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Oeuvre  [ SUBreX ]
Kolkata, India
This video was made way long time ago by me. Upon going through my laptop i found this one. Did some minor change and here it is. Hope u all like it for at least.

I tried to go with lyrics meaning to resonate the meaning of the whole video.
The lyrics "And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be, Right in front of me, Talk some sense to me" meaning was largely converted into this AMV.
"A boy trying to find courage and confidence to overcome his fear/insecurities or anything and he found those courage/confidence through his friends whom he actively tried to avoid. At the end of video(3:30),he finally realized that it's his friend from whom he found his courage/ confidence."

If anyone watch the "Silent voice" would probably understand this video easily.
But for audience who didn't watch that movie, hope you all get it through the video. Thank you.
Video    A Silent Voice
Audio    Amber Run - I Found
Genre    Character Profile, Story
4:51 | 146 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
4:51 | 360 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 21 « [1] 2 3 »
okhostok  [ 20 December 2024, 13:33 ]
My favorite from this contest.
Rely  [ 19 December 2024, 23:51 ]
nice story
Klertrol  [ 17 December 2024, 00:10 ]

А не всё так плохо, оказывается. Несмотря на проигрышное положение по месту очереди, из всех трёх мне больше всего приглянулось это. Особенно момент с медленным выездом на путь аттракциона. Хвалю.
Armed  [ 16 December 2024, 12:57 ]
Понравилось, хоть и технически простенько.
RikiTikiTak  [ 15 December 2024, 02:27 ]
Одно и тоже
yoshiyoshi  [ 11 December 2024, 04:45 ]
A nice video
Cubito  [ 10 December 2024, 21:20 ]
A great improvement since last year. Congrats
ICEberg  [ 10 December 2024, 18:47 ]
все те же кадры
все тот же сюжет
история внятна, но показана этими же кадрами уже в сотнях клипах

и так и не понял смысла черных полей
Megamen  [ 10 December 2024, 18:42 ]
Смотрю список участников и в голове сразу играет песенка.

Исходник задрочен до степени monogatari... Остановитесь !
sucubus  [ 10 December 2024, 17:55 ]
Тот случай, когда видишь название аниме, и пропадает желание смотреть клип. Сколько можно его дрючить!?
« [1] 2 3 »
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