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AMVs Gimenez: I really liked the organization there in this contest, and I hope they continue like this, there critics who give you a nice review that future projects can serve you, good people to share opinions, in general I like this contest.

buggy: A few amvs were pretty good and i got to see new techniques and stuff.

Cegan: The way that the participants choose who they think is best instead of judges for the entire process.

Chaiberry: I like how organized it is.

Coach: The diversity, you could see influence of past entries in some and completely new ideas in others. The fact that it happened when it almost didn't is something I'm so grateful for as I never had entered before, entering Akross at least once is something I desired.

Deviant: Понравилось то, что я вышел в финал.

DrPenguin: Participant's Panel. I'm little sad more contests don't have such a thing, it makes life of an editor a lot easier and less stresful.

FT AMVs: the organization, voting mode, the diversity of countries, the variety of genres, the criticism.

Geingel: The presentation of the videos in the site.
The staff was kick checking your info, technical aspects, ...
Everything is well explained. You have all the warning to know what you mustn't do under any circumstances.

Hilary Cullen: I liked being in a international contest for the first time and seeing how editors from other countries interact with each other and offer honest feedback. It's been an interesting experience, with so many capable editors competing.

HQ: Everything is fine!This is my first time to participate in AK.It's an enjoyable experience and so glad I can be chosen in finalist,I really look forward AK2018!

irriadin: I enjoy the different international communities that participate. It really brings the whole world together, and different countries have very different editing styles and approaches to their videos.

iSynister: akross made me know each other editor and made the relationship there .

JFmoon: Transparent and open voting mechanism

JustRukia: Еще живем.

KAquarius: The fact participants from all over the world.

Kawai ishi: То, что я попала в финал :D было весело спасибо, что дали осуществить давнюю мечту

Kroner: I really enjoyed seeing how many editors joined akross. People from all over the world came here to see our works and that's awesome. I also really like the way the contest is set, I like to see categories, viewers choice and allthis stuff, it really add something at the con instead of the classic winner, 2th,3th place.

leolide: ur mo m gay

MesoGear: Оценочная система, отборочная(если так можно выразиться) система, единственное, для большей прозрачности, оценочную комиссию можно было бы и оглашать, хотя бы при подведение итогов конкурса.
Фидбек, который я вот прям сейчас пишу...

MikuriAki: Идеи авторов

Miso: it is really professional...i mean: the homepage, the ratings for the AMVs, the rating for each categories, The JURY and the international participants. it has a high level.

MycathatesyouAMV: The encouragement for users to participate, and how the videos are premiered.

Nards: It was a chance to get to know the community more. I'm a little closed off when it comes to the editing/AMV community. I don't speak to many people and that leads people to believe I'm stuck up or have sometime of inferiority complex. I don't. I like to meme a lot and am actually quite a laid back person. It was really to show that people can criticize me, cast me out as an egotistic AMV maker, hate me, love me, but I will always hit them with the biggest smile on my face.

Nekroz: ORGANIZATION!<3 Good job ^^

peco@mv: have more contestants

PriceQ: nothing

reice: зрительское голосование, выявившее 5 клипов, авторы которых заняли последние места в конкурсном финале

Rider4Z: I like the variety of editors/editing.

UnluckyArtist: Diversity of editors.. the competition..

vontoki: Can see a lot of great AMV work.

Yemoemoe: 最喜欢13年的金奖作品


buggy: I don't know why but most of the amvs were bad this year.

Cegan: The "premiere" schedule for videos, I would prefer it to be more regular and not skip days (unless there are no amv's waiting to be premiered)

Chaiberry: I disliked not being able to edit my video info before the end of the contest, since I forgot to put a genre in my genre tag.

Coach: The pushing back of the due date, there were plenty of things I could have improved in my own entry.

Deviant: Не понравилось то, что я до сих пор не понимаю по какому принципу происходит отбор клипов для финала.

DrPenguin: Categorizing AMVs for the finals votings - for example an AMV that is based on story isn't in story/plot category (Delusion).

FT AMVs: Nothing.

Geingel: There's too many steps in all the process of registration, uploading, voting, ...

Hilary Cullen: There was nothing I particularly disliked about this contest. There are unhelpful, arrogant viewers everywhere, so I don't take that into account.

HQ: Many viewers leave their comments in RUS.It's really frustrating I cannot communicate with them.

irriadin: I feel like many Akross videos are beautiful in technical production, but lack any kind of substance. The idea that creating a crossover automatically elevates your work is a notion that needs to die.

iSynister: i dislike the commentator in every video which only made us down with his correction like a smarty people and they didn't appreciated our works.

JFmoon: nothing

JustRukia: Немого огорчил отсутствие хороших заводных клипов, уж слишком много романтики и драмы.

KAquarius: Nothing.

Kawai ishi: Даже не знаю...

Kroner: that's something that goes above the contest itself, I didn't like people reactions and how friendship can influence results. For example I was not satisfied by the last 5 finalist chose by people cause I think that were people there just cause they were added just cause there were lots of people from their own country or firends that wanted to, even if they didn't deserved. That's something you guys can't control unfortunatley

leolide: ur mom gay

MesoGear: Процесс загрузки клипа.

MikuriAki: Клипы, которые вроде как нарушают правила конкурса, но на конкурс прошли (про это и на форуме писалось)
И муки финального голосования(очень много бланков)

Miso: I don´t know...mmmh?

MycathatesyouAMV: The finalist selection. Some great videos that didn't have any or barely any effects got left out, while a few effect heavy videos made finals, but they were poorly executed.

Nards: There's not really any dislikes for me. It was a chance to get some good feedback.

Nekroz: The form of avaliation.
I think it's already outdated... every contest has to have judges!

PriceQ: nothing

Radical Dream: too many of bad amvs this year

reice: kyle_m

Rider4Z: It's difficult to review/rewatch videos for scoring. I wish there was a way I could look at the videos in the order of how I scored them.

UnluckyArtist: ...triggering your anxiety in a variety of ways, from registration till now

vontoki: It is a little inconvenient for participants in voting section.

Yemoemoe: 没有


buggy: It's alright as it is.

Cegan: I would let all amv's be uploaded right when they have gone through technical checks to not make the authors wait

Chaiberry: I would like to be able to edit my video info before the end of the contest.

Coach: Stick to a deadline and if we could somehow force everyone who registered to finish XD just because the finalists voting would've been much more fun.

Deviant: Допустить участие откровенных клипов: с матом, обнажёнкой и расчленёнкой; в особой категории (без возможности онлайн-просмотра).

DrPenguin: Be a little clearer about where can I upload my AMV after it's been premiered. For example AMVNews? Studio channels on youtube?
Also I want to know who the judges are.
Maybe force people into categorizing their AMV into up to 2 categories that they are then in voted in.

FT AMVs: Nothing.

Geingel: I would like a simplified voting. I prepare the overall voting but I wasn't prepare for so many categories. Too much too evaluate for so many videos. I may be able too evaluate some things, but others I'm not that expert.
I would like after the video is published in the contest been able to publish it anywhere. That is too much time to wait and I want to publish it without knowing if I'm the winner or the last one. If you publish it after the result there will be some prejudices about your video knowing your result in the contest.

Hilary Cullen: It'd be good to have short descriptions of what's expected of every genre in a special section of the rules. The criteria for some genres are easy enough to figure out, but others may be more nebulous and difficult to look into, so when editors register, they may not know where their video fits in. I had this problem and there were also quite a few videos with blank spaces in their genre. It may be due to this same problem, so I think having this section would be helpful.

HQ: NP!I am looking forward AK2018

irriadin: Please be more transparent about who the judges are in Akross that pick the finalists. I feel that many of the videos in finalists are selected purely for their interesting technicals and / or effects, regardless of the substance or emotional connection in the work.
Also, please give us more time to vote. There's hardly any time between when the voting opens and when it closes. A week would be nice!

iSynister: i hope, there is a filter comment for our AMVs so that if any haters comment to our video, it doesn't make other's respond following that haters. this is a contest, of course will be the haters to judge that our video is worst etc and they want to win this contest with that way (comment every video that our editing is bad blablabla to make other's sight be negative too to our vid).

JFmoon: nothing

JustRukia: Ну немного хотелось, чтобы правила конкурса было как можно на больших языках (такие как китайский к примеру). Но это разумеется если есть такая возможность. В остальном хочу лишь пожелать всем здоровье.

KAquarius: Nothing.

Kawai ishi: не знаю) все отлично

Kroner: I would change how people interact and influence the contest. In a perfect world where everyone is honest your system will be the best, but like this as I said previously friendship took a really to important part, and that's a shame honestly

leolide: ur mom gay
dont die for next year
or ur mom more gay

MesoGear: Упростить, оптимизировать, автоматизировать процесс заливки клипа на конкурс.

MikuriAki: Кто-то жаловался на то, что слишком много повторений в заполнении всяких бланков. Собственно поддерживаю - заполнять по несколько раз одну и ту же информацию довольно утомительно. И было бы хорошо всё таки иметь возможность менять ник или подписываться иначе(не то чтобы собираюсь, но а вдруг)
Ещё не очень удобно, что вводить Всю информацию о клипе надо До его заливки. То есть клип ещё не готов, дорабатывается, а нужно заполнять размер\<вес и т.д., приходится делать это "на глаз"

Miso: maybe you, Evilspider, give the finalists a personal Feedback ; )
or from your Jury.

MycathatesyouAMV: More time to vote would be great. Also allow any video to be voted in the genre categories.

Nards: No. I feel Akross is what it is because the way it has been. Don't fix it if it's not broken.

Nekroz: In the rules? nothing! Is perfect!
The forum has a serious problem ... It does not generate links, all links go to the home page, I think this is a serious problem that should be fixed, but I know you are aware of this!

PriceQ: nothing

reice: пересмотрел бы не совсем неудобный алгоритм загрузки видео

Rider4Z: see 2.

UnluckyArtist: to give the editors a way to vote a genre for the videos, especially if the video doesn't have a genre or the genre is debatable.

vontoki: In participant's comment, it not that easy for foreigner to understand other people cuz they don't speak English.
So it will be better for set a translator on COMMENT section.

Yemoemoe: 邀请往届获奖者参加作为表演组 如果还有下一届的话
感谢主办 感谢管理员 谢谢你们这些年坚持将比赛办下去,涌现出很多优秀作品

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 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2017 24.01.2018  
Zhu x Dj Mustard x Dj Snake - Faded 2.0
Psychedelic, Comedy, Fun