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Bean d'Тінь  (Yellow Rue Studios)  [ Bean430 ]
New York, USA
Hi everybody, I use Movavi Editor (from July 2017) Mac Version. Now on the video. I decided to to do a amv that is a aspirational dream one. This is not made for the purpose of peace versus war argument, but a story of a soldier (blonde hair with beard) that wants to go see his family even if for a video chat, but the soldier cannot go see them and he is not able to video chat due to regulation. (though he hopes he can get one) of course that's not the end of it,he is also is finding his place with the other soldiers in the base he recently got transferred too. but as he goes into the Christmas season he analyzes his life through some of his memories and feelings both in the past and current trying to come to terms with everything. and maybe he might be able to get that video chat he wants. The yellow 'light leak' frame indicate flashbacks (The editor did not have white light leaks for that area of the screen, and it grew on me.) Parts of it have a message that is naive but one of wonder of a time when there would be no path to see or communicate friends and love ones because of violence scenarios and worries. Also to be clear, all interactions are meant to be friendly minus the family ending, this is not meant to be a romance video of any sort. It is also lyric oriented with a very deep concept listed above.

It is also my first time I partially altered the scenes other than just layering by adding an id in the beginning (The scene altered was one with the car) and in a different program with the scene at the end with the computer. At one point I question my song choice, hoping it was the appropriate mood for the soldier's journey and considering it was a challenge finding Christmas scenes in anime (and I thought I was going to use different song this year). but in the way it kind of links everything together as I even put Christmas music for the ending credits for many of the years I competed and I hope this speaks to all the people who do not get to see or hear their love ones for Christmas. In a way the akross contest has become a Christmas tradition for me all on its own along with all the traditional Christmas traditions I have and I think this song took it seriously enough. I also used for the intro instrumental at the beginning of the Christmas song. a vocal (Acappella) portion of the english version of dis as listed in the credits.

detailed information on making it, and author's looking back. (since it is longer this is separate from above. This is for people want to know more about the creation since I noticed every year there are questions on that.)

I decided to using a new and hopefully cool username, I found word Тінь translating the word darkness. The definition from Google translator explanation fit the direction of being a Reflective Shadow and trying to make deeper and intriguing videos. on another note this is my sixth entry (and year) for akross con which would make me tied for 20th place of the most years entered for this contest. I can barely believe it has been over a half a decade since my first submission but it has. which is related to another reason why I decided to try a risky gamble with this idea, something with a complex storyline not completely related to the show. I had many ideas but this pans out the most. also I did use adobe premium pro 2019 for the last scene with the computer. I made a jumpy because that seems to be how most of the shows screens are supposed to look like anyway. The green part on side of the last scene is supposed to be a little screen cover thing on the edge of the Computer, (at least my family's desktop pc computer from childhood had one), I would not recommend Adobe even though I used it. (with the exception of photoshop) if you do not wanna scream every time you use it but it was necessary to do a frame by frame thing to make sure the other picture did not peak out, (let us just say i used to complain about Movavi until i used Adobe, and the frame thing is also not good for music splicing, which I occasionally do if a music track need to be edited to fit my needs) and for the opening credits I used PowerPoint 2011 (but ending credits still in regular editor). Ok I made some excuses but I have to wait to this contest to end and a different one to make sure I did not ruin both. I made this one originally for Anon Con 2022 but the deadline for that Contest I thought was going to pass because I made this back on the deadline was In the end of December. It is also the reason the credits were done differently than the rest of my amvs with less 'polished' 'полированный'. of course a lot of things happen between the end of December and the beginning of January ageing this video bad before I even posted it particularly 'the truce'. I still did the best with what I got and think it can transcend both boundaries.

but if I learned one thing this year it is to always separate your episodes and never keep them in the 2 hour disk length (unless I guess the ones that I 'already used' to avoid the 'cannot locate' notification).

here are explanations to the timeline since I use different character pictures for different times of his life.

Brown hair - 20 years old

blonde hair with beard - current (main character)

blonde hair with cross - (Younger 7/8 years , older one 14 years)

(there is also a secondary brother story line from blue exodus, if you wanna fit that in the other timeline I would have him be 16 years.)

It took me a while to find a photo of something similar after realizing it is a generational thing. Mine has the same plastic holders as this one but more bulky near the base and only protected against touching as a obviously cheaper generic. (
Video    Various [ Absolute Duo, Initial D, Tekkaman Blade, Blue Gender, Rosario+Vampire, Vampire Knight, Witchblade, Kiddy Grade, Max Steel (2000), Max Steel (2013), Kids on the Slope, Blue Exorcist, Invasion America, Infinite Ryvius, Blue Gender, Chrno Crusade, Skyers 5, Hikyou Tanken Fam and Ihrlie (Ruin Explorers), Go Lion, Revolutionary Girl Utena, 07Ghost, Descendants of Darkness, 11Eyes ]
Audio    Joss Stone - Bring on Christmas Day, Mika Arisaka - Dis
Genre    Sentimental, Story, Character Profile
4:33 | 130 Mb. | 960x540 | H.264 / aac
4:33 | 28,6 Mb. | 848x476 | H.264 / aac
4:33 | 171 Mb. | 960x540 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 17 « 1 [2] »
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 16 January 2023, 05:30 ]
It was you Jean. Good to see you took advise from Last year. There's Still space for improvement but good luck in the contest
Bean430  [ 16 January 2023, 02:38 ]
The description is not all on the video. Mostly it is about the creation and reflecting over 6 years in contest. I also do not know how long it wait untilI also do not know how long it was until it premiered because the text box in uploading it is actually very small. My video does not need that much to explain the concept. But I am thankful that you care enough to comment Dr.RockMVs, it is longer than I thought when I view it.
Dr.RockMVs  [ 16 January 2023, 00:09 ]
If you have to write such a long description to explain your amv, that is a sign that your amv might not be good.

Your amv should be able to speak for itself.
ICEberg  [ 15 January 2023, 18:44 ]
зачем такая длинная простыня описания?

нечитаемые вырвиглазные шрифты
отсутствие нужных переходов
периодически вылезающие левые кадры
местами сюжетно необоснованная оригинальнае аудиодорожка
совершенно разные стили рисовки исходников и неудачные попытки вставки живого видео
случайные смены сезонов без сюжетных переходов и хоть какого-то обоснования
история не прослеживается
профайлы не раскрыты
рождественско-новогодних кадров и милых тяночек - НЕДОСТАТОЧНО для сентиментала

не тянет даже на слайдшоу
crash88ctamv  [ 15 January 2023, 13:25 ]
Hi, the beginning I didn't understand if it is an infomercial I have something else.... Scenes 16:9 would have been better for viewability seems to see a video that breaks and then joins, I have of continues in four thirds I have in sixteen ninths the work should make it clear merry christmas, but the scene selection in some points do not really fit, some points are there but you should overhaul all the work, because in my opinion and to be fixed at the basic level, scene selection, not leaving out the synchronization points hello.
Darksss 73  [ 15 January 2023, 03:01 ]
В начале кавалерийская ( Под титры) музыка > Потом вижяние вокалистки.
Не,е,е,е это явно немое. :sad:
Danny AMV  [ 15 January 2023, 02:19 ]
хорошее видео удачи в конкурсе мне понравилось :smile:
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