Sufjan Stevens touched my soul with this song back in the day when I first listened to "Carrie and Lowell". I hope to touch at least some tiny bit of yours with this video.
Thanks a lot to all the people supporting and pushing me. Great things to come. Much love.
Oh... this video captivated me. I do not know what to say... It feels like, I am watching this not with my eyes, but with some deepest core inside myself, "My little Versailles". I liked everything in this video, it is so simple yet so complex. 10.
В какой то момент становиться слишком много блюра, а вообще мне клип очень понравился, пока одна из лучших работ, что увидел на этом конкурсе, автору удачи!
The font selections (0:00,0:36,1:40) and the grading feels rather cheap at parts, and some compositions feel uneasy to watch (2:09, 2:16) most probably because of the confusing camera movements. Tho despite it's flaws the atmosphere is actually spot on, especailly 1:21-1:26 with the dog barking sound too, overall turned out surprisingly enjoyable. Also I was actually kind of a fan of the distortions you introduced to the video, a nice touch to sync and storytelling. 6/10
It feels like, I am watching this not with my eyes, but with some deepest core inside myself, "My little Versailles".
I liked everything in this video, it is so simple yet so complex. 10.
Also I was actually kind of a fan of the distortions you introduced to the video, a nice touch to sync and storytelling.