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ACRLover  [ ACRLover ]
Ski, Norway
"If you think reality is just living comfortably and following your own whims, can you seriously dare to call your self a soldier?"
-Eren Jäger

Humans seems to have found their superiors and desperately as they are, they strive to take back what they once had. Will their effort ever be enough?

I used most of the time focusing on the story rather than going all flashy around with effects, hopefully MY effort will be enough for a finalist place.
Video    Shingeki no Kyojin
Audio    30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill (Bury Me)
Genre    Action
4:07 | 63,8 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:07 | 16,2 Mb. | 480x360 | H.264 / aac
4:07 | 111 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 51 « [1] 2 3 4 5 6 »
Mariana  [ 03 Febuary 2014, 15:51 ]
Простенько, но смотрится... Но, где синхра?
leo_milla  [ 03 Febuary 2014, 14:02 ]
Нет особого впечатления от просмотра данного клипа, слишком простенько... Но можно полюбоваться нарезками из Титанов)
Karasik  [ 24 January 2014, 22:32 ]
ICEberg  [ 13 January 2014, 18:13 ]
простенькая нарезка, но что-то тут есть
даже с внятной историей
хотя синхра хромает на обе лапы
Saferon  [ 12 January 2014, 14:42 ]
Саферон британский повеливает,клип не о чем,все моменты припева потеряны,динамики никакой,если 1-й клип то нормально.
Domius  [ 10 January 2014, 22:08 ]
Non mi dice nulla, mi spiace.
La canzone dei 30 second!
MouseBollocks  [ 22 December 2013, 13:53 ]
Boring, I'm afraid. There were chances for some nice sync that passed you by, and as a result the video isn't very exciting to watch.
DemonKurama  [ 20 December 2013, 21:07 ]
You didn't remove the ghosting thingy - a typical newbie mistake. The lines were painful to watch. :facepalm:
777lexa777  [ 04 December 2013, 16:57 ]
Синхи нет, динамики нет, под такую анимеху можно было сделать нечто супер фееричное надеюсь на конкурсе что то еще будет на эту аниме.
andrewbee  [ 04 December 2013, 05:53 ]
You disappointed me right from the start.You had an interesting beginning then you show flowers for the powerful opening lyrics! 'What if i wanted to break" and you show f****** FLOWERS!!! I was hoping you redeem yourself but you didnt! You have an awesome material to work with but failed to tap into its potential.

You need to work on your story telling skill before editing skill. If this was about Jaegar, you should have built the amv around him. If this was about the corps, the same treatment focusing on key players. To me it felt like, like the City was the story.

Research! Watch more good amvs and workout the structure and be better!
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