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FadingSundown  [ FadingSundown ]
Nijmegen, Голландия
Видео    Wolf Children
Музыка    Jónsi - Go Do
Жанр    Story, Sentimental
3:51 | 69,1 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
3:51 | 15,0 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 34 « 1 2 [3] 4 »
skyrim  [ 26 января 2015, 08:16 ]
то что ты видешь на конкурсе клип с одного и того же аниме не повод...выплескивать нервы в коментах и ставить низкую оценку ^^ здесь 8
akira02sum  [ 26 января 2015, 06:54 ]
Your video expressed "触れ合う心" very well. Your video made me happy and a little painful. Thank you!
By the way I love Sigur Rós.
Darksss 73  [ 26 января 2015, 04:30 ]
Опять ???Зачем???Не ну правда,зачем, одно и-тоже .Надоело уже :abuse: 4/10.
InsanitySupporter  [ 26 января 2015, 01:54 ]
This has a nice mode, very heart-warming.
I like how you focus on the kids more than average wolf children AMV, they always focus on the father's death.
I think it lacks something for being impressive, despite getting something cute using this movie is quite easy, the large amount of videos using the source makes it difficult to create something that shines among the other ones, wolf children is the new 5cm/s, the new clannad...
However, I still liked this video, it brightened my day a little bit c:
FadingSundown  [ 26 января 2015, 00:38 ]
MycathatesyouAMV and kisaST, I am very happy to hear that you liked it! I agree on the pacing and the monotonous zooms, the song was hard for me to work with since it doesn't have beats, which is not an excuse. I should have varied with the directions, especially in the middle part and it is definitely something I will work on in the future! Thank you for your constructive feedback, it is much appreciated :).

Kristoo, I wish I could respond in russian, but unfortunately I cannot. I am sad to read that you did not like my amv story nor technical-wise, but I accept that everyone has his/hers own taste and opinion. So thank you for your honest comment.

Aoimina, Ligh[t] , Хлебушек and ЮККА thank you for your comments. Axiles, thank you for your high rating, it is very flattering!
kisaST  [ 26 января 2015, 00:04 ]
you touched my heart :D i 'm agree with mycathatesyouamv about the rhythm . Nothing really serious . Gl for the contest ;)
MycathatesyouAMV  [ 25 января 2015, 23:57 ]
The video has a nice mood and you've created some nice visual effects. There are some points where I feel the video is too slow for the pacing of the song. Also some of the constant slow zoom outs felt monotonous at points. It would have been nice to see you switch up the directions of them a bit here and there to create more dynamic. Overall I enjoyed watching it though and I wish you luck in the contest.
Kristoo  [ 25 января 2015, 22:43 ]
Видимо особые чувства тут будут только после просмотра исходника. Я же с исходником не знаком, и работа мне не понравилась ни по технике, ни по истории. Рассчитано на предпросмотр. 3.5/10.
Axiles  [ 25 января 2015, 21:29 ]
8,8/10 :wink:
Хлебушек  [ 25 января 2015, 20:59 ]
Смешались в кучу люди, кони волки, и родилась новая сверх раса людей-волков, которые вытеснили обычных людей.
Да, это естественный отбор, детка!
« 1 2 [3] 4 »
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