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Akoraun  [ Akoraun ]
Минск, Беларусь
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Видео    Naruto Shippuuden
Музыка    Red - Fight Inside
Жанр    Action
5:02 | 94,5 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
5:02 | 19,4 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 44 « 1 2 3 [4] 5 »
Armed  [ 27 ноября 2014, 17:51 ]
А клип случайно делался не под другую музыку? О.о Нет? А очень похоже!;)
Cane  [ 27 ноября 2014, 14:43 ]
Очень долго, бесконечная рябь глазах, в общем не осилил, клип слабоват по всем параметрам. 4/10
micho91  [ 27 ноября 2014, 04:48 ]
 Elixir @ 26 November 2014, 15:49 
-Unfortunately, this video was just as I expected the moment I saw the video source

well. ok I don't think it's fair to judge a video before even looking at it, even if it's naruto or not. Naruto seem to have this "bad" stample when it comes to editing. But I think the reason to this is because there are soooo many people out there using this anime when editing... overused so to speak. *I'm one of those waiting for the day when there will be an awesome Naruto amv*
To take this anime and to make something new/awesome is really hard. I think, however ,that your video is OK, It's not superawesome but it's also not the worst thing I've ever seen :3 I think you can make something much better in the future :)
axonjunior  [ 27 ноября 2014, 01:51 ]
Dazzled :facepalm:
FunnyMan  [ 26 ноября 2014, 23:03 ]
Слабовато. Аж в глазах рябит.
Reaver  [ 26 ноября 2014, 22:52 ]
Я, вообще-то, люблю клипы с быстрой сменой сцен, но предупреждать же эпилептиков надо - некоторых может и поколбасить под клип.
Второе это звук, непонятно откуда местами хрипы, исходник что ли такой?
Эль-тян  [ 26 ноября 2014, 22:35 ]
Первый клип по наруто который понравился в уходящем 2014 ом
Axiles  [ 26 ноября 2014, 21:04 ]
2/10 :sad: :spy:
Лисёнок-тян  [ 26 ноября 2014, 20:22 ]
слишком много движения, но мне нравиться)
Elixir  [ 26 ноября 2014, 18:49 ]
Well, I apologize if I sound harsh for this comment:
-Unfortunately, this video was just as I expected the moment I saw the video source. A bunch of random scenes of whatever episodes you download just put together on the timeline, using a song that has been burnt out by millions of YouTube standard AMVs for years now (but don't worry, least you didn't use Linkin Park) with no flow, not focusing on the music, completely unfitting, and called it a day.
-All of that flashing and layered video tracks constantly coming in and out for the ENTIRE video is a MASSIVE turn off. Never do that. It's straining on the eyes especially for certain people.
-Action videos shouldn't be this long. Putting the length of such video over the timeframe of 3:00 or 3:30 pretty much means its probably going to really drag out. Sorry, but it came to the point I wanted to stop watching this really early into the video.
-Next time, for your next video, whatever song you use, please find the highest quality bitrate of it so it sounds much better than this. It sounds like you downloaded this off of mp3skull or YouTube at 30kbps.
Good luck with your future works.
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