ЧТО ВАМ БОЛЬШЕ ВСЕГО ПОНРАВИЛОСЬ В НАШЕМ КОНКУРСЕ? | TritioAFB: -The fact that all the events involving the AMV Contest (deadlines) were done in time.
Axel d'Arc: I liked the fact that i got to see so many cool edits and find out about great editors.
bbsnypur: Seeing all the various types of videos and being able to vote on who I believe was the best of the best.
buggy: some amvs were nice..so i liked that
cecco: The amount of foreigners editors which participate.
David Heli: То что победителя выбирают только те кто участвует .
Death_Kn1ght: Он всё ещё цветёт и пахнет =)
Esencia de Iris: All, the contest is the best way to make us, the editors, better than before.
Joskua: I like how the site allows not-so-famous editors to get more recognized when doing a nice entry. I also enjoy there's people from many countries, you can meet new editing fellows (:
JustRukia: Все еще живем, пока.
kawaimi-chan: Комментарии. Возможность узреть мнение так называемых независимых экспертов. Это мотивирует
Kolombina9: Очень много очень разных клипов, которые интересно было посмотреть. А также почитать замечания других участников на свой клип.
kuruta: The contest I like for the way of presenting the videos and the results, always with high expectations and suspense
Kyci: Community was really great in given opinions, Better or worse. (No pun intended, really did help.)
leolide: :V its fun
MetL storm: Что конкурс всё ещё существует. А если серьёзно, понравилась форма голосования по номинациям, и обилие хороших работ. Отмечу и качественную организацию, всё своевременно и без сбоев.
Mr.Memory: The contest provided a platform for contestants from all over the world to compete and share experiences.
xGafuditoAmv: The votation system
MrNosec: It is indeed very well organized and simple to follow, even for a first time participant. The diversity is also amazing, many editors from nearly 30 different countries make the contest much more interesting and diverse, which enables me to see a lot of feedback and acquire new perspectives on my own video, also great to find out about new shows and songs.
NanaMi: Providing opportunities for editors to communitace with each other
PieandBeer: Seeing all the weird stuff people will make! It's really cool what people will make when not pressured to make a video suited for a general audience (for example Slice of Life and Fishes).
reyzenamv: The organization
Rider4Z: The number of countries that choose to participate.
Sebacarp: Not much to highlight. The contest is losing interest over the years.
S†eelshine: То, что это один из самых "старых" и уважаемых амв контестов.
TakayanagiPRO: The organization, of course, and the nuances of the contest and website functions. The opportunity to be r(h)ated by editors; visibility for our works; get recognition and, not less important, see many AMVS! It's a season of new and original works, something communities need so much; and this contest, considering his popularity, opens the doors to see true enthusiasts of anime and music.
Tribel: The categories were appropriate.
UnluckyArtist: The Akross site itself looks nice and organized, it takes a while to figure out how to navigate for any non-russian readers though.
wolf kun: I like to enjoy the process of making AMV he made me grow
xDieguitoAMV: Love the page and how videos are premired on it day by day. Hope the contest can get more participation like it was in the past because it deserves it.
ЧТО ВАМ БОЛЬШЕ ВСЕГО НЕ ПОНРАВИЛОСЬ В НАШЕМ КОНКУРСЕ? | TritioAFB: -The first AMV Contest from AKROSS I really felt unsatisfied: starting with the less amount of participants, less participation from the organizers, and the fact that different from other years, nominations werent announced. It felt like the contest was happening but like the same editors had to bring the fun to the contest. -the fact that none of the AKROSS members showed to participate
Axel d'Arc: I didn't had problems with the contest but because this was my first time it was a little confusing for me,but in the end everything was fine.
bbsnypur: I liked the voting, but it did take a while to go through everyone and rank them. Pretty time consuming.
buggy: being accused of plagiarism because i used a ghibli movie as my source. wtf
cecco: In this contest, the particularly the low quality of videos in overall.
David Heli: Первый отбор в финал который проводится лично судьями были хорошие клипы которые не прошли и много треша попало в финал нужно более ответственно подходить к выбору.
Death_Kn1ght: Наши авторы обливают друг друга негативной критикой, зарубежные же кучкуются вместе и толпами выходят в финал. Не конкретно что-то не нравится в конкурсе, а подход русскоязычного комьюнити. Давайте уже помогать друг другу и быть более активными, иначе дальше и Акросс и БК станут очередными JapanExpo.
Esencia de Iris: The few participants in the contest of this year, the contest is really good, but i would have liked more paraticipants
Joskua: Lately there aren't too many unique and innovative entries as it used to be, but I know it ain't your fault. Some categories placement seemed weird this year.
JustRukia: Малое количество участников и низкая активность.
kawaimi-chan: Касательно самого конкурса без претензий. Просто в этом году было мало достойных работ. Все очень затянутые и бессмысленные. Очень тяжело было выбрать 20 лучших
Kolombina9: Не было такого.
kuruta: Perhaps the system of votes should be improved since many times are chosen friends over really good jobs
leolide: :V its too red
MetL storm: Превью версии клипов.
Mr.Memory: I dislike the arrangement of contestant's nationality. Taiwan is a part of China. However, wolf kun, an editor from Taiwan, his nationality is being considered as an independent country, not China. As a Chinese contestant, it's sad for me to see Taiwan being regarded as an independent country... As a Chinese citizen, I have the responsibility and rights to protect the completeness of my country.
xGafuditoAmv: that some participants starts uploading their videos in november and the contest finish in january
MrNosec: The quality of the videos wasn't as great as usual and a lot of high profile editors did not make an appearance, so it ended up feeling a bit lackluster compared to previous years. And of course there are the inevitable troll and hateful comments which can be found on nearly every video in this contest thus far, which is pretty sad to witness, but that can hardly be blamed on the contest itself now can it?
NanaMi: No dislikes
PieandBeer: There were a few troll commenters that did not contribute to the contest. Additionally, videos released early were easily forgotten as it is a bit hard to go back this far in the video archive and/or people just look at the ones on the front page/comments.
reyzenamv: Nothing
Rider4Z: Reviewing videos for the purpose of voting is technically difficult.
Sebacarp: The comments of some users. Every year he becomes more intolerant.
S†eelshine: Небольшой дисбаланс в жанровом распределении клипов по номинациям.
TakayanagiPRO: Misunderstanding and some hater attacks, which was quickly neutralized (I guess).
Tribel: Lack of contestant anonymity.
UnluckyArtist: It feels like there's a really high bar.. that in order to be a winner you have to be good with after effects and mask out anime characters and combine them in some crazy way while using the latest special effects.
wolf kun: I do not like making AMV AE ERROR
xDieguitoAMV: I do not like the deadline extensions in the last days. This happens every year and people that particpated on the contest before are expecting the deadline to be extended. But the new editors probably don´t know about this, and maybe they hurry up thinking "Ok i have to finish my video for december" but then it happens that the deadline is extended and maybe you already send the video.
ЧТО БЫ ВЫ ИЗМЕНИЛИ В ПРАВИЛАХ КОНКУРСА, ЧТОБЫ ОН СТАЛ ЕЩЁ ЛУЧШЕ? | TritioAFB: Bring active people that would take care of details from the contest, not only the boss himself
Axel d'Arc: Nothing comes to mind right now,i would say that as long as you guys do your best to keep the rules very clear everything will be fine.
bbsnypur: Maybe not let novices in. They really don't stand a chance against those with experience and their videos tend to get pushed to the side... Maybe advise that novices are welcome, but there are usually a lot of professional who may enter the contest. Just to let them know what they're in for.
buggy: from what i've seen last year, as in how people voted, i think the votes are not very objective because some editors give high scores to their friends or studio colleagues. it's a bit like eurovision - new winner every year but you know how every country is going to vote so what i'm saying is that a system with experienced judges that are not biased might be better
cecco: Nothing.
David Heli: Да все норм вроде как :) маленькое наставление в "не понравилось в вашем ..".
Death_Kn1ght: Они и так безупречны :)
Esencia de Iris: Nothing i think
Joskua: Honestly I don't think about anything rn.
JustRukia: Спасись сам, и вокруг тебя спасутся тысячи.
kawaimi-chan: Наверное, стоит сократить длительность конкурсных видео до 3х минут, включая титры. Дабы не уснуть на середине.
KiyoT: i dont know :)
Kolombina9: Я участвовала в первый раз, поэтому меня все вполне устроило. Даже не знаю, чтобы вам посоветовать..
kuruta: Would remove ftp to upload amvs
Improve voting system
I would respect the main deadline
Kyci: Making confirmation emails, accounts, uploading in a shorter process. Making some of the information a bit easy to follow. Mainly in the uploading screen if possible. Had a hard time with it.
leolide: no :V
Mr.Memory: No suggestions
xGafuditoAmv: That all videos should be upload it in the same time
MrNosec: You should definitely start allowing 60fps videos to be streamed instead of having to download them, like AMVnews for example, maybe change the video player? The maximum file size limits should be increased considerably if possible, it hurts to watch the standard version sometimes. Also the participants themselves being the judges feels kinda awkward to me, they can simply vote for their friends or studio members, not because their video is objectively better, but because they are biased. Maybe there were too many finalists? 70 participants and 40 finalists feels very forgiving, it also makes voting very time consuming.
On a final note, also kinda subjective, maybe you should consider attracting more contestants, since the contest seems to be declining in numbers and video quality with every passing year, how does one get more people to participate? Good thing I'm not running any contests cause I have no idea, maybe give out small symbolic awards to the winners like a custom made statuette à la Big Contest, or a nice little package with cool stuff, but give it more zazz, make it yours, this is Akross after all.
NanaMi: No suggestions
PieandBeer: Perhaps give strict definitions on what video categories are prior to the competition. There were people just going around commenting on how videos didn't fit certain categories, but these category definitions definitely differ by region and individual.
Additionally, I would appreciate if the video listings contained the correct anime and music. I found several with errors or omissions (some errors even in the credits!)
reyzenamv: no
Rider4Z: I wish I could review scores I leave in detail instead of just the average. Like which I thought was technically strong compared to how much I liked it.
Sebacarp: The fact that a participant can not publish their video in AMVNews until the end of the contest. To this rule I can not find the meaning. Because if the author can not do it, but another user can do it, I can not find a difference between what the author or another user does, because after all the video is the same. They should change that rule.
TakayanagiPRO: Generic response: absolutely nothing. In my opinion, all the rules are in the right place, but they can be improve, like all the things in the universe. Add something new... I don't know! Everything was good for me.
Tribel: Make entries anonymous until after final judging.
UnluckyArtist: Nothing, seems like it's already as good as it can be for as long as the contest has been going on.
wolf kun: keep
xDieguitoAMV: Nothing, the only rule that i disliked on the past was that the author was not able to published their video on other sites after 1 week of being premired. But now this rule was eliminated so there is nothing i dislike from the contest´s rules
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