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Mr.Memory  (TOS MAD CLUB)  [ Mr.Memory ]
Xian, China
Hello AKROSS! This is Mr.Memory from China. This is my first time to take part in a video competition and it’s also my first attempt to make a crossover. “Another” was the first anime I watched. It feels good to look back in time and be myself. In the past few months, a lot of authors and friends gave me advice during the production of this video, especially reAct. I want to thank everyone who helped me and also to you for taking your time to read this and support my AMV!
Video    Various [ Another, Hyouka, Guilty Crown, Hanasaku Iroha, Kyokai no Kanata, Plastic Memories, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru ]
Audio    Nightcall - Dead V
Genre    Story, Drama
4:03 | 35,6 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:03 | 16,8 Mb. | 640x360 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 37 « 1 2 [3] 4 »
S†eelshine  [ 05 December 2016, 07:16 ]
Артефакты интерполяции и "хлопорты" огорчают больше всего, но для начинающего автора вполне достойно.
Zebiru  [ 05 December 2016, 01:57 ]
Git Gud
Mr.Memory  [ 04 December 2016, 22:52 ]
I'm sorry that I can't read or understand Russian, but I think you made comments about the 3D scenes. Thanks! (◦˙▽˙◦)
Death_Kn1ght  [ 04 December 2016, 22:49 ]
Липсинк на 02:40 эпичен.
В остальном плюсую NIGHT'a , добавить нечего.
NIGHT  [ 04 December 2016, 22:46 ]
Кое-какие технические косяки есть - странноватый твикстер, слишком много врезанных в видеоряд слов, ненужное ''3D-размазывание'' в районе 01:50, блендинг в конце.

Но в принципе клип неплохой, смотреть можно.
Mr.Memory  [ 04 December 2016, 22:10 ]
I believe attempting to achieve something is better than doing nothing. I can't change your point of view, but I can certainly change my way of making videos.
Zebiru  [ 04 December 2016, 22:02 ]
Nice twixtor m8. If you don't know how to use it then don't. 1/10
Mr.Memory  [ 04 December 2016, 21:01 ]
maple leaf
Thanks for the approval! Most of the color tones was made by using solid layers and adjustment layers in After Effects. Changing the main tones was a creation I came up in mind at the start of making this video. I think the final result wasn't too bad, but it can absolutely be refined more. In future projects, I'll make the tones more unified. After I have gathered enough experiences I'll try my creations again. :smile:
maple leaf  [ 04 December 2016, 20:14 ]
I can definitely see the author's effort from the AMV, and generally this is quite nice, the flow of the story is okay although those FX and the choice of color tone could be refined better.

Well done and wish you good luck in the contest. :wink:
Mr.Memory  [ 04 December 2016, 19:17 ]
Thanks for taking your time to read my commentary and comments! I’m moved to see someone evaluate my video so detailed. That image you posted was intentional to work as a transition. During the making of the video I applied different input frame rate values for individual scenes to get the smoothest effect. The final result wasn’t as good as I expected. Some editors and friends suggested me to delete this effect and just use the original speed of footages, but I still insisted on using twixtor to make the footages slow and smooth to fit with the music. (◦˙▽˙◦)
« 1 2 [3] 4 »
AVERAGE SCORE:6.2 / 1058
VIEWERS:6.6 (46)CRITICS:5.7 (15)
EDITORS:5.9 (31)EXPERTS:5.5 (1)