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FadingSundown  [ FadingSundown ]
Nijmegen, Голландия
Видео    Wolf Children
Музыка    Jónsi - Go Do
Жанр    Story, Sentimental
3:51 | 69,1 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
3:51 | 15,0 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 34 « 1 [2] 3 4 »
xGeminii  [ 30 января 2015, 10:14 ]
I always love your edits so much Lis T__T such a pretty video!! Good luck my dear! <3333
ICEberg  [ 30 января 2015, 08:44 ]
хороший годный трейлер
но не смотревшим канон история малопонятна (почему конкретно уехали и видения мертвого мужа)
Cane  [ 29 января 2015, 17:02 ]
Сюжетную линию потерял где-то на половине. Слегка затянуто, скучно, хоть и атмосферно. Но как уже заметили, на это аниме сложно сделать что-то совсем безэмоциональное. 6/10
FadingSundown  [ 28 января 2015, 00:53 ]
Bufer, I know that AMV is complicated, and I've learned a lot but always find that I'm never done learning. For me, I do find the song fitting and I like it, but I understand that some people can find this song to be bland, it has a happy tune all the way through, not much change, and even the singing probably doesn't suit the taste of some. Not everyone likes the same, which is good, but I can't do anything nor relate to a comment that just says 'boring' ;). As with most things, it is all personal opinions and different perpectives, so thank you for your honest view on my amv :)
Bufer  [ 28 января 2015, 00:22 ]
actually the song made this video boring, i admit that in some way this song suits the video, but i dont think many people will like it
I personally unlikely will ever watch this again even if i beleive that what i've just saw was good. AMV is a complicated stuff you know, some things you will learn with time, even i cant describe it properly , so you probably won't get it in the perspective that i wanted
good luck :)
FadingSundown  [ 27 января 2015, 23:27 ]
Hello people, this is my first international contest and I am happy to be on the Akross site. For the commentators, if you think I am rude or if you feel like I am insulting you, I apologize, this is not my intention at all. I want to learn from comments, and not be left wondering why you felt that my video was boring/bad.

nivekov123, nail46 and FunnyMan, I'm glad you liked it! skyrim, thank you for your nice words, and I appreciate the high rating. akira02sum, thank you : )! Their music is beautiful.

InsanitySupporter and Darksss 73, I do not think that Wolf Children is that easy to use, the story is difficult to portray properly, especially for the people that have not seen the movie. That AMVs using certain sources are well known/well placed on contests doesn't make another amv using the same source less in default. If it is a good edit, why would it be less than an equally well edited amv using a lesser-used/known source? That would be the same as saying that every madoka amv is easy to make, because the footage is epic anyways. Which is not the case at all.

Sorry for my long replies, but I want to make sure there are no miscommunications. If you want to discuss anything with me about what I said, or talk about different opinions, please PM me :).
Death_Kn1ght  [ 27 января 2015, 01:41 ]
Пу-бу-ду-бу-дум--и-и-и-и-и- , кхм, т.е. скукота, простите.
FunnyMan  [ 26 января 2015, 21:53 ]
А мне понравилось. Nice job)
nivekov123  [ 26 января 2015, 15:32 ]
Variy naisu, loved it
nail46  [ 26 января 2015, 14:59 ]
Очень эмоциональное амв. Как же красиво показал автор эту нечеловеческую любовь и семейный очаг, музыка трогает до глубины души. Одно из лучших на коне. 10/10
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