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RP Productions  [ NocturnalNerd ]
Greenfield, USA
I chose this song because it is one I have been able to relate to, since the passing of my father a short while ago. Crisis Core came to mind when listening to it, and the character Zack reminded of my father because they were both in the army.

I decided to join this contest and do this video in remembrance of my father, who always supported and encouraged my dreams.
Video    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Audio    Trading Yesterday - Shattered
Genre    Drama
2:48 | 17,4 Mb. | 960x720 | H.264 / aac
2:48 | 7,48 Mb. | 480x360 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 34 « 1 2 [3] 4 »
akira02sum  [ 20 November 2012, 07:59 ]
I watched your another amvs. Those take the same way of expression. I think that once in a while you should try the different style. It will improve your expressiveness.
chocobojockey16  [ 20 November 2012, 04:34 ]
I think you picked out some really nice scenes for the song, Crisis Core is one of my favorites so I could feel all the emotion. The only thing is the presentation should be cleaned up and refined, but I think you have what a lot of cleaned up videos lack, and that's some feeling or depth. So just clean it up, and perhaps choose a more unique song, but I enjoyed it.
theredflash66  [ 20 November 2012, 02:45 ]
I didn't really like it. The overlay was useless, the quality and effects were bad. 3
JazzsVids  [ 19 November 2012, 23:52 ]
Crisis Core has a very sweet story and this song is touching. It's special when you can make something to help you cope with reality, so emotionally I like this.
But on a video perspective, this song is quite overused. Also I think your video would look a lot better without the texture overlay. It distracts from your clips. Good luck with the contest.
monialiskaAMV  [ 19 November 2012, 22:59 ]
or broken glass ;) on second thought
monialiskaAMV  [ 19 November 2012, 22:58 ]
Would look way better without those snowflakes on top ;)
trahelman  [ 19 November 2012, 22:49 ]
No comments...
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 19 November 2012, 21:12 ]
Hmm, no :sad:
Archer090  [ 19 November 2012, 20:59 ]
идея неплоха, но реализация.. оконный режим, рандомная нарезка, "разбитое стекло", что перекрывало пол изображения.. могло быть и лучше..
mexoboy  [ 19 November 2012, 20:30 ]
:lol: :lol:
« 1 2 [3] 4 »
AVERAGE SCORE:3.7 / 1030
VIEWERS:3.6 (55)CRITICS:3.5 (23)
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