk @ 05 December 2016, 13:02 

Thanks alot! I'm flattered, really glad you enjoyed it.

 [insertnamehere] @ 09 December 2016, 08:47 

Thank you very much!
The main reason it isn't riddled with interpolation artifacts is the fact that I was extremely picky when it came to scene selection, most action scenes gave me a hard time and some of them had to be scrapped entirely, but using masks and sometimes even mattes to help guide twixtor also helped considerably (I haven't got a clue what you mean by "32" in that context though), some examples here:

About the flow, after the calm intro I think some people weren't expecting the harsh jump cuts and scene selection which inclined the viewer to look at opposite sides of the screen constantly instead of focusing on the middle, this was necessary because every action needed a corresponding reaction for the events to have impact and feel relevant, also for the Kuleshov effect to take place, which played an important role when mixing several movies to create a single coherent fight scene.

 AiaSnTropeaS @ 09 December 2016, 10:01 

 Introvert @ 09 December 2016, 14:49 

Thank you both for the rating :biggrin:
[09.12.2016] Introvert » Numinous [MrNosec]
[09.12.2016] dumtumdum » Gloria Fortis Miles [Rider4Z]
i like it
[09.12.2016] AiaSnTropeaS » Numinous [MrNosec]
Bro... Congrats. 9.2/10 from me

9 10
9 9
[09.12.2016] AiaSnTropeaS » Generation "Fracture" [Chamomile]
Couldn't uderstand what was going on at many points, but overall enjoyed it! 7.2/10

6 8
8 6
[09.12.2016] AiaSnTropeaS » Gloria Fortis Miles [Rider4Z]
My kind of video :biggrin: 8/10

7 7
10 9
[09.12.2016] AiaSnTropeaS » WORLD OF THE GAME [wolf kun]
Really liked the idea, of integrating animes inside animes as parts of games! 8.2/10

8 9
8 8

Sweet video!
[09.12.2016] AiaSnTropeaS » Everdream [Ikatomaru]
THIS could have a lot of potential!!! your idea is really nice but the video itself is... Your transitions are waaaaaaaaaay too strong, stealing attention from the video, and the story you wanted to create... I didn't get it almost at all, it was too fast! your source anime and the scenes you used are pretty good, whats off is just your editing. sync is good, transitions bad, story really hard to notice (except from the end). You got good eye, keep up and good luck. 5.5/10
[09.12.2016] [insertnamehere] » Little Miracles [Ashitaka]
nice theme!
[09.12.2016] [insertnamehere] » Fate of the Samurai [DisOrder]
[09.12.2016] [insertnamehere] » No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop [TakayanagiPRO]
you need to be careful with static frames but nice!
1.Echotrooper - Expiation84.3
2.Centurione - Petal80.0
3.seriy - Affective schoolgirls79.1
4.Tayo - Aurora Borealis76.4
5.AnimeFanaticBoy - Prelude to Death II76.1
6.Seliafel - Secrets of emotions75.7
7.Galia & Kitty - M.A.tsuri75.6
8.[key]Scarlet - Demon's Soul75.3
9.diegao94 - Downfall75.2
10.diegao94 - Erien75.1
11.AnimeFanaticBoy - Say GoodBye75.1
12.NightSlayer - Sincerely Yours75.0
13.S.A. Robert - Orion74.9
14.xDieguitoAMV - The End of My World74.5
15.Kyros - Unrequited Love74.3
16.diegao94 - Denial74.2
17.Kyros - Breath of Love74.2
18.cheeseharry - Intoxicated74.2
19.Okami - Dark City73.6
20.Kaito - Feelings in between days73.6
21.Rustem95 - Pursuit of love73.6
22.BerlitzxXx - Get Close73.6
23.Vej - SOS73.4
24.Tengy - Tengy - Rain can't go on forever73.3
25.Multi-Editor Project - Our Particular World73.2
[ full rating ]
 AKROSS CON 2010 WINNER 24.11.2010  
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 AKROSS CON 2006 WINNER 16.12.2006  
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